23 września 2020

On 18th September, a student television “Uniwerek TV” broadcast an online meeting with the University of Warsaw Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching who in a Q&A session explained matters related to teaching and learning at UW. Below we present three selected issues discussed by Prof. Sławomir Żółtek.
Education in the coming winter semester
According to an ordinance issued by Rector Nowak on 7th September, classes and lectures will be conducted remotely with the use of methods and techniques of remote teaching. However, some of them which require direct contact between lecturers and participants can be conducted on the university premises. Respective faculties and units are obliged to provide information on the form of all courses until 21st September. Exams will be mostly remotely, but there can be some exceptions. Language courses and university-wide courses will remain in remote mode, PE classes will be conducted both online and on the campuses.
Tuition fee
Tuition fees cover the costs associated with studies. These are primarily personnel costs – salaries of employees and academics that need to be paid regardless of the form of education (face-to-face or remote).
Prof. Sławomir Żółtek will encourage faculties to split the tuition fees into instalments and not to charge interest for late payments, as well as to make individual decisions on applications for tuition reductions. Last semester saw each case analysed individually.
Student card / Student status
When asked about the issue of student cards and the acquisition of student status, Prof. Sławomir Żółtek stressed that student cards should be issued as soon as possible. He also encouraged students to sign up for a student ID through the mObywatel portal. The academic year begins on 1st October, and on this day, students acquire student rights. Two weeks later, on 15th October, classes will start.
The online meeting was organised by the UW Student Self-Government Board. The event was broadcast by the student television “Uniwerek.TV”.
All raised questions and their answers are available here >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
16 września 2020

UW has opened its second call for mini-grants. Research teams composed of representatives of UW and at least two other 4EU+ member institutions can apply for funding. The closing date for submitting proposals is 5th November.
Mini-grants aim at strengthening scientific and research cooperation of the University of Warsaw within the 4EU+ Alliance and other strategic partnerships.
For the previous and the current mini-grant call, a requirement is placed for the research teams to comprise at least three member universities of the 4EU+ Alliance, including the University of Warsaw. The current call aims to support research initiatives in all four Flagships of the Alliance:

Mini-grant call is part of the “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” project. Preliminary or pilot research, archive and library queries, access to research infrastructure, or monolingual editing are a few examples of activities that can be funded.
Research teams can receive up to € 10 000. Maximum funding period: 12 months.
It is possible to submit only one mini-grant application per call. An online form is available here >>
Applications need to be submitted by 5th November. The results of the call will be announced by 30th November.
More information >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
14 września 2020

Welcome Point will organise “Cultural Orientation at UW – Practical Workshops”. The main goal of the event is to provide all newcomers at the University of Warsaw with tools that will ease their life in a new place at the very beginning. The workshops are held on 28th-29th September and 1st-2nd October. The registration is required.
Welcome Point of the University of Warsaw is organising “Cultural Orientation at UW – Practical Workshops” for international students (long-term students only). Each workshop will be conducted online and will last two days, from 10:00 am to 1:30 pm. Please note that once registered one must participate in a two-day event.
Workshops time schedule:
- Workshop on 28th–29th September for first-year long term students of the first-cycle (BA) and doctoral candidates. Registration >>
- Workshop on 1st–2nd October for long term students of 2nd and 3rd year of the first cycle (BA), long term students of the second cycle (MA), long term students of 4th and 5th year of uniform master level studies. Registration >>
The following topics will be discussed during the workshop:
- How cultural differences influence daily communication in the academic community.
- The structure of the University of Warsaw.
- Communication with academic and administrative staff: dos and don’ts.
- Studying at the University of Warsaw from a foreigner perspective.
- Intercultural communication: useful tips and tools.
Participation is completely free of charge. Application deadlline: 17th September, midnight.
More information >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
The University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Head of the project – Prof. Johannes Ehenfried Zschech is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project „Synthesis and characterization of novel 2D hybrid materials for supercapacitors”, Acronym: HYSUCAP, programme M-ERA.NET 2 Call 2019 supported by National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 20 September 2020. For more info see >> pdf
11 września 2020
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for a candidate to work in a scientific project: „Making the Impossible Possible: Macrocyclisation of Unbiased Dienes at High Concentration by Ring-Closing Metathesis” programme Opus supported by National Science Centre position: Student (1). Deadline for applications: 27 September 2020. For more info see >> pdf
08 września 2020

According to a new ordinance on the organisation of the 2020/2021 winter semester, issued by Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector, classes, lectures, exams and lecturers’ duty hours will be conducted remotely.
On 7th September, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak signed the ordinance regulating the organisation of education in the coming semester.
Teaching will be delivered by a blend of in-person and online provision, with the majority of classes and lectures being delivered remotely. Some classes, however, which require contact with lecturers can be conducted on the UW campuses (respecting health and well-being recommendations and guidelines). It applies particularly to laboratories, practical classes, classes integrating first-year students (undergraduate and long-cycle studies), or working experience.
Decisions on what classes will be delivered on the university premises will be announced by a relevant unit by 21st September.
Exams, credits, diploma examinations, and where possible PE classes are to be held remotely.
Foreign language courses and university-wide classes (OGUNy) will be conducted online.
View the ordinance (in Polish) >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
01 września 2020
Centre of Excellence for nanophotonics, advanced materials and novel crystal growth-based technologies.
ENSEMBLE3 is a new Centre of Excellence for nanophotonics, advanced materials, and novel crystal growth-based technologies located in Warsaw, Poland, created jointly by institutions from Poland, Germany, Italy, and Spain. The centre will work on the development of novel material technologies and advanced materials with unique electromagnetic properties, with potential applications in fields such as photonics, optoelectronics, telecommunication, solar energy conversion, medicine, and aerospace.
Applications are invited for scientists to lead the following groups:
(i) Optical Nanocharacterization,
(ii) Light-Matter Interaction Theory,
(iii) Photonic Elements,
(iv) Biophotonic Applications,
(v) Solar Energy Conversion,
(vi) Oxide Single Crystals,
(vii) III-V Compound Semiconductors, and
(viii) Disruptive Technologies.
Application deadline: 15th October 2020
For more details, please visit: pdf, http://ensemble3.eu/, https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/552176.

On 1st September, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak has officially become the 45th University of Warsaw Rector. He has taken office together with four Vice-Rectors: Prof. Sambor Grucza, Prof. Ewa Krogulec, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak and Prof. Sławomir Żółtek.
The Rector leads the university, represents UW externally and is the superior of employees, students and doctoral candidates.
On 17th June, the UW Electoral College elected Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak a new University of Warsaw Rector. On 1st September, he has started his four-year term (2020-2024). Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak has appointed Vice-Rectors. The selection of Vice-Rector responsible for student affairs and quality of teaching is consulted with the representatives of students and doctoral candidates.
Rector’s Team (2020-2024 term)
UW Rector – Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak
Prof. is affiliated to UW as of 1984. He has held a variety of leadership roles including Head of the Academic Subunit for International Economics and the Academic Unit for Economics at the Faculty of Management, Director of European Center. In years 1999-2006, Prof. Nowak was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Management, and in 2006-2012 Dean of this unit. Next four years, he spent at UW working as Vice-Rector in charge of research and cooperation. In 2016, he was elected as Dean of the Faculty of Management. During his academic career, he was delivering lectures at universities in France, UK, USA, Russia, China and Korea.
More information >>
Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources – Prof. Sambor Grucza
Prof. Grucza is graduated in German Philology (Saarland University) and Applied Linguistics (University of Warsaw). He completed his doctorate in 1994. His research interests are metalinguistics, the theory of language and communication for specific purposes, glottodidactics, translatorics and eye tracking research. In years 2008–2012 and 2016–2020, he held the position of Dean of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics at the University of Warsaw. Previously, he was a Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Applied Linguistics and Head of the Institute of Specialised and Intercultural Communication. Prof. Grucza is the President of the Polish Association of Applied Linguistics, Vice-President of the Polnischer Germanisten Verband, and Executive Board member of the Internationale Vereinigung für Germanistik – IVG.
More information >>
Vice-Rector for Development – Prof. Ewa Krogulec
Prof. Ewa Krogulec is a geologist, her research interest concerns hydrogeology. In years 2012-2016 and 2016-2020, she served as Dean of the University of Warsaw Faculty of Geology. Earlier, Prof. Ewa Krogulec was a Vice-Dean of that unit. Other functions and memberships: Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Geological Sciences (Chairman), National Council of Water Management (Vice-Chairman), Committee for Hydrogeological Documentations, an advisory body of the Minister of the Environment (Chairman), Ministry of Science and Higher Education Interdisciplinary Team for the Research Infrastructure Support Program within the Science and Polish Technology Fund (Member), Polish Academy of Sciences Committee on Water Management (Member)
More information >>
Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching – Prof. Sławomir Żółtek
Prof. Sławomir Żółtek is affiliated to the University of Warsaw as of 1999. He has been working as a lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Administration since 2008. Professor specialises in the theory of law, criminal business law, and new technologies and blockchain law. In years 2016-2020, he served as Vice-Dean for Student Affairs at the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw. He is a co-founder and Head of the Research Center on the Legal Aspects of Blockchain Technology. For many years, Professor Żółtek has been working in the central institutions of the judiciary system in Poland. He was a barrister. Currently, he is entered into the list of legal counsels.
More information >>
Vice-Rector for Research – Prof. Zygmunt Lalak
Prof. Zygmunt Lalak graduated from the Warsaw University of Technology (M.Sc. in 1985). His scientific career has been associated with the Faculty of Physics of the University of Warsaw. In years 2016-2020, he was the Vice-Dean for Research and Development at the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw. Prof. Zygmunt Lalak’s scientific research concern, e.g. Beyond the Standard Model Physics, supersymmetry in four and higher dimensions, cosmology – inflationary universe, cosmological particle production, the theory of primordial fluctuations, modifications of Einstein gravity.He chairs the Scientific Council of the Discipline Physical Sciences. Prof. Zygmunt Lalak is a member of the Coordination Committee of the Priority Research Area POB 2 “Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds” as part of the “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” programme at the University of Warsaw.
More information >>
Źródło: www.en.uw.edu.pl
28 sierpnia 2020

Prof. Marcin Pałys has served as the University of Warsaw Rector since 2012. Soon, his second term will come to an end. “These last eight years were filled with hard work, challenges, achievements and satisfaction, as well as lively discussions on the university’s vision and future,” says Prof. Marcin Pałys in a letter to the UW community.
Dear All,
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
In a few days, my second term as the Rector of the University of Warsaw will come to an end. Leading our university was the greatest distinction, an adventure, and at the same time, the greatest challenge in my professional career. I have believed it was my duty to fulfil this honourable and responsible function in the most ethical way. When making decisions I have always been guided by the best interests of the university and its community.
I want to express my gratitude to all whose work and engagement, over the last eight years, contributed to the development of our university and strengthening its international recognition: vice-rectors during my first and second term, members of the Senate, heads of faculties and units, academics, administrative employees, librarians, doctoral candidates and students.
I want to thank all those colleagues who made it possible to implement key university initiatives, such as the Multi-annual Development Plan, the Integrated Development Programme of the University of Warsaw (ZIP), the 4EU+ Alliance that brings together six European research-intensive universities and granting the Research University status (IDUB). In all these activities, at every stage, many people from various units and areas were involved.
These last eight years were filled with hard work, challenges, achievements and satisfaction, as well as lively discussions on the university’s vision and future. It was a time spent on building a sense of community and creating shared responsibility for our university. With great pleasure, I observed the mobilisation and involvement of our community. Those, who followed university-wide activities with some hesitation, began to see a deep sense in them. They started to believe, that when working together we can achieve much more than individually and that the invested time and energy pay back.
Today, our university is well prepared to implement the next ambitious projects. The course of its development in the coming years will be set out by the Rector-elect, Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak and his team. I wish him a lot of success in fulfilling this role so that our university could continue its excellent development.
With very best wishes,
Marcin Pałys
UW Rector 2012-2020
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
24 sierpnia 2020

Today, candidates received information on the results of the admissions process for the first-cycle study programmes, long cycle (uniform) Master’s studies and some English-language study programmes.
On 24th August, candidates found out about the results of this year admissions for undergraduate study programmes, long cycle (uniform) Master’s studies and some studies conducted in English. The qualification results are available on their registration accounts in the system of Internet Recruitment of Candidates.
Candidates placed on the reserve list will need to wait for a possible change of position on the list.
Submitting documents
Candidates accepted for studies are asked to submit (send by post) their documents to the admissions committee in due date. Non-submission of required documents in due date is considered equal to the candidate’s resignation from undertaking studies.
Deadlines for submission of required documents are available at IRK system under the specific field of study.
At the candidate’s registration account in the section “Enrollment applications” under the chosen field of study accessible through the link “Documents and further steps”, following documents are available: personal questionnaire, application for issuing electronic student’s id (ELS), a statement on becoming acquainted with the fees for educational services at the University of Warsaw. These documents should be printed out, signed by the candidate and submitted along with other required documents.
Admissions procedure and qualification criteria
Application and tuition fees
Language competence
Legalisation of diploma
Recognition of foreign education
Translation of diploma
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl