11 listopada 2021

Welcome Point prepared two workshops for UW international employees. One is related to cultural orientation and the Polish culture (on 22nd November), and the second concerns practical information on the structure and culture of the University of Warsaw. The registration deadline is 14th November.
Poland and Poles – Cultural Orientation Training for the International Staff of the University (22nd November, 16:30-20:00)
Workshop objectives:
- Polish Culture – a short overview:
-Important Figures
-Behaviour and Communication Styles
- Some aspects of living in Warsaw
- The Most Significant Polish Historical, Geographical and Cultural Contexts
- Important Dates and Traditions
Onboarding for international staff – practical training on the structure and culture of the University of Warsaw (25th November, 16:30-20:00)
Workshop objectives:
- Dealing with Culture Shock and Acculturation Process
- Polish Academic Culture:
– Academic Values and Cultural Differences
– Organisational Culture of the University of Warsaw
– Structure of the University of Warsaw
- Dimensions of culture in the context of work in the Polish higher education institution.
The workshops will be held in the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw (56/66 Dobra Street).
Registrations are available through the Kampus platform:
It is possible to participate in both workshops.
More information is available at welcome.uw.edu.pl >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

On 26th November, the UW Welcome Point will organise a workshop on setting goals for personal growth. It is open to international students. The registration closes on 15th November.
The workshop includes:
- Exercises identifying the vision for life/10 years/5 years/one year – Identifying a Whole Life Vision that maps onto a 10-year vision and then maps onto a 3-month vision;
- Choosing Goals to Move Forwards With – Brainstorm their vision and goal ideas. Select meaningful goals that add real value to our lives;
- The strategies to set goals: Set SMART goals (specific/measurable-action oriented-realistic-timebound) – discover your motivation leverage – be active – be creative – understand your why – know your resources – dealing with obstacles – prioritisation – staying focused;
- Good tips on goal-setting tips – see procrastination as a gift – understand your WHY – go slow and achieve more – staying on track – believe in you or know what and when to let go;
- Getting motivated and choosing a strategy that works for you;
- Exercises: Setting this year goals – The process of setting three specific Annual Goals – from starting right through to choosing an action to take tomorrow.
The workshops will take place on 26th November in the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw (56/66 Dobra Street).
Who can participate?
- long term students of 2nd and 3rd year of the first cycle (BA),
- long term students of the second cycle (MA),
- long term students of 4th and 5th year of uniform master-level studies.
To register for the workshop, one is requested to fill in the form >>
Registration deadline: 15th November.
More information is available on the Welcome Point website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
04 listopada 2021
Position of adjunct (post doc) in the project entitled „Effects of Ion Implantation on Defect formation and Doping of Gallium Oxide” financed by National Science Centre is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. I.N. Demchenko. Deadline for applications: 5 December 2021. For more info see >> pdf
02 listopada 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Jakub Godlewski, PhD
Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw
Date: 5 th November 2021, Friday
Time: 1:00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Host: Jeff Palatini, PhD
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82426581314
Seminars can also be watched in the Auditorium (room 0142).
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
The presentation will cover several aspects of the non-coding RNA – a vast amount of RNA that does not encode for proteins, yet is produced at high cost by all our cells, often in cell-, tissue-, and physiopathological condition-specific manner, suggestive of an intricate regulatory network. Scientists in the bio-medical field tended to overlook the importance of non-coding RNA, often missing their critical chance in discovering therapeutic targets and developing therapeutic agents. This talk will present the evolution of our understanding of the role and importance of non-coding RNA from „dark matter” or even „junk” to bonafide biomarkers and therapeutic targets in various pathologies. The talk will give participants overlook of the complexity of the universe of non-coding RNAs, their classification, role, and impact, providing a new layer in our understanding of physiopathology. Using deadly brain tumor – glioblastoma as a model (the author will disclose basic details on disease’s key aspects), and several noteworthy examples generated by over 15 years of research by the author’s group, the participants will be presented various aspects of the pathobiology of several key players in non-coding RNA world: microRNAs, long non-coding RNAs, and circular RNAs. These aspects will include disease-related (causal vs. causative) changes in their prevalence, their molecular and phenotypic footprint (with only superficial scrutiny of their mechanistic roles), and finally, their usefulness as either therapeutic targets or therapeutic agents in the development of experimental pre-clinical therapeutic avenues against glioblastoma.

UW employees and doctoral candidates can take part in the latest online training courses, as part of the following “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) in cooperation with the Springer Nature publishing house. Registrations for the course “Journal Editors” close on 5th November.
Springer Nature is one of the world’s largest publishers of scientific journals (over 3,000 titles, containing over seven million scientific papers). Among the journals published by SN, more than 1,100 journals may be found in the top quartile in the Scopus database; the company publishes many of the most influential journals in the world.
These workshops are part of the following “Excellence Initiative – Research University’ (IDUB) Actions: I.2.1 – “Improvement of publishing capacities”, V.3.1 – “Development of UW staff competences”, and V.3.5 – “Programme for the development and improvement of the researchers’ soft skills”.
The following training courses will take place by the end of 2021:
- “Journal Editors”: 16th-17th November; registrations close on 5th November;
- “Academic Presentations”: 29th-30th November; registrations close on 21st November;
- “Science Communication”: 1st-2nd December; registrations begin on 2nd November until 23rd November;
- “Getting Published”: 3rd, 13th and 17th December; registrations begin on 2nd November until 25th November.
See the full schedule >>
The training courses are open to:
- “Journal Editors” – representatives of the editorial boards from the scientific journals which are affiliated with the University of Warsaw;
- other training courses – academic teachers (mainly those employed as research and teaching staff and research staff), and administrative staff who are employed under an employment contract or other appointment at the University of Warsaw, throughout the duration of the training period, and young researchers (doctoral candidates).
Training courses are conducted in English, in the form of workshops.
Registrations are carried out on the Kampus Pracownik platform, in the category of courses called “Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza (IDUB)” (“Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB)”) on the dates indicated: https://kampus-pracownik.ckc.uw.edu.pl. Detailed information and the programme can be found in the description of the courses on the platform.
The training courses are being organised as part of the development activities foreseen in the IDUB programme. A full list of developmental activities is available at: www.inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/rozwoj/.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
26 października 2021
Position of Research Assistant (a group of science positions) in the OPUS project entitled „Physico-chemical principles of antioxidant action: from solvent effect and mechanistic studies to interfacial phenomena in biologically relevant systems” financed by NCN is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Litwinienko. Deadline for applications: 25 November 2021. For more info see >> pdf
25 października 2021

UW employees can register for free of charge lung ultrasound examinations and consultations with a dermatologist by 5th November.
The University of Warsaw and PZU Health (in Polish: PZU Zdrowie) organised free of charge lung ultrasound examinations for UW employees to verify COVID-19 changes. Also, they organised consultations with a dermatologist.
The examinations will take place on 10th and 12th November 2021 at the medical centre in Warsaw (145 Puławska Street). Please note that these are the only dates available. Due to the limited number of places, the order of making an appointment determines registration.
UW employees who are willing to register, please make a call 22 55 31 641 by 5th November.
The project is funded by the PZU Prevention Fund.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
21 października 2021
Project Manager – Dorota Latek, DSc PhD (Head of Modeling of Cellular Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a research project: „Self-learning systems in the design of compounds modulating GPCR receptors activation”, OPUS 20 – National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 15 December 2021. For more info see >> pdf
Position of postdoc (a research position) in the Symfonia (NCN) Project UMO-2016/20/W/ST4/00314 „Attoscience for biology, chemistry and physics: new experimental advances and theoretical development”, is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr. Robert Moszyński. Deadline for applications: 21 November 2021. For more info see >> pdf
The Rector of the University of Warsaw has opened a call for applicants for the position of Adjunct, as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme. Closing date for applications: 21.11.2021. More information >> pdf