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Seminarium Wydziałowe 27.05.2019

Dziekan Wydziału Chemii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego zaprasza na

27 maja 2019 (poniedziałek), o 15:00,
w Sali im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie (I piętro, obok Dziekanatu)

[Centrum Materiałów i Nanotechnologii (CEMNAT), Wydział Technologii Chemicznej,
Uniwersytet w Pardubicach, Republika Czeska]

wygłosi wykład

„Micro- and nanostructuring of high refractive index glasses – how and why?”

Serdecznie zapraszam Pracowników, Doktorantów i Studentów Wydziału Chemii,
oraz inne zainteresowane osoby.

Dr hab. Andrzej Kudelski, prof. UW



In this lecture critical review of various micro and nanostructuring techniques of high refractive index chalcogenide based glasses will be given. It will be shown that due to lower rigidity of their structure in comparison with classical oxide glasses ChGs structure can be easily modified by exposure to suitable radiation. Furthermore their composition can be locally modified by exploiting radiation induced diffusion and dissolution of some metals. All these structural/compositional changes result- in selective wet or dry etching which allows ChGs surface structuring. Low rigidity and relatively low softening temperatures allows their surface to be also corrugated by direct laser writing method or by embossing. Particular examples of ChGs applications will be presented. Brief introduction of other research activities of Center of Materials and Nanotechnologies, FCHT University of Pardubice will be also given.

Data publikacji: 17 maja 2019

Data ostatniej modyfikacji: 27 maja 2019