More information on the meetings and the legalisation of stay in Poland is available on the Welcome Point website >>
Results of the competition in the SONATA BIS 10 grant
23 grudnia 2021The recruitment commission announces that the competition for the PhD student positions in the NSC SONATA BIS 10 project: „A quest for soft matter single crystals: complex self-assembling materials cooked to perfection with lasers” was won by: Filip Powala, MSc.
An announcement for assistant professor position
22 grudnia 2021Position of Research Assistant (a group of science positions) in the OPUS project entitled „Physico-chemical principles of antioxidant action: from solvent effect and mechanistic studies to interfacial phenomena in biologically relevant systems” financed by NCN is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Litwinienko. Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf
An announcement for post-doc position
16 grudnia 2021Applications are invited for 1 (one) position of post-doc (adiunkt) (a group of research positions) in the OPUS-LAP project entitled „3DED-QCr: Three-dimensional electron diffraction meets quantum crystallography” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland is open for application. Project leader: prof. dr hab. Paulina M. Dominiak. International partner: prof. Lukáš Palatinus. Deadline for applications: 15 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf
An announcement for PostDoc position
15 grudnia 2021Applications are invited for 1 (one) postdoctoral research position in the Department of Chemistry and CNBCh, Warsaw, Poland. The position is available in the project entitled „Alkaline air battery”, under OPUS 20 no. 2020/39/B/ST4/02548 founded by the National Science Centre. Head of the project: Damian Kowalski, PhD. Deadline for applications: 14 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf
Prof. Jacek Klinowski with the title of Doctor Honoris Causa
10 grudnia 2021Professor Jacek Klinowski, an outstanding Polish chemist from the University of Cambridge, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Warsaw.
“I consider it my great honour and privilege to grant the highest possible University honorary title to Prof. Jacek Klinowski. Prof. Klinowski is perceived as a superior person, a highly ethical person, a person of moral character.” – Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, UW Rector, stated.
The ceremony of awarding the honorary title took place on 8th December in the Senate Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace. As Prof. Klinowski expressed in his speech, “the conferred title of Doctor Honoris Causa is a great honour. As, in 2005, sir Roger Penrose was the last person the University of Warsaw granted this prestigious title, I would like to emphasise how difficult it would be for me to place my humble person among such eminent scientists.”
Prof. Jacek Klinowski is a world famous authority in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. “Worldwide known and respected not only for his magnificent achievements in pioneering research into zeolite chemistry but also for his commitment to the promotion of the Polish culture and research work,” as described by Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak, the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, and added “Prof. Klinowski has become the best Polish ambassador in the University of Cambridge. Throughout many years of his work at the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, he has been occupying the leading position among the most distinguished and recognizable scientists. Well-known and highly-appreciated for his excellent lectures, scientific breakthrough work and interdisciplinary discoveries. Undoubtedly, Prof. Klinowski represents all the qualities of an excellent Polish scientist and researcher.”
Great Creator of New Ideas
The UW Senate granted the prestigious title of Doctor Honoris Causa at the request of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, on 24th June 2020. The professional achievements of the candidate were reviewed by: Prof. Jerzy Datka from the Jagiellonian University, Prof. Marek Potrzebowski from the Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Maria Ziółek from the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań.
“Among a large number of passionate scientists and dedicated researchers, there are few to be perceived outstanding creators of new ideas. Prof. Klinowski is one of the elite scientists as a man of numerous gifts, remarkable diligence and intuition,” reviewed Prof. Potrzebowski.
UW Rector’s letter to the academic community
08 grudnia 2021We are publishing the letter from Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, UW Rector. The letter presents the UW authorities attitude to the pandemic reaching the territory of our country. It also refers to the last spring decision on a regular mode of study in the University of Warsaw.
In the letter from 7th December 2021, UW Rector reminds the fact that the University of Warsaw is the first Polish University to declare formally to ”be determined to return the regular mode of study in the direct presence of both the tutor and the participants. Also, the letter deals with the potential responsibility for any drawbacks of the decision to provide only regular mode of teaching and learning”.
− From an economic point of view, the decision on the mode of education in 2021/2022 was taken as early as possible to help students from other parts of the country determine whether they move to Warsaw, rent a flat or a room in the UW residence hall. Therefore, the fact that we are committed to our decision about the regular mode of study shows our profound concern that our community members could make their life decisions while trusting the declarations they receive – as UW Rector explained.
UW Rector emphasizes the fact that the UW authorities discuss regularly the situation with the Student Council and the PhD Student Council. The students’ representatives claim they prefer regular courses to the online ones. Together with the Student Council and PhD Student Council we monitor the situation and analyse our students’ attitude to the health safety at UW. Also, UW Rector comments on the survey conducted in September this year. The survey result indicates the medium level of vaccination amounting to 80 per cent in UW students and 90 per cent in UW academic teachers and administration staff. These results place the University of Warsaw on one of the safest places as for the coronavirus infection risk.
UW Rector’s letter to the academic community
Results of the competition in the OPUS 16 grant
The recruitment commission announces that the competition for the postdoctoral positions in the NSC grant OPUS 16 „Selective transport of biologically relevant anions through lipid bilayers” was won by the following candidates: Dr. Nasim Akhtar and Dr. Meenakshi Pahwa.
December with VC UW
02 grudnia 2021On the 3rd December the University Volunteer Centre (UVC) will be celebrating the 8th anniversary, and the International Volunteer Day 2 days later as well. To commemorate these events, UVC and volunteers prepare several actions and activities like “Mission: Christmas Card” or a pet food bank called “Filling in Pets’ Bellies”.
Since 2013 the University Volunteer Centre has been dealing with the volunteer opportunity promotion, helping to realise new projects reported by the academic community, as well as facilitating the cooperation between volunteers and organizations or institutions in need. Traditionally, within the pre-Christmas time UVC and volunteers organise events that students, PhD students and UW employees are welcome to join.
UVC events in December:
Not only Skłodowska-Curie: Women in Science
Online meeting in English. A Biology student will be talking about great minds of the science world from a women’s view.
6th December (Monday) 4.45 pm
Registration until 10 am, 3rd December via UCW UW.
Online workshop: Polish Language Survival Lesson with @mypolishteacher
If you would like to start your adventure with Polish language join our meeting led by our volunteer and Polish language teacher Sylwia. Before that, you can follow her Instagram @mypolishteacher.
December 9, 4:45 PM
Application deadline: December 3, 10:00 AM
To sign up to workshop Polish Language Survival Lesson please send an email: wolontariat(at)
Book Talk – Back to Childhood
Meeting in English conducted by a Management student as well as a founder of a students’ group Good Books and Series. Students of the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw will be discussing their favourite childhood books.
16th December (Thursday) 4.00 pm
Registration until 10.00 am, 10th December via UCW UW.
Mission: Christmas Card
Each year before Christmas, anyone is encouraged to send Christmas cards with Christmas wishes. The cards sent to UVC and addressed to seniors will be further delivered to the Nursing Home of the Society of St. Francis de Sales in Warsaw.
Deadline: 15th December. More information.
Zimowa Wałówka – Filling in Pets’ Bellies is an action to help animals in shelters. This is the 8th edition of this action. The collection points for cat and dog food are located in the UVC, in the University of Warsaw Library building, and in the Students’ Council building, and remain open till 28th January 2022. More information.
The Survey by the University Team
01 grudnia 2021The University of Warsaw will be holding the third edition of the survey on the evaluation of the implementing of the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The questionnaire will be available between the 1st and 24th December, 2021.
In 2014 the UW rector signed the Declaration of Support to the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers. The University has been modifying the internal procedures and legislation according to the European recommendations. In 2016 the University of Warsaw was granted the prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award by the European Commission.
– Successfully, the University has implemented a number of initiatives and actions to improve the work environment of the researchers, e.g. the Welcome Point Office to support incoming foreign researchers and students, “The Gender Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw” and “The 2020-2023 Equality Activities Plan” as the first university in Poland, a new administrative section has also been established to introduce a vast range of training and development programmes to academic teachers – says Prof. Sambor Grucza, vice-rector UW for Cooperation and Human Resources. Further, Prof. Grucza adds “University internal regulations have also been modified, e.g. the principles of competitions for academic positions as well as the principles of the periodic assessment of academic teachers.”
The Survey by the University Team for Quality of Education Assurance
In 2022 the University of Warsaw is planning to reapply for the HR Excellence in Research Award (HREiR). The assessment of the UW teachers as a base for the strategy of pro-quality actions is part of the HREiR application. The assessment will be processed in a form of a questionnaire prepared by the University Team for Quality of Education Assurance. The Team operates within a structure of the Office of Innovation in Teaching and Learning.
Online meeting on the legalisation of stay in Poland
18 listopada 2021On 24th and 25th November, Welcome Point organises two informational meetings on the legalisation of stay in Poland. During the webinar, participants will learn the most important legal aspects regarding their residence in Poland during their studies and after graduation. The application deadline is 22nd November.
The legalisation of stay in Poland during studies and other legal aspects are the most frequent topics discussed by international students and candidates. For those who are currently wondering whether they need to legalise their stay, or how this procedure looks like during a pandemic, Welcome Point organises two webinars dedicated to students from non-EU countries. The meeting will be led by specialists from The Association for Legal Intervention, who professionally provide assistance in legalising the stay of foreigners.
During the meeting, the following issues will be discussed:
- Legalisation of residence in Poland (visa, permanent residence permit);
- Differences between student visa and a temporary residence permit;
- Procedure of application for a residence permit;
- Taking up a job during studies;
- Legalisation of stay after obtaining university diploma;
- Polish descent and Card of the Pole holders’ rights;
- Special solutions for foreigners caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
The meetings will be held online.
- Meeting conducted in Polish: 24th November, 2021, 2:00 pm;
- Meeting conducted in English: 25th November 2021, 2:00 pm.
To participate in the events, students and candidates are requested to register in advance by completing the form. The application deadline is 22nd November at 12:00 pm.