23 października 2020
A constant increase in the incidence of the disease in Poland, the noticeable absence of academic teachers, and the insufficient possibility of substitution of teaching staff are the main reasons for the decision on organizational changes in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021.
The changes are valid from October 26, 2020 until further notice:
1) theoretical classes will be held in a remote mode;
2) students may research in subjects leading to the submission of their diploma thesis;
3) elements of laboratories that can be run remotely will be run remotely within the current schedule;
4) the parts of laboratories that cannot be taught remotely are suspended.
Vice-Dean for Student Affairs: prof. dr hab. Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga
22 października 2020

UW MA students, doctoral and postdoc researchers can apply now for an online “Warsaw 2020 MAKEit Fruit & Veg MAKEathon”, organised by UW in association with EIT Food and Institute for Manufacturing of the University of Cambridge. The application deadline: 12th November.
The University of Warsaw is part of EIT Food – Europe’s leading food innovation initiative, working to make the food system more sustainable, healthy and trusted. EIT Food supports innovative and economically sustainable initiatives which improve health, access to quality food, and environment. It comprises 50 partners from different countries including, among others, University of Warsaw, University of Cambridge, Technical University of Munich, Autonomous University of Madrid, companies such as Robert Bosch GmbH, Nestlé, PepsiCo, Siemens or Sodexo. More information >>
The Warsaw 2020 MAKEit Fruit & Veg is a hybrid MAKEathon that comprises a series of live online activities on modern solutions during the first two days and subsequent remote prototyping, followed by pitching. The participants will work online in teams to create new business ideas and product concepts that could help the fruit & vegetable intake become more sustainable not only during the COVID-19 but for future disruptions such as climate change and other pandemics. The ideas will be converted into physical prototypes using the world class high-tech industrial equipment with the support of prototyping experts from a Makerspace.
Due to the spread of COVID-19, the hackathon will be held remotely on:
- 20th-21st November, 10:00-16:00 Hours (CET)
- 26th November, 16:00-18:00 Hours (CET)
The event is dedicated to UW MA students, doctoral and postdoc researchers. It is also open to employees of industrial companies, entrepreneurs or people who consider establishing a startup in the field of fruit and vegetable processing, fresh produce online shopping and delivery, packaging, product design, etc.
To take part, please fill in a registration form >>
For questions, please contact Mansour Esmaeil Zaei, the EIT Food MAKEit project coordinator at the University of Warsaw Faculty of Management: mez(at)wz.uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
20 października 2020
Prof. Karol Grela (WCh, CNBCh UW) is one of the beneficiary of the H2020 MSCA ITN-EJD Project. He will be the supervisor of two Early Stage Researchers in the Project. The main topics of the research are (1) preparation of new Z-selective olefin metathesis catalysts and their utilisation in synthesis of alkenes with defined stereochemistry and (2) preparation of hybrid catalysts composed of dedicated Ru-complexes immobilized on Janus dendrimers and their application in catalysis performed in green solvents such as water or supercritical carbon dioxide.
CCIMC (Coordination Chemistry Inspires Molecular Catalysis), a new project coordinated by the CNRS and funded by the European Commission has started in March 2020.
The CCIMC project is an Innovative Training Network of the “European Joint Doctorate” type funded by the European Commission that addresses the current lack of coordinated doctoral training at the European level on molecular catalysis. It aims to push the frontiers of knowledge in ligand design, coordination chemistry, pre-catalyst development, catalyst recovery and catalytic process implementation, while also offering full scale training in professional and personal transferable skills. Beside scientific objectives, one important challenge is to train a new generation of junior scientists able to meet the economic and societal challenges of the chemical industry in the 21st century.
The project officially started in March 2020 and will run for 4 years until February 2024. A consortium of 9 academic beneficiaries from 7 European countries will develop coordinated projects involving 15 doctoral students. The innovative training approach also involves 8 partners from the industrial sector that are fully integrated via established secondments for the PhD students and participation in the theoretical training and Network meetings.
Several events will punctuate the project during 4 years: three International Workshops, two Tutorials, one Core Course and one International School. The Core Course will take place in October 2020, in Warsaw (Poland). The two Tutorials will be organized in York (October 2021) and Lyon (October 2022). The first International Workshop will take place in Toulouse in May 2021, jointly with the 5th edition of European Colloquium on Inorganic Reaction Mechanisms (ECIRM; https://ecirm2020.sciencesconf.org/). The two additional International Workshops are planned in April 2022 and March 2024, and will take place in Leipzig (Germany) and Barcelona (Spain), respectively. Finally, the international School is programmed for April 2023 in Bucharest (Romania).
Learn more about CCIMC project: http://www.ccimc.eu/
Contact: ccimc@lcc-toulouse.fr
Twitter account

In November 2020, the 4EU+ Alliance and the School of Global Health at University of Copenhagen will be holding a new case competition for bachelor and master’s students as well as doctoral candidates: the Urban Health Case Challenge. This year’s case will focus on the resilience of society during a pandemic.
The topic of urban community resilience in times of COVID-19 takes its point of departure in the community responses to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Together with a local team, participants will work on a solution to a given case question that will be revealed on the case challenge’s first day, 23rd November. Ten students from the University of Warsaw, divided into two teams, will compete with teams from other universities to offer the best solution to this question. Each team will present its solution in front of an expert jury at a pitching session on the last day of the case challenge, 27th November.
The competition has been created to strengthen the university students’ competencies and commitment to solving real-world problems through practical, theoretical, innovative and interdisciplinary learning. In addition, the participants get the opportunity to engage in a highly topical case from the real world and work in an innovative and interdisciplinary manner.
The competition will take place from 23rd to 27th November 2020. It will be a mixed-format with both local and physical activities in each city as well as online aggregated sessions. It is mandatory to participate in the live sessions on 23rd and 27th November, but in-between the participants will dispose of their own time. During the competition, the teams will be trained in developing and concretizing their ideas so they can present them convincingly at the finals.
UW students and doctoral candidates willing to take part in the challenge are asked to submit their applications to Dr. Marta Jaworska-Oknińska (marta.jaworska-okninska[at]adm.uw.edu.pl) by 22nd October. At the University of Warsaw, the challenge was formalized as an OGUN: Urban Health Case Challenge (2400-ZEWW827-OG). All the nominated students will be registered for this course.
More information about the Urban Health Case Challenge can be found on the School of Global Health website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
19 października 2020

On 16th October, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the University of Warsaw Rector issued a new ordinance on the functioning of the University of Warsaw during the epidemic state announced in connection with SARS-CoV-2 virus infections.
Due to particularly high infection rates, Warsaw has been classified as a “red zone”, and new restrictions have been announced. The Rector of the University of Warsaw issued the document regulating the principles of operation of UW:
- Educational classes being part of the 1st, 2nd and long-cycle studies are conducted only on a remote basis (practical classes can be an exception). Heads of educational units announce lists of these classes and inform their participants about them by 20th October 2020;
- Educational classes, being part of doctoral education, postgraduate studies, courses, are conducted only remotely;
- Exams will be conducted only on a remote basis.
- Open events, meetings, gatherings and celebrations at the premises of the University of Warsaw with more than ten participants are suspended;
- In duly justified cases, it is allowed to organise events, meetings, gatherings and celebrations of a cultural or scientific nature at the premises of the University of Warsaw with seats, provided that every fourth seat is made available to participants, the distance between participants should be at least two meters, and the number of people in the room cannot exceed 25% of the number of seats;
- Meetings of the bodies and collective entities of the University of Warsaw and other bodies take place only remotely.
- Doctoral examinations in proceedings aimed at awarding the doctoral degree, instituted by 30th April 2019, in the primary discipline corresponding to the topic of the doctoral dissertation, additional discipline and a modern foreign language, as well as examinations in the scientific discipline, in proceedings aimed at awarding the doctoral degree, instituted after 30th September 2019 are conducted only remotely.
- Defence of doctoral dissertations and habilitation colloquia will be conducted only remotely.
- Summer schools dedicated to students and doctoral candidates will be conducted only on a remote basis.
- Heads of organisational units may order employees to perform work remotely.
- Sports facilities of the University will be closed until further notice.
Detailed information on the operation of the University of Warsaw during the pandemic is included in two documents: the Ordinance No. 233 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 16th October (in Polish), and in the Ordinance No. 217 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw of 29th September 2020 (in Polish).
The new ordinance entered into force as of 17th October.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
16 października 2020
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Prof. Joanna Trylska,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: A few tips on writing research articles in English
Date: 23th October 2020 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83985838886
Zoom Meeting ID: 839 8583 8886
CeNT UW Webinars – instruction for attendees
I will talk about English writing skills for non-native speakers, focusing on research articles. I will give examples of „dos and don’ts” to make writing accurate, brief and clear.
October 15, 2020
Due to the unstable epidemic situation and the establishment of the red zone in Warsaw from Saturday, I decided to suspend classes with students in contact (including laboratory classes) in the period from October 16 to 25, 2020.
Classes covered by the previous announcement (lectures, exercises, pro-seminars, and seminars) are held remotely.
Vice-Dean for Student Affairs: prof. dr hab. Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga
13 października 2020

The University of Warsaw Volunteer Centre organises five online multicultural meetings on the Polish culture, covering interesting facts regarding music, movies, celebrations and customs. To participate, one is requested to register by 19th October.
UW Students and graduates involved in the university Volunteer Centre will present topics related to the Polish culture. Schedule of the meetings:
All meetings will be conducted online on Google Meet. The link to a meeting will be sent after the registration. To sign up, one is asked to email the UW Volunteer Centre on wolontariat[at]uw.edu.pl. Application deadline: 19th October.
Detailed information on the meetings >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
The increase in the incidence of disease in Poland, overlapping classes for some students, the problem of ensuring epidemic safety for students listening to remote lectures at the Department of Chemistry, the expected increase in the absenteeism of students and academic teachers were the basis for the decision to increase the number of remote classes.
In the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021 from 15.10.20 until further notice, theoretical classes will be held in asynchronous remote mode or synchronous remote mode with simultaneous recording of classes. All practical classes (laboratories) will be held in contact or in contact with remote elements.
10 października 2020
Laboratory of Computational Biology seeks candidates for the graduate student in Bioinformatics/Computational Biology at the Biological and Chemical Research Center (Faculty of Chemistry), University of Warsaw. Project: OPUS 2019/33/B/NZ2/02100 „Development of a new protein-protein docking method based on the flexible docking of short peptide fragments” – financed by the National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 23 October 2020. For more info see >> pdf