Scientific mini-Symposium CeNT UW 4.09.2018
27 sierpnia 2018

On behalf of Directors of CeNT UW, we would like to kindly invite for scientific mini-symposium of the candidates for the Research Group Leaders positions at CeNT UW and ReMedy – International Research Agenda Unit. It is the last step of of recruitment process of new Research Group Leaders, during which the top ranked candidates will present their achievements and plans to the Council of CeNT UW/International Scientific Committee of ReMedy and the public.

Symposium will be held on 4th September 2018, 1:30 pm – 6:40 pm, at CeNT UW ul. Banacha 2c.

The schedule of the symposium is available under the link:

Two PhD positions available

PhD position is available within OPUS 14 NCN grant ‘Mechanistic investigations for local thermal oxidation of thin MoS2’. Principal Investigator: dr hab. Robert Szoszkiewicz, prof. UW. Deadline for applications: 12 October 2018. For more info see >> pdf

PhD student’s job offer in the FNP Homing project
08 sierpnia 2018

PhD student’s job offer in the FNP Homing project „A new generation of the lithium battery: assembly of the all-solid-state system”. Project leader: dr inż. Dominika Ziółkowska. Deadline for applications: 7.09.2018. More information >> pdf

3 MSc Student positions available

We are looking for: 1 MSc Student in the biology (“BIO”) and 2 MSc Students in the chemistry (“CHEM”) CFCB pipelines. The project “Core facility for crystallographic and biophysical research to support the development of medicinal products” is funded by the TEAM-TECH Core Facility programme from the Foundation for Polish Science. The project will establish a Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics (CFCB) at the Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 10.09.2018. More info >> pdf

PhD position available within an OPUS grant from NSC

PhD position is available within ‚OPUS” grant ‚Properties and reactivity of molecules and molecular complexes under partial spatial confinement’. Project leader: dr hab. Tatiana Korona. Deadline for applications: 2.09.2018. For more info see >> pdf

PhD position available within an OPUS grant from NSC
16 lipca 2018

PhD position is available within ‚OPUS” grant ‚Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks’. Project leader: dr Michał Chmielewski. Deadline for applications: 26.08.2018. For more info see >> pdf

Technician positions available
10 lipca 2018

We are looking for 1 technician in the chemistry. The project „Towards new methods of extracting thermodynamic properties from X-ray data of model polymorphic systems” is funded by the HOMING programme from the Foundation for Polish Science. Project leader: dr Anna Hoser. Applications should be submitted till 20th of July 2018. More information >> pdf

Lectures Dr Dritan Hasa and Prof. Władek Minor CNBCh 5.07.2018
03 lipca 2018

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

On the nearest Thursday (5/07/) will have two excellent lectures at the Centre for Biological and Chemical Research (CNBCh – Aula B) delivered by:

  1. Dr Dritan Hasa (Leicester, UK)
    Expanding the horizon of mechanochemical synthesis of functional (pharmaceutical) solids
  2. Prof. Władek Minor (Charlotesville, USA and Department of Chemistry University of Warsaw)
    Reproducibility in Biomedical Research

The lectures will start at 10.00 am and will be ca. 40 min. long (+discussion) each.
I take an immense pleasure in inviting you all to these lectures.

Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak

Conference on new advances in the chemistry of porphyrinoids
11 czerwca 2018

Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS invites to a conference on new advances in the chemistry of porphyrinoids, which will held on the 29th of June 2018 in Institutes assembly hall (Kasprzaka 44/52, Warsaw), start at 08:50.

The conference is free to attend and no registration is required.


Open Day! Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics UW
28 maja 2018

Dear All,

We are pleased to invite you on May 29 from 13:00 to the Open Day of the newly established Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics (CFCB, Center for Biological and Chemical Research, University of Warsaw) co-funded by the TEAM-TECH Core Facility Foundation for Polish Science.
Announcement and brochure with CFCB services is attached. The head of the CFCB is Professor dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak (, deputy head Dr. Jan Kutner (

On this occasion we would like to talk about your important projects and discuss how we could bring new research approaches to them:
– Crystallization of small chemical molecules
– Crystallization of proteins
– Biochemical and biophysical tests

We are open to academic and commercial cooperations.

We invite you to meet and talk to CFCB experts over the coffee, tea and cookies …


Thank you very much and best regards,

Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics