Seminar CeNT 14.01.2019
12 stycznia 2019

The Centre of New Technologies 

invites to a seminar by

 Dr. Łukasz Szatkowski,
University of Cincinnati

„Mechanical stability of microtubule lattices – molecular dynamic indentation studies”

Date: January 14th, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor

Host: dr hab. Joanna Sułkowska

For more details, please see the attachment.


Seminar CeNT 11.01.2019
07 stycznia 2019

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Prof. Anna Ciemerych-Litwinienko,

University of Warsaw (Biology Department)

From Pluripotency to Myogenesis”

Date: January 11th, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Marta B. Wiśniewska

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 4.12.2018
29 listopada 2018

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Prof. Pavel Jungwirth

Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of Chech Academy of Sciences

Biological Water or Rather Water in Biology?

 4th of December 2018 at 2 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Dr. Piotr Setny

For more details, please see the attachment.


Seminar CeNT 30.11.2018
27 listopada 2018

A kind reminder about the upcoming seminar by Dr Remigiusz Serwa, on „Proteomics Core Facility @CeNT”.
The event is scheduled for November 30th, 2018 at 12 p.m. in room 00.142.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 23.11.2018
19 listopada 2018

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Magdalena Winiarska, PhD

Medical University of Warsaw

Tumor microenvironment – a key barrier to effective anti-tumor immune response.

23rd of November 2018 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Marta B. Wiśniewska

For more details, please see the attachment.


Seminar CeNT 15.11.2018
14 listopada 2018

A kind reminder about the upcoming seminar by Dr. Alexander Schug, on „Simulating the molecular machinery of life”.
The event is scheduled for November 15th, 2018 at 12 p.m. in room 00.142.

Please note that this week the seminar will be held on Thursday, that is tomorrow.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 9.11.2018
31 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Dr. Peter Virnau, on „Knots in DNA, Chromosomes and Polymer Melts”.
The event is scheduled for November 9th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 24.10.2018
19 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Ian Collinson, „Mechanism of protein translocation through the bacterial Sec machinery”.
The event is scheduled for October 24th, 2018 (Wednesday) at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 18.10.2018
16 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Marek Tchórzewski, on „The ribosomal GTPase-associated center as regulatory element modulating ribosomal modus operandi”.
The event is scheduled for October 18th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 12.10.2018
09 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Jose Luis Ferran, on „Brain induced changes in motor responses and fat tissue content during a forced exercise program in rodents”.
The event is scheduled for October 12th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.