2 PhD positions available within an OPUS grant from NSC
21 maja 2018

2 PhD positions are available within ‚OPUS” grant ‚Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in MEtal-Organic Frameworks’. Project leader: dr Michał Chmielewski. Deadline for applications: 12.06.2018. For more info see >> pdf

Lectures dr Paweł Śledź 14-15.05.2018
13 maja 2018

Dear Members of our Department
This is to inform you that

Dr Paweł Śledź
(University of Zurich),

Will deliver a series of lectures (14-15 May 2018) on:

Structure-based drug discovery

Location: Maria Skłodowska-Curie Lecture Room (Sala Rady Wydziału),
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw, ul. Pasteura 1

Lecture 1. Monday, 14 May 2018, 14:15 – 15:45
Methods of biophysics and structural biology to study molecular recognition.

Lecture 2. Monday, 14 May 2018, 16:15 – 17:45
How protein structure helps with ligand discovery? Principles of fragment-based methods, comparison to HTS.

Lecture 3. Tuesday, 15 May 2018, 14:15 – 15:45
In silico methods in drug discovery – from implicit solvent force fields to artificial intelligence.

Lecture 4. Tuesday, 15 May 2018, 16:15 – 17:45
Case studies of recent success and failure stories. Future outlook – new targets, new discovery models, new methods.

About the lecturer. Paweł Śledź (at present University of Zurich) was the winner of the 50-th Polish Chemistry Olympiad (2004) and Gold Medalist of 35-th International Chemistry Olympiad (Athens, Greece – 2003).  He was student of the Interfaculty Individual Studies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences – Warsaw University Individual Program of Studies with the major subject: Chemistry). For some time in the past, Paweł was associated with several in Poland and abroad such as: Prof. M. Mąkosza, Prof. K. Grela, dr hab. W. Dzwolak, Prof. W. Koźmiński,  Prof. K. Woźniak, Prof. W. Minor (Charlotesville, USA), Prof. R. Grubss (the Novbel Prize Winner, CalTech, USA). He accomplished his MSc degree under supervision of Profs K. Wozniak and W. Minor defending his thesis on: „ The role of the Surface Lysine Methylation rescue method for protein crystallization”.
He started his research in structural biochemistry in 2006, focusing on solving protein structures using advanced methodologies like NMR and X-Ray diffraction techniques. In 2007 and 2008 he received extensive biological crystallography training at the University of Virginia, working on targets of the Midwest Center for Structural Genomics. As a graduate student at the Department of Chemistry of the University of Cambridge (PhD under supervision of Prof. Chris Abell) he focused on the application of the knowledge of protein structures to drug design. Later he worked at the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Martinsried (Prof. Wolfgang Baumeister’s group, Germany). Currently, he holds a position at the University of Zurich.
Although the lectures of Dr Śledź are intended mostly for the students of the Interfaculty Individual Studies in Mathematical and Natural Sciences, they also could be very interesting for a broader audience. So all people interested are welcomed.

Dr hab. Anna Nowicka and Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak

Master Students’ Poster Session 2018
09 maja 2018

We kindly inform you that, as every year, a poster session is organized,during which the students will present the results of their master’s theses conducted in the academic year 2017/2018.

The poster session will be opened on 06.06.2018 (Wednesday) at 12.00 in the Faculty Hall.

Posters should be presented until June 29, 2018.

Every graduate student will personally present the results of his research in the form of a 2-3 minute oral presentation.

The best presentations and posters will be awarded;
all employees of the Faculty of Chemistry will be able to vote for the best poster (award from the academic community).

Session organizers
Dr Katarzyna Pałka
Dr hab. Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga