Scholarships for a student
19 stycznia 2021

Scholarships for a student in the research project OPUS 15 „Combination of the Rosetta method with the coarse-grained SURPASS model into a new multi-scale algorithm for modeling proteins and their complexes” financed by the National Science Center (NCN). Project leader: dr hab. Dominik Gront, prof. ucz. Deadline for applications: 27 January 2021. For more info see >> pdf

Seminar CeNT 15.01.2021
11 stycznia 2021

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by

Małgorzata Firczuk PhD,

Department of Immunology, Center of Biostructure, Medical University of Warsaw

Title: Novel, targeted therapy of B-cell malignancies with poor prognosis

Date: 15th January 2021 (Friday)

Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)

Host: prof. Marta B. Wiśniewska

Virtual seminar:



B cell malignancies are a heterogeneous group of diseases derived from B cell precursors at various stages of B cell development and from mature B cells. We have established a multidisciplinary consortium to study novel therapeutic options for patients with B cell malignancies at preclinical stage. During the talk I will present results of our ongoing projects regarding novel therapeutic options that we develop against poorly-treated, high-risk subtypes of B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia. They include targeting enzymes involved in redox metabolism, the combination treatment composed of thioredoxin inhibitors and venetoclax, as well as novel immunotherapeutic options. I will also explain our in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo models, highlighting the crucial role of the close collaboration of our research team with clinicians.

Guide for students

The UW Digital Competence Centre UW (CKC), a unit experienced in providing remote education using digital technologies, prepared a guide to support students.

The Students’ Guide to distance learning is an e-course on the Kampus platform. It aims to support students during their online studies in the 2020-2021 semester, e.g. searching for courses.

It covers a variety of topics, including the information on:

  • Tools that help participate in classes,
  • Forms of distance learning (asynchronous and synchronous),
  • Available platforms,
  • Course types and their structure,
  • Taking exams,
  • Obtaining credits,
  • Technical support.

To read the guide, log in to the Kampus platform.



Mindfulness workshops
09 stycznia 2021

Long-term international students are invited to the online workshops “Mindfulness in academic and everyday life”, organised on 21st-22nd January by the UW Welcome Point. The registration closes on 14th January.

According to the American Psychology Association Dictionary of Psychology, mindfulness is described as “awareness of one’s internal states and surroundings”. It is the concept of learning how to be fully present and engaged in a particular moment, and observe own thoughts, emotions without distraction or judgment.

During the event, UW students will learn how to apply mindfulness practice in their everyday life, especially at university and work.

The workshops are dedicated to:

  • 2nd and 3rd-year students of the 1st cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
  • 4th and 5th-year students of uniform Master studies
  • students of the 2nd cycle (Master’s degree)

To register for the course, please fill in the form >>

Please apply by 14th January 2021, at noon.

The workshops will be held on 21st-22nd January 2021, 11:00 am-2:30 pm.

More information is available at

Please also join our FB event:



An announcement for Post-doc position
07 stycznia 2021

Position of post-doc in the OPUS project entitled „Development of a new protein-protein docking method based on the flexible docking of short peptide fragments” financed by the National Science Centre is open for application. Project leader: dr Mateusz Kurciński. Deadline for applications: 6 February 2021. For more info see >> pdf

Word of the Year for 2020
05 stycznia 2021

What Polish word has attracted a great deal of interest over the last 12 months? Predictably, a COVID-19 pandemic vocabulary has dominated the year 2020. “Coronavirus” has been named the 2020 Word of the Year in Poland by both a panel of linguists and those who voted online.

This year saw the 10th edition of “Słowo Roku” (the Word of the Year), organised annually since 2011 by the University of Warsaw Institute of Polish Language and the Polish Language Foundation. Like in previous years, everyone could either choose a word or expression from the list published on the website or submit their proposals. The candidates for the Word of the Year could be nouns, adjectives, verbs, etc.

The results of the Word of the Year vote were announced a live stream on 5th January. This year, Internet users also had the opportunity to vote for the Word of the Decade.

Word of the Year for 2020

Among this year proposals were, e.g. “pandemia” (pandemic), “strefa” (zone), “wybory” (elections), “kwarantanna” (quarantine), “strajk” (strike), and “zdalny” (remote). “Koronawirus” (coronavirus) has been selected as 2020’s Word of the Year by the linguists and those who voted online. The most popular expression of the last ten years was “pięćset plus” (500+; Poland’s programme to support families and boost birth-rates; Under the programme parents can receive a tax-free benefit of PLN 500 per month for each child until they reach the age of 18).

Poll results

The word “koronawirus”, which took first place in an online poll, received 1,753 votes (9.8% of all votes). It was followed by “kobieta” (woman) gathering 1,516 votes (8.4%). The third place was secured by the word “apostazja” (apostasy), used most often by Polish dailies, that gathered 1454 votes (8.1%). In the top ten were also: “lockdown”, “Covid-19”, “pandemia”, “aborcja” (abortion), “strajk”, “kwarantanna” and “remote”.

The organisers did not take into account those words that were not in line with the regulations, i.e. surnames, first names, nicknames, local, party and organisational names, titles of books and films, and vulgar words reflecting hate speech.

Experts’ choice

The expert panel also chose “koronawirus” as their word of the year, followed by “kobiety” (women) and “pandemia” in third place. Other words picked by the linguists: “kwarantanna”, “LGBT”, “lockdown”, “medyk” (medic), “miękiszon”, “szczepionka” (vaccine), and “zdalny”.

The panel comprises Prof. Jerzy Bartmiński (Maria Curie Sklodowska University in Lublin), Prof. Jerzy Bralczyk (UW), Prof. Katarzyna Kłosińska (UW), Prof. Ewa Kołodziejek (the University of Szczecin), Prof. Marek Łaziński (UW), Prof. Andrzej Markowski (UW), Prof. Jan Miodek (the University of Wrocław), Prof. Renata Przybylska (the Jagiellonian University, Cracow) and Prof. Halina Zgółkowa (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań).

Word of the decade  

This year, internet users chose the essential words of the last decade (2011-2020). The winner “pięćset plus” (the word of the year 2016). The abbreviation “LGBT” (the word of the year 2019) was in second place with 369 votes (10.7%). The third place was taken by “konstytucja” (constitution), the word of the year 2018 (366 votes, 10.6%). Other terms on the 10-strong list included “klimat” (climate), “dobra zmiana” (good change), “gender”, “feminatyw” (feminative), “protest” (protest), “niepodległość” (independence), “apostazja”.

Various dictionaries and language institutes have begun rolling out their Word of the Year lists, and no surprise, the vocabulary was related to COVID-19.

Words of the year 2020 in other countries:

  • United Kingdom: “lockdown” (Collins Dictionary),
  • USA: “Covid” (American Dialect Society), “pandemic” (Merriam Webster),
  • Germany: “Corona-Pandemie”,
  • Switzerland (German-speaking): “Systemrelevant” (systemically relevant),
  • Switzerland (French-speaking): “Coronagraben” (corona divide),
  • Austria: “Babyelefant” (baby elephant).



4EU+ joint educational projects: Second call for proposals
04 stycznia 2021

4EU+ academics can now submit their project proposals and receive funding to carry out educational activities that will involve students and doctoral candidates from the Alliance. All projects need to bring together at least three 4EU+ member universities and fall under one of the four 4EU+ flagship programmes.

The 4EU+ Alliance intends to build its shared approach to higher education by encouraging joint projects bringing together academics from the six 4EU+ member universities.

The projects can vary in form: from workshops and other short-term intensive learning experiences, through joint courses and modules, to core curricula and joint study programmes. The project proposals ought to reflect the following features:

  • Innovative educational ideas and solutions, new designs or new activities that may attract students across the whole 4EU+ Alliance,
  • Include an active involvement of students, both in the creation of educational activities and in their implementation,
  • Be sustainable in long-term collaboration.

In the second call for educational proposals, applicants are encouraged to:

  • Design activities and propose formats that will be devoted to BA students,
  • Submit project proposals focused on Data Literacy (among other Flagship-related projects).

All projects need to:

  • Involve at least three 4EU+ member universities (lead university + minimum two partner universities),
  • Include educational activity/activities,
  • Involve student mobility (physical, virtual, or blended),
  • Be of thematic relevance to one of the four 4EU+ Flagships:


Project teams that received funding in the first call for educational proposals can submit another project proposal in the second call. Project teams whose project proposals were not accepted in the first call can resubmit their revised versions in the second call.


At first, project proposals need to be submitted via an online application form by the Project Coordinator (PI). Then Proposals will be evaluated in three phases by three different evaluator groups. The final list of selected projects will be approved by the Management Committee.

The local 4EU+ officers will inform the applicants about the outcome, alongside with further information.

Should you have any questions, please contact a local 4EU+ office (e.g. at UW:

Important dates:

  • Closing date for proposal submissions: 1st March 2021. 
  • The results of the call will be announced at the beginning of May 2021. Applicants will be informed about the selection outcomes by email.
  • Funding period: 1st June 2021 – Autumn 2022
  • Start of educational activities: educational activities of smaller scope, e.g. summer schools, workshops, etc.: 1st June 2021; courses, educational modules, joint programmes: winter or summer semester 2021/2022.

Detailed information regarding the second call for educational projects, an online application form, financial guidelines and other documents are available at



2020 at a glance
31 grudnia 2020

It has been a calendar year that will long be remembered by everyone. 2020 at the University of Warsaw saw, e.g. different rules for university operations during a COVID-19 pandemic, change of the UW authorities, ground-breaking research projects, national and international successes of UW employees and students. We present selected facts of the last year.

From protective masks to social distancing to online teaching and learning, the most relentless global health emergency of the last century will undoubtedly dominate memories for most community members of the University of Warsaw.

UW in the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the functioning of the University of Warsaw. In March, UW switched to remote mode regarding teaching and learning, except classes and duties that had to take place on-site. The exam period in the summer and the 2020/2021 admissions had to be postponed. Thanks to new technologies, live-streaming it was possible to follow and participate in various events, including, the Online Open Day.

The new coronavirus affected a lot of people. The University of Warsaw developed new forms of support for its community members. For several months, employees and doctoral candidates have had the opportunity to undergo free of charge tests for SARS-CoV-2. Another round of testing is currently underway, starting on 4th January until 26th February 2021. From the very beginning, UW students, doctoral candidates and employees were offered free online psychological support provided by the UW Psychological Counselling Centre.

The UW academic community also supports others in the fight against the pandemic. During the first coronavirus wave, volunteers from the Faculty of Physics produced more than ten thousand face shields 3D printed and donated them to medical institutions from all over Poland. UW researchers are steadily involved in carrying out scientific projects that help understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on various aspects of life (e.g. biological, sociological, psychological, and economic).

Elections at UW

2020 was an election year at the University of Warsaw. From March to June, the UW Electoral College members have selected the new university authorities and the Senate members. Three candidates run for the rector position: Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. Paweł Strzelecki and Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki. On 17th June, the UW Electoral College elected Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak who became the 45th Rector of the University of Warsaw. On 1st September, he took office together with four Vice-Rectors: Prof. Sambor Grucza (Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources), Prof. Ewa Krogulec (Vice-Rector for Development), Prof. Zygmunt Lalak (Vice-Rector for Research) and Prof. Sławomir Żółtek (Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching).

New faculties and faculty authorities

When established in the early 1800s, the University of Warsaw had five faculties. Today, this figure has increased to 24. As of 1st September 2020, five new faculties started their operation: Faculty of Archaeology, Faculty of History, Faculty of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy, and Faculty of Culture and Arts.

Simultaneously to the election of the UW authorities, individual faculties were electing new deans and vice-deans.

“Initiative of Excellence” at UW

In 2020, UW kept developing one of its strategic programmes – the “Initiative of Excellence” (IDUB). In 2019, the University of Warsaw was granted research university status for 2020-2026. Thanks to the funding, UW will execute 70 measures specified in the application, including programmes supporting the potential of employees, doctoral candidates and students.

In the first year of the programme, the university organised several information meetings where members of the UW community could learn what particular research areas refer to and how to join it. As part of IDUB, the first calls were published, e.g. mini-grants programme for inter-institutional research teams in the framework of strategic partnerships.

UW internationally

In 2020, the University of Warsaw strengthened its international visibility by taking high places in world rankings: Quacquarelli Symonds World University Ranking (QS)Shanghai Ranking (ARWU), and Shanghai’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS). For its achievements in obtaining research grants in the Horizon 2020 programme (in 2014–2020), UW received the Cry­stal Brus­sels Spro­uts Prize.

As a member of the 4EU+ Alliance, UW actively participated in plenty of initiatives and projects, developing a new quality of cooperation in teaching, education, research and administration. Only in November, a student team representing the University of Warsaw won the second price in the 4EU+ Urban Health Case Challenge.

Scientific achievements of UW researchers

2020 abounded in grants and awards granted to UW academics by both Polish and international funding institutions. Three researchers received European Research Council grants for 2020, and two UW employees were awarded ERC grants for 2019. ERC Starting Grants were awarded to Dr. Wojciech Czerwiński and Dr. Michał Pilipczuk from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics. Dr. Justyna Olko from the Faculty of “Artes Liberales” received an ERC Consolidator GrantProf. Anna Matysiak from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, and Prof. Stefan Dziembowski from the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics, received ERC grants for 2019, an ERC Consolidator Grant and Advanced Grant respectively.

Polish institutions such as the Foundation for Polish Science, the National Science Centre, and the National Agency for Academic Exchange, provided funding, enabling UW researchers to carry out their projects.

Rector’s Didactic Award

Dr. Krzysztof Kaleta from the Faculty of Law and Administration, Dr. Renata Hryciuk from the Faculty of Culture and Arts, Dr. Janusz Cukras from the Faculty of Chemistry and Prof. Agnieszka Szarkowska from the Faculty of Applied Linguistics received the University of Warsaw Rector’s Didactic Award. The award aims to recognise selected academics who have remarkable achievements in teaching and introducing innovative education methods. This year, however, more academic teachers were distinguished. Honourable mentions were awarded to Prof. Robert Ślepaczuk from the Faculty of Economic Sciences, Prof. Agnieszka Otwinowska-Kasztelanic from the Faculty of Modern Languages and Prof. Katarzyna Grabowska from the Faculty of Physics.

Students’ achievements

Not only UW scientists but also UW students had remarkable achievements in 2020. For example, a team of students from the Faculty of Law and Administration won the 2020 All-European International Humanitarian and Refugee Law Moot Court Competition. Students of the MBA programme took first place in the spring edition of the international strategy game CAPSIM Challenge, defeating 73 teams from universities in the world. Our students performed great in sports, including bridge and climbing.



Christmas wishes
21 grudnia 2020

Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the University of Warsaw Rector, together with the Vice-Rectors: Prof. Ewa Krogulec, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak and Prof. Sławomir Żółtek wished the entire academic community a healthy, safe and joyful holiday season.

Every year, we used to meet around this time, here, at the Kazimierzowski Palace to wish ourselves a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We looked back at the year that was coming to an end and were thinking about the next year. This year is different. In the face of pandemic, we cannot have such a meeting. Let me use the opportunity and to utilize this channel to wish you and your dearest ones all the best for Christmas and the coming New Year — Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak.



BUW celebrates its 21st birthday
15 grudnia 2020

BUW is the main library of the University of Warsaw. On 15th December 1999, the library was opened to readers in its new premises in Powiśle, at Dobra 56/66 street. In the beginning, BUW granted 42 temporary entrance cards. Today it has more than 100 000 registered users.

In July 1990, Prime Minister Tadeusz Mazowiecki took the strategic decision to allocate funds generated from the rental of the former building of the Central Committee of the Communist Party for the construction of a new library building. In 1993, following a contest, the first prize and recommendation for realization were given to the project by Marek Budzyński and Zbigniew Badowski. In December 1999, after many months of the logistically complicated collection transfer operation, the new building in Powiśle was made available to users, marking a new stage in a history of the University of Warsaw Library.

BUW nowadays 

The library has one of the largest scientific and university collections in Poland, with more than 6 million books, periodicals, and electronic materials. In the library, every reader can find a place to study, work or relaxThe new building of the University of Warsaw Library has won numerous prestigious awards and prizes in architectural competitions and polls among residents of the capital. The concept, which combines the functionality of a modern library, respect for the shaping of the Vistula embankment, and fascination with the intermingling of culture and nature, found expression in a building of surprising diversity. BUW has one of the biggest and most beautiful roof gardens in Europe visited by students, residents of Warsaw, and tourists.

Let’s read together

Anna Wołodko, General Director of BUW, announced a new series of videos “Czytaj z UW” (Read with UW) that are being made with librarians. BUW employees will present their favourite books available on the shelves in BUW. The first video will be released in January 2021.


The library extends its opening times

From 14th December BUW is open: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m. The maximum number of users allowed to be in the library at the same time is 300. Only users holding a valid library card can enter the building.

  • Self-service mode hours: Monday–Tuesday 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Wednesday–Friday 4 p.m.-9 p.m.
  • Telephone information in self-service mode: 55 25 181.
  • Registration and Information: Monday–Tuesday 2 p.m.-8 p.m., Wednesday–Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
  • Information Desk, Circulation Desk, Reading Room: Monday–Tuesday 2 p.m.-9 p.m., Wednesday–Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
  • Open Stacks: Monday–Friday 9 a.m.-9 p.m.

More information >>

