19 lipca 2022
The day has come!
The application form for the BIGGEST social and academic UW trip is open!
Fill it in as soon as possible on our website and join the crew for Campus Letni UW 2022.
When ➡️ 23-28.09
Where ➡️ Wilkasy near Giżycko
For how much ➡️ the first 50 first year applicants will pay the PROMOTIONAL PRICE – 650 zł (the normal price for the rest is 750 zł)
The number of spots is limited, so don’t hesitate.
We are waiting for you!
Visit our website for more details!

18 lipca 2022
Position of POSTDOC (a research assistant in a group of science positions) in the OPUS NCN project entitled „Laboratory and field studies on secondary organic aerosol (SOA) aging at suburban sites” financed by National Science Centre Poland, is open for application. Project leader (at the Warsaw University): dr Kacper Błaziak. Deadline for applications: 30 September 2022. For more info see >> pdf
08 lipca 2022

In the winter semester 2022/2023, online courses organised by 4EU+ member universities will be available for students. The registration for the University of Milan, Heidelberg University and Charles University courses is open now. Two online courses are also offered by the University of Geneva.
In the winter semester 2022/2023, five 4EU+ Alliance member universities (the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Sorbonne University, Heidelberg University and the University of Milan) will make their online courses available to all 4EU+ students. A new member of the Alliance, the University of Geneva, also made its offer.
Courses at Sorbonne University
The course catalogues will be published gradually according to the academic calendars of each institution. Sorbonne University is the first to open the registration for students. There are four courses to choose from:
- Green Label I (in French, for BA, 2nd year students) – registration is open until the end of July;
- Green Label II (in French, for BA, 3rd year students) – registration is open until the end of July;
- Structural and Mechanistic Enzymology (in French and English, for MA, 2nd year students) – registration is open until 10th September;
- Strategic Management and Intrapreneurship (in English, for BA, 3rd year students) – registration is open until 11th September.
Course catalogue and information on enrolment procedures offered by Sorbonne University are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>
Courses at the University of Milan
The University of Milan offers 28 courses, e.g. International Commercial and Investment Arbitration, Gender Justice, Women in tech: new frontiers of gender-related rights and artificial intelligence, Molecular Bases of Taste. The full list of available courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>
Registration is open until 15th or 22nd September (depending on the Faculty).
Courses at Heidelberg University
Heidelberg University offers 23 courses, e.g. Translation in research and professional practice, U.S. Economic Policy or Introduction to Psycholinguistics. The full list of available courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>
Registration is open until 2nd October.
Courses at the University of Geneva
4EU+ students can take two online courses offered by the University of Geneva: Chemical Biology and Introduction to Programming.
The classes start on 19th September. Registration is open until 14th September. UW students interested in enrolling in the University of Geneva courses should contact their local 4EU+ office: 4euplus.mobility(at)uw.edu.pl.
More information can be found on the University of Geneva website >>
Courses at Charles University
Charles University offers 74 courses, including Applied Histology, Literature for Children and Youth and Quality in Education, among others. The courses are aimed at students or doctoral candidates. The full list of courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>
Registration is open until 30th September.
Courses at the University of Warsaw
Students from other 4EU+ universities can take classes organised by the UW. The University has prepared 21 courses, including: Virtual exchange: project work, Medicinal Plants or Bilingulaism and Multilingualism. The classes are aimed at students or doctoral candidates. The full list of courses can be found on the 4EU+ website >>
Registration periods: 12th–25th September and 3rd–9th October.
Important information for students planning to take online courses offered by 4EU+ universities >>
Before taking a course offered by an Alliance partner university, the student should sign a 4EU+ Learning Agreement in his/her Faculty/Unit in order to determine and approve whether the course selected by the student from the 4EU+ offer can be recognised as part of the student’s degree programme (e.g. elective course, OGUN) or whether the course will be indicated as a form of an extracurricular activity.
For any questions concerning the 4EU+ shared online courses, please contact: 4euplus.mobility(at)uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
05 lipca 2022
Position of a Postdoctoral researcher (research assistant in a group of science positions) in the CELSA project entitled „Merging Excited State Decay Rate Theories with Semi-Classical Non-adiabatic Excited State Dynamics (PhotoSynergy)” financed by the University of Warsaw is open for application. Project leader: Dr. Joanna Jankowska. Deadline for applications: 15 August 2022. For more info see >> pdf
01 lipca 2022

On 29th June the Senate of the University of Warsaw adopted “The University of Warsaw Rector’s Annual Report 2021” unanimously. The report covers significant data on the UW, e.g. research, education, international cooperation, academic mobility, social and cooperate outreach, finances and investments. The document also presents information about the university functioning under special conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The report is the second this kind document prepared in the term of Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak as the Rector of the University of Warsaw.
“The year of 2021 was not easy. However, the commitment and joint work of the university community allowed for fulfilling the mission of the University of Warsaw, continuing strategic initiatives and conducting research and education on a high level. On many months of pandemic and pandemic-related restrictions we hoped that the worst had passed. Yet, in 2022, we faced an outbreak of war in Ukraine. Our effort and commitment prove that we are able to face difficulties and help efficiently the ones in need. I am thankful to the whole university community, as well as its each member, for the cooperation and engagement they have undertaken to secure smooth functioning and development of our Alma Mater,” Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, UW Rector, said.
University in numbers
In 2021, the University of Warsaw comprised 37 404 students and 2 127 doctoral candidates, including 2 689 foreigners. Diplomas were awarded to 9 109 graduates. The university employs 7 815 people, including 3 974 academic teachers.
The first-cycle, second-cycle and uniform studies recruited 32 100 candidates, including 2 388 foreigners. The UW researchers participated in 78 projects financed from the Horizon 2020 and 1 339 projects covered from national funds. The university worked together with over 350 international entities from more than 70 countries under direct bilateral cooperation agreements. In 2021, the university’s revenue amounted to 1.8 bln zł.
The report also presents scientific achievements of the UW academics, e.g. the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” Programme, the 4EU+ Alliance, the multi-annual development plan, as well as the initiatives related with the support and development of the academic community.
The report provides information on the university during pandemic, remote education and work, coronavirus testing and vaccination, as well as psychological support. Also, one section features the research projects related with pandemic in various scientific aspects such as COVID-19 treatment, medical recording, economic aspects of the crisis.
As the report is prepared in Polish, generally, the selected chapters are duly translated into English: Executive Summary, Basic Data on the University in 2021, and annexes.
Annual reports of the UW Rector >>
37 404 students
2 127 doctoral candidates
2 689 international students and doctoral candidates
7 815 employees
32 100 applicants for 1st, 2nd and long-cycle MA studies
5 new ERC grant holders
over 1 000 national and international partner institutions
1 339 projects from national funds
revenue of 1.8 bln zł
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
30 czerwca 2022

A letter from Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, UW Rector, on establishing of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Warsaw.
Dear Sir/ Madam,
Dear University Community,
Having obtained the positive opinion of the Senate of the University of Warsaw, preceded by discussions and a dozen of months of preparations and opinions from the UW academic environment, the Government representatives, individual ministries, as well as numerous experts and representatives of medical universities, hospitals and clinical departments, I have established the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Warsaw.
On one hand, turning back to our roots, as the Faculty of Medicine was one of the first UW faculties, and, on the other hand, it is a dream come true to many of us to be able to use the research potential of the UW for medical purposes.
The new Faculty of Medicine will also facilitate a better symbiosis of science and medicine, thus fulfilling the social mission of the University of Warsaw. Furthermore, the Faculty of Medicine will offer a chance to reach higher positions in international rankings and receive additional funding for the research development.
I do believe that the emerging faculty should strengthen the university substantively and enhance the integration of our environment.
I would like to thank you all, and each one of you, for your support in the process of the establishment of the UW Faculty of Medicine.
Wishing you nice summer holidays, with kindest regards,
Alojzy Z. Nowak
UW Rector
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
27 czerwca 2022
University of Warsaw offers more than 100 undergraduate and twice as many graduate programmes. We have also around 30 fields of studies conducted in English.
How to apply for studies at the UW? What are admissions rules? Which documents you need to be admitted? Watch these videos and get to know more abou the University of Warsaw and the admission procedure.
24 czerwca 2022
Position of adjunct (a group of science positions) in the project entitled „Development of a procedure using in-situ and ex-situ methods to analyze electrode material properties over lithium-ion battery cycles” financed by National Science Centre is open for application. Project leader: Dr. Dominika Buchberger. Deadline for applications: 1 September 2022. For more info see >> pdf
15 czerwca 2022
Supramolecular Chemistry Laboratory is looking for 2 postdoctoral researchers for a research project at the border of organic, medicinal, and supramolecular chemistry.
The project aims to develop small organic molecules capable of selectively transporting biologically relevant anions through lipid bilayers. Such molecules may exhibit interesting anti-cancer, antibacterial and antiviral properties, and may also find applications in the treatment of numerous diseases resulting from the dysfunction of natural transporters. Within the project, we would also like to construct stimuli-responsive transporters whose activity could be controlled by pH, light, or redox potential.
Project leader: Michał Chmielewski, Ph.D.
Deadline: July 16, 2022
For more info visit: www.mchmielewski.pl/en or see the attachment.

The University of Warsaw has entered the renewal procedure of HR Excellence in Research award. During the upcoming month the actions under the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers, both those already undertaken and the ones that are planned to be implemented within the following years, will be duly reported to the UW community.
The campaign called “HR Excellence at the UW in June” is considered to inform members of the UW community about the procedures and actions at the University, which follow the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R). The HRS4R identifies the research institutions and organisations that support favourable and boosted working conditions for researchers throughout Europe as set out in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
The European Union’s strategy focuses on stimulating employment and economic growth, by setting up competitive, transparent and open labour market for researchers within four main areas:
- labour and ethical aspects;
- recruitment processes;
- training courses and development;
- working conditions.
The roles, responsibilities and rights of researchers and their employees are described in the “Charter and Code” to guarantee attractive research careers and enhance employment and working conditions for researchers across Europe.
The HR Excellence in Research award is received for a particular period. The University of Warsaw has initiated the application procedure of the renewal of the HR Excellence in Research.
“This year the European Union onsite visits are expected to evaluate the undertaken actions and their timing, as well as their impact on the University and its strategy. The reviewers will also meet representatives of our community to assess the recognisability of the HR Excellence in Research distinction,” Professor Sambor Grucza, the UW Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources, explained.
In June, details referring to the HR Excellence in Research award, related actions and activities, as well as academic teams in charge of the implementing processes, are duly reported:
Research career development and mobility
Internationalisation and mobility support actions
Fair, transparent and merit-based recruitment and career
June with HR Excellence in Research. Equality actions
A symbol of trust. An interview with Prof. Sambor Grucza, Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources
The evaluation of the implemented Human Resources Strategy for Researchers at the UW
Benefits of the HR Excellence in Research
More information about HR Excellence in Research >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl