10 czerwca 2022

Starting the 6th June the 2022/2023 Foundation Year has been launched for international student candidates. The course programme includes not only English language learning classes but also various activities related with the Polish culture and academic life.
The Foundation Year is an intensive one-year English language course for international candidates to study in Poland. The course participants should communicate in English on the B1 level at least. To begin the studies in English, the B2 level is required.
The classes are conducted by English language teachers of the Centre for Foreign Language Teaching, the Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners “POLONICUM”, as well as lecturers of the selected faculties of the University of Warsaw. The Office for Academic and Student Affairs is responsible for the administration of the course.
The course registration is open via the Internet Recruitment for Candidates System (IRK) until the 29th June. The admission step-by-step guide is available on the Office for Academic and Student Affairs website >>
Detailed information about the 2022/2023 Foundation Year course, registration and required documents, as well as the study programmes offered in English, is provided on the Office for Academic and Student Affairs website >>
The Foundation Year classes cover:
- 450 hours of English (4 times a week)
- 120 hours of Polish for beginners (2 times a week)
- Social Path module (outings and online activities)
- Seminar with field specialists (1 or 2 times a week)
Contact details:
email: foundationyear(at)adm.uw.edu.pl
phone: +48 22 55 24 083,
+48 22 55 24 077
Almost 30 study programmes in English
In the 2022/2023 academic year the University of Warsaw offers 25 study programmes conducted in English. The programmes cover both first-cycle and second-cycle studies, also in a part-time mode.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
06 czerwca 2022
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for a candidate to work in a scientific project: „Unorthodox concepts in olefin metathesis”, programme Maestro supported by National Science Centre position: Student (1). Deadline for applications: 19 June 2022. For more info see >> pdf
02 czerwca 2022

All the employees of the University of Warsaw are invited to take part in a picnic within the UW Library Gardens on 10th June. The event is accompanied by music and sports activities. Registration is open through 6th June.
On the coronavirus-caused period, traditional meetings for everyone, who works at the University of Warsaw, are back again. The event in the UW Library Gardens creates opportunities for chatting and meeting directly those who usually talk on the phone. Music and sports activities promise extra adventures.
The meeting starts at 16:00. Registration is strongly advised. The system is open through 6th June. The registration form is available here >>
“The Picnic for the UW Employees, 2022” on the Facebook >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Recruitment procedures for the “Solidarity with Ukraine” programme start on 6th June. The course lasts from 1st July to 30th September. The National Agency for Academic Exchange granted 350,000 zł to the University of Warsaw for this project.
The National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) granted the funding of 350,000 zł to the University of Warsaw. The awarded funding is allocated for scholarships of students and doctoral candidates who had to flee from Ukraine and decided to stay in Poland.
One of the modules is dedicated to the Ukrainians who hold the status of a student in Ukraine in the 2021/22 academic year, crossed the border of the Republic of Poland not earlier than 24th February 2022, and intend to continue their studies at the University of Warsaw.
All participants will receive free education, as well as a scholarship of 1,500 zł per month.
The main aims of the course are:
- learning Polish, with an emphasis on communication and vocabulary useful during studies,
- learning English,
- preparation for the studies at the UW, i.e. learning its structure, rules and regulations, as well as various opportunities,
- adaptation to new circumstances,
- providing basic knowledge about Polish culture and communication in the multicultural environment,
- strengthening personal, social and digital competences, including skills in coping with stress, mental resilience, time management and organisation of own work, team work, learning techniques, operating information systems essential in the education process.
The inauguration of the course will take place on 1st July. Participants will learn about the programme and the rules of participation, about the structure of the University (who is who), and find out what fields of studies and opportunities of research are offered by the UW.
After the official part, there will be a walking guided tour around the Main Campus of the University of Warsaw. The participants will learn about its history and interesting facts, as well as the people associated with the UW.
Each participant is offered psychological and legal assistance, as well as the support of mentors from the Erasmus Student Network and administration at the UW.
There will also be the second module of the programme, dedicated to doctoral candidates from Ukrainian universities who would like to continue their doctoral dissertation at the University of Warsaw.
Admissions will be conducted from 6th to 19th June via the Admission System for Candidates from Ukraine website.
The admission criteria include the submission of a complete application for the studies at the University of Warsaw. Applications are processed in the order they are received.
The programme is organised by: International Relations Office, Office of Innovation in Teaching and Learning, Welcome Point, Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners “Polonicum”, American Studies Center.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
31 maja 2022

The Welcome Point organises two informational meetings on the legalisation of residence in Poland by students from non-EU countries.
The webinars will be conducted by Dr Łukasz Wieczorek, Dean’s Representative for Legalisation of Stay, Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw.
During the meeting, the following issues will be discussed:
- legalisation of residence in Poland (visa, permanent residence permit);
- differences between student visa and a temporary residence permit;
- procedure of application for a residence permit;
- taking up a job during studies;
- legalisation of stay after obtaining university diploma;
- Polish descent and Card of the Pole holders’ rights;
- special solutions for foreigners caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
To take part in the webinar, registration is required. The system is open through 1st June, 12:00.
More information about the webinars is available on the Welcome Point website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
30 maja 2022
Position of adjunct (a group of science positions) in the Opus project entitled „Optical emission insight into processes occurring in the ion-selective sensors operating under electrochemical trigger – towards ion-selective spectrofluoroelectrochemistry” financed by NCN is open for application. Project leader: prof. dr hab. Agata Michalska. Deadline for applications: 29 June 2022. For more info see >> pdf
25 maja 2022

The University of Warsaw has launched the third edition of the mini-grants programme for inter-institutional research teams under the framework of strategic partnerships. The programme can be joined by researchers including University staff members and/or doctoral candidates and students, and representatives of at least two other member universities of the 4EU+ Alliance. The applications should be submitted not later than 15th July.
The main objective of the programme is to strengthen research cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the 4EU+ Alliance member universities by implementation of joint research projects funded or co-funded from external national and/or international sources. The applicants are the UW staff members and/or doctoral candidates and students, as well as representatives of at least two other member universities from the 4EU+ Alliance (Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, and universities of Copenhagen and Milan).
The projects cover the four Flagships of the Alliance:
- Urban health and demographic change;
- Europeanness: multilingualism, pluralities and citizenship;
- Data – Models – Transformations;
- Environmental transformations.
Only projects strictly related to the 4EU+ Alliance mission, as well as the mission and thematic scope of the selected Flagship, are subject to evaluation under the programme. Minimum two 4EU+ member universities and the University of Warsaw, either as a coordinator, or a partner, should participate in a joint research project. The maximum amount of funding is €10,000 per one project for the duration of up to 12 months. The results of the call will be published on the IDUB website due to the timelines provided in the call announcement.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
23 maja 2022

Between 23rd May and 13th June students of the University of Warsaw can complete a University-wide survey for their opinions about the studies, administration services, their attachment and commitment with the UW etc. The survey will be carried out by the Education Quality Evaluation Unit, Office for Education Innovations, UW.
The UW authorities are highly concerned about the students’ opinions and judgements about various aspects of their studies. Following the guidelines of the University Council for Education, the researchers of the Education Quality Evaluation Unit have prepared a survey concerning three main issues:
- students’ satisfaction with their academic studies, as well as their attachment and commitment with the University,
- efficiency and reliability of the UW students’ support administrative system,
- students’ academic activities and involvement.
“Results of the survey will demonstrate our students’ feelings and opinions about the education at the University of Warsaw. Consequently, the results are believed to help us to take actions in order to improve the academic offer and administration services, as well as increase the students’ identification with the University and academic community,” Prof. Sławomir Żółtek, UW Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching, said.
The fully anonymous survey is available in Polish and English, and it takes no more than 15 minutes to complete. The responses are confidential and they will be exclusively analysed by the UW Team. On the basis of the gathered material, the experts will prepare a report for the UW Rector and Vice-Rectors. The obtained report will be presented to the academic community.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
20 maja 2022
On 20th May the second edition of “Miasteczko na styku kultur – Cultural Hot Spot” will be held. Lectures on various cultures, meetings with international students, tasting dishes from distant corners of the world – these are the attractions planned for the Friday event.
3.6 thousand students from outside Poland study at the University of Warsaw. Most of them come from Ukraine, Belarus, Azerbaijan, China, India and Turkey. The Cultural Hot Spot is an opportunity to present the cultures of their countries.
The organisers have prepared four zones devoted to the topics of multiculturalism:
- Culture Zone – stands with attractions and information on various cultures;
- Stage – multicultural music, dance and martial arts performances;
- Food Truck Zone – dishes from all over the world;
- The Column Hall – where lectures and discussion panels will be held with guests, including Irena Wóycicka and Thomas Castrel.
The event will take place on 20th May from 11.00 to 18.00 on the UW campus at 26/28 Krakowskie Przedmieście street.
The event is organised by: the UW Students’ Union Board, the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, Welcome Point and the Students’ Union of the UW Faculty of Oriental Studies.

The event can be followed on Facebook >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
19 maja 2022

The UW has started admission procedures for doctoral candidates. This year the offer includes 330 places in the four doctoral schools of: the Humanities, Social Sciences, Exact and Natural Sciences, and the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School.
The doctoral education lasts four years. Doctoral candidates can learn the English language. Classes are conducted onsite. Each person attending the school receives a doctoral scholarship. After the first year an individual research plan is required, and after two years the candidates are subject to mid-term evaluation. The education is believed to be completed on delivering the doctoral dissertation.
Doctoral supervisor
A potential supervisor can only be a person with the habilitated doctor (doktor habilitowany) degree, or an equivalent degree, or the title of professor, or the status of retired professor at the University of Warsaw. Finding a supervisor should precede the recruitment process to a doctoral school.
Doctoral candidates can search through the database of the UW academics who are willing to perform the function of a doctoral dissertation supervisor. The list of potential supervisors is available here >>
Disciplines and admission limits for 2022/2023
The Doctoral School of Humanities – the IRK registration is open through 10th May – 7th June:
- Archaeology – admission limit 7;
- Philosophy – admission limit 11;
- History – admission limit 16;
- Linguistics – admission limit 23;
- Literary Studies – admission limit 25;
- Culture and Religion Studies – admission limit 12;
- Arts Studies – admission limit 6.
The Doctoral School of Social Sciences – the IRK registration is open from 10th May to 7th June:
- Economics and Finance – admission limit 13;
- Social and Economic Geography and Spatial Management – admission limit 5;
- Security Studies – admission limit 4;
- Social Communication and Media Studies – admission limit 5;
- Political Science and Public Administration – admission limit 18;
- Management and Quality Studies – admission limit 5;
- Law – admission limit 25;
- Sociology – admission limit 11;
- Pedagogics – admission limit 5;
- Psychology – admission limit 9.
The Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences – the IRK registration is open between 1st April and 19th May:
- Astronomy – admission limit 5;
- Mathematics and informatics – admission limit 22;
- Biological Sciences – admission limit 17;
- Chemical Sciences – admission limit 18;
- Physical Sciences – admission limit 27;
- Earth and related Environmental Sciences – admission limit 11.
The Interdisciplinary Doctoral School launches the IRK registration from 5th May until 19th June:
- MSD – admission limit 20;
- Quantitative Psychology and Economics – admission limit 10.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl