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Wykłady prof. Miroslava Vlceka z CEMNAT 28-29.05.2019 CNBCh

Zapraszamy na wykłady:

Prelegent: Prof. MIROSLAV VLCEK
Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii (CEMNAT), Wydział Technologii Chemicznej,
Uniwersytet w Pardubicach, Republika Czeska

Wykład pt.: Chalcogenide Glasses – Materials with Unique Properties and Functionalities

Termin: 28.05.2019 r., godz. 10.00 – 11.30

Miejsce: CNBCh UW, sala 0.38

Lecture will be devoted after short introduction of all research activities of Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies mainly to chalcogenide glasses (ChGs) which are semiconducting optical materials with unique properties and functionalities, e.g. high refractive index, wide IR transmission window, many of them are sensitive to photo- and/or electron beam exposure, they posses high nonlinearity etc. etc. Some examples of ChGs applications, e.g. for fabrication of optical elements in IR optics (fibers, planar waveguides, ….), sensors, optical recording discs, extremely high resolution e- beam resists and optical security devices for the protection of government documents will be given.


Seminarium dla studentów: Lithography for glasses or glasses for lithography?

Termin: 29.05.2019 r., godz. 10.00 – 11.30

Miejsce: CNBCh UW, sala 0.38

Maybe strange title of this seminar… We all know glass as a hard, brittle substance, usually transparent or translucent made by rapid cooling of fused mixture of sand with soda and lime. That´s all. Why we should apply lithography for glass processing ? And even worse – how glasses can be useful for lithography ? It sounds really strange. If you want to learn the answers on these questions and get acquainted with some unexpected glass applications than this seminar is exactly tailored for you…. And bonus for all incoming – brief introduction of possibilities shorter/longer stages at Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies, FCHT University of Pardubice.

Data publikacji: 24 maja 2019

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 29 maja 2019