Energetics and Nuclear Chemistry

The goal of the program consists in training chemicists and physicists well prepared to work in the field of nuclear chemistry and physics. The Programme includes mandatory courses (e.g. Nuclear Chemistry, Radiation Detection and Dosimetry, Subatomic Physics) as well as electives. The latter enables students to develop their individual interests. Special attention is paid to the practical skills in work with radioactive materials, radiation detection and measurement.

Profile of the graduate
Graduates have general knowledge about all main fields of chemistry with special attention to nuclear chemistry and nuclear physics. Graduates are trained to be ready to work with radioactive materials and solve problems in advanced nuclear chemistry or physics. These qualifications are appropriate for employment in research institutions, R&D laboratories.

Energetics and Nuclear Chemistry Programme is conducted in Polish.
The graduate has the opportunity to undertake further education at PhD Studies.

Website (PL): Energetics and Nuclear Chemistry

Courses within this programme are conducted in Polish. However, there is a possibility of conducting selected courses in English for international students.