20 września 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Francesca Crudele,
University of Ferrara, Italy (currently at CeNT through an Erasmus+ fellowship)
Title: Code much? The role of coding circular RNAs in cancer
Date: 24th September 2021, Friday
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Host: dr Jeff Palatini
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82426581314
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
17 września 2021

UW international employees can enrol for an online 30-hour Polish language course that will begin in October. The registrations close on 22nd September.
The course aims to learn communication skills that might be useful during working and living in Poland.
The level of language proficiency will be tailored according to the needs of participants. The organisers are planning to open three groups on three different proficiency levels from A0 to C1. The course is also a unique opportunity to network with other international employees and exchange experience on living and working in Poland.
The course will take place on 18th October 2021 – 17th December, on the UW e-learning platform Kampus and Zoom. Classes will be held in the afternoons, twice a week. Each of them will take 1,5 hours. The exact course schedule will be available after setting up the groups.
Information on the Polish language course:
- Free participation
- 30 hours of Polish language at different levels depending on the needs (A0 – C1)
- Placement test
- Professional and passionate teachers from Polonicum UW
- Online classes
The course is open to international employees of the University of Warsaw. The definition of employee: a person employed during the period of implementation of development activity at the university based on a contract of employment or appointment.
One can register on the Kampus platform by 22nd September, 23:59 (CET). The number of places is limited.
More information is available on the Welcome Point website >>
Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating the involvement of new foreign employees to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

“Onboarding at UW” workshops for international students (long-term) and doctoral candidates will be held at the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw in the University of Warsaw Library on 30th and 1st October. The application deadline is 21st September.
Participants of the workshops will get acquainted with the UW structure (units and offices), get familiarise with the rules and customs of communication in the academic environment in Poland. Organisers will present the DIVE model facilitating communication in a multicultural environment. The meetings will also be an opportunity to share experiences and discuss various situations related to studying at the University of Warsaw.
- 30th September 2021, 10:00 – 16:30 – first-year students (long-term) of the first-cycle (BA), 1st, 2nd, 3rd-year students of uniform master level studies, and doctoral candidates;
- 1st October 2021, 10:00 – 16:30 – long-term students of 2nd and 3rd year of the first cycle (BA), long-term students of the second cycle (MA), long-term students of 4th and 5th year of uniform master-level studies.
Students (long-term) and doctoral candidates are asked to register. Registration forms are available at welcome.uw.edu.pl.
The application deadline is 21st September at 12 pm.
More information >>
“Onboarding at UW” (1st October) is organised within the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw and funded by European Social Fund.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
13 września 2021
Project Manager – dr hab. Sebastian Kmiecik, Head of Laboratory of Computational Biology at Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw is looking for candidates to work on the scientific project: „Development of tools for the rational design of peptide therapeutics” financed by the National Science Centre OPUS program for PhD student (2 positions). Deadline for applications: 24 September 2021. For more info see >> pdf
Position of post-doc in the OPUS project 2020/39/B/NZ2/01301 entitled „Development of tools for the rational design of peptide therapeutics” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Sebastian Kmiecik. Available positions: 2. Deadline for applications: 24 September 2021. For more info see >> pdf
27 sierpnia 2021
Position of PhD student in the project entitled „Responsive hiErarchic nanOcomPositEs for chiral plasmoNics” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Wiktor Lewandowski. Deadline for applications: 30 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
17 sierpnia 2021

The results of the 2020 Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU) are out. This year, ShanghaiRanking Consultancy featured the best 1000 universities in the world. The University of Warsaw was ranked between 401 and 500.
The Shanghai Ranking (ARWU) is considered as one of the most prestigious university rankings in the world. It has been published since 2003. In the latest edition of the ranking, there were listed 10 best polish universities. The University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University took the highest positions in this group. Both universities were ranked between 401-500.
Universities were ranked by several indicators of academic or research performance, including alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, highly cited researchers, papers published in “Nature” and “Science”, papers indexed in major citation indices, and the per capita academic performance of an institution.
The top two places in the ranking were taken by American universities: Harvard University (the first place) and Stanford University (the second place). The third place took University of Cambridge from Great Britain.
View the full ranking >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Position of postdoc (a research position) in the EURAMET (EMPIR) Project 18SIB02 „Realising the redefined kelvin (Real-K)”, EUROPEAN METROLOGY PROGRAMME FOR INNOVATION AND RESEARCH (EMPIR), is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr. Robert Moszyński. Deadline for applications: 17 September 2021. For more info see >> pdf
06 sierpnia 2021

The University of Warsaw offers anunpaid 40-hour intensive Polish language course. It will be conducted online on 13th-24th September. Now, the second enrolment round is open.
During the intensive Polish language course (IPLC), international students can receive information about living, learning, and working in Poland. They will explore (at the elementary level) secrets of the Polish language and acquire knowledge of Polish culture essential to reside in Poland. It is a unique possibility to meet peers from all over the world before the academic year and feel comfortable with Polish before coming to the university.
Who can apply for IPLC?
- 2nd and 3rd-year students of the first cycle (Bachelor’s degree),
- 4th and 5th-year students of uniform Master studies,
- students of the second cycle (Master’s degree).
To register, please visit IRK page >>
- second round: 3rd – 17th of August 2021
- third round: 20th – 31st of August 2021
Please note that our course is for degree-seeking students only.
Regulations of the course and other information can be found on the UW Welcome Point website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
30 lipca 2021
Post-doc position within the project OPUS 17 (National Science Center): „Visible-light driven Z-scheme photocatalysts”. Project leader: prof. dr hab. Magdalena Skompska. Deadline for applications: 28 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf