Seminar CeNT 6.03.2020
02 marca 2020

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Prof. Józef Dulak

Head of Department of Medical Biotechnology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Medical Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Title: New mechanisms of muscles injury and repair

Date: March 6th, 2020 (Friday)

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: prof. Krzysztof Kobielak

Skeletal muscles efficiently regenerate after injury while heart does not and destroyed cardiomyocytes are replaced by the fibrotic scar. Regeneration of skeletal muscles is driven by the satellite cells, the bona fide stem cells, which upon activation start to proliferate and differentiate, fuse and finally form the muscular fibers. Impairment of muscle regeneration develops with age and is also associated with the inherited muscular dystrophies. Among them the Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common, still unfortunately incurable. The lack of dystrophin results in the aggravated muscles injury which do not efficiently regenerate and the affected boys loose ambulation in the early teenage and die due to heart failure mostly in the 3rd decade of life.
Restoration of dystrophin in muscles and heart is an obvious but very challenging and so far, not successful way to treat DMD. However, modulation of inflammation linked with muscle and heart damage can ameliorate disease conditions. We have shown that disturbance of muscle regeneration is linked with impairment of satellite cells differentiation and the lack of additional genes can either ameliorate or aggravate the absence of dystrophin. We revealed that different pathways, including Nrf2, heme oxygenase-1 and mir-378 are promising targets to modulate disease progression through influence on satellite cells, inflammation, fibrosis, angiogenesis and metabolism. Employing on these mechanisms and on the induced pluripotent stem cells-based technology offers the chance for better understanding of heart failure in DMD patients and development of treatments approaches relying on iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes and pharmacological compounds.

Supported by Maestro (2013-2018 and 2019-2024), OPUS (2014-2017) and Harmonia (2016-2019) grants from the National Science Centre.

PhD Student position is available in Grela’s group
27 lutego 2020

PhD Student position is available in Grela’s group in the International Training Network (ITN) and more specifically a European Joint Doctorate (EJD), funded by the European Commission through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), entitled „Coordination Chemistry Inspires Molecular Catalysis” (CCIMC). Project title: „Immobilization of NHC’s ligands in Janus Dendrimers. Catalysis in green solvents”. Supervisors: Prof. Karol Grela and Dr. Rosa María Sebastián. Deadline for applications: 31 March 2020. For more info see >> pdf

An announcement for adjunct (postdoc) position

High paying position for adjunct (post doc) who will develop new models and software in a project at borderline of crystallography and computational chemistry entitled „Advancing quantum crystallography for better insight into structure and properties of crystals” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 5 April 2020. For more info see >> pdf

An announcement for post-doc position

Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project: „Making the Impossible Possible: Macrocyclisation of Unbiased Dienes at High Concentration by Ring-Closing Metathesis”, programme Opus supported by National Science Centre positions: Post-Doc (2) – Assistant in a group of research workers, operating in the field of exact and natural sciences. Deadline for applications: 28 March 2020. For more info see >> pdf

META 2020 – 11th International Conference 20-23.07.2020
25 lutego 2020

META 2020, the 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
July 20 – 23, 2020

Dear Colleague,

The 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2020), the premier conference for Nanophotonics and Advanced Electromagnetics Materials, will be held in the University of Warsaw – Poland, from 20 to 23 July 2020.

Abstract submission is open, the extended deadline for submitting Abstracts to META 2020 is March 16, 2020:

Plenary Speakers:
1. Robert W. Boyd, University of Ottawa, Canada
2. Nader Engheta, University of Pennsylvania, USA
3. Federico Capasso, Harvard University, USA
4. Maiken H. Mikkelsen, Duke University, USA
5. Masaya Notomi, NTT Basic Research Labs., Japan
6. Deirdre OCarroll, Rutgers University, USA
7. DGeorge C. Schatz, Northwestern University, USA
8. Vladimir M. Shalaev, Purdue University, USA

Conference Tutorials:
Following the great success of the first edition of META tutorials in Lisbon, META 2020 will feature several technical tutorials instructed by leading experts on various topics of interest to the META community (free of charge for the conference attendees).
Tutorial Instructors:
1. Ali Adibi, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA
2. Harry Atwater, California Institute of Technology, USA
3. Federico Capasso, Harvard University, USA

Important dates:
16 March 2020: Abstract Submission Extended Deadline, 23:00 (PST)
24 April 2020: Early Bird Registration Deadline
2 June 2020: Advanced Registration Deadline
8 June 2020: Full-papers Submission Deadline, 23:00 (PST)

Further details on META 2020 can be found on the conference website:

We look forward to meeting you at META in Warsaw!

Sincerely yours,
META 2020 Conference Chairs:
Prof. Dorota Pawlak, Institute of Electronic Materials Technology, Poland
Prof. Andrzej Kudelski, University of Warsaw, Poland
Prof. Said Zouhdi, Paris-Saclay University, France

Seminar CeNT 28.02.2020
24 lutego 2020

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Prof. Agnieszka Bzowska

Division of Biophysics, Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw

Title: Purine salvage pathway enzymes as a target for therapies against pathogenic organisms lacking de novo purine nucleotide synthesis – case study of Helicobacter pylori

Date: February 28th, 2020 (Friday)

Time: 12:00 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: prof. Joanna Trylska

There are two possible metabolic routes, which organisms can use to obtain purine nucleotides, the indispensable building blocks for DNA and RNA synthesis – de novo and salvage pathways. Some organisms, including those causing severe diseases, possess only one of them, the salvage pathway. Enzymes of this pathway are therefore good targets to disable growth and replication of such pathogenes. During the talk I will present our efforts to obtain and characterize two of the salvage pathway enzymes, purine nucleoside phosphorylase and adenylosuccinate synthase from Helicobacter pylori, and design their potent inhibitors.

An announcement for adjunct position
18 lutego 2020

Position of adjunct (group of research workers) in the project entitled „Phase transitions in minerals induced by pressure and studied by experimental charge densities – feasibility studies” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. (see: Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 19 March 2020. For more info see >> pdf

An announcement for adjunct position

Position of adjunct (group of research workers) in the project entitled „Phase transitions in minerals induced by pressure and studied by experimental charge densities – feasibility studies” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. (see: Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 19 March 2020. For more info see >> pdf

Seminar CeNT 19.02.2020
17 lutego 2020

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Dr Ishier Raote

Centre for Genomic Regulation, Barcelona, Spain

Title: TANGO1 in collagen secretion: Function and dysfunction

Date: 19th February 2020 (Wednesday)

Time:  11:00 am

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C, Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Dr Piotr Szwedziak

Secreted collagens compose 25% of our dry body weight and are necessary for tissue organization, skin and bone formation. But how are these bulky cargoes, that are too big to fit into a conventional COPII vesicle, exported from the ER? Our discovery of TANGO1, a ubiquitously expressed, ER-exit-site-resident, transmembrane protein, has made the pathway of collagen secretion amenable to molecular analysis. TANGO1 acts as a scaffold to connect collagens in the lumen to COPII coats on the cytoplasmic side of the ER. However, the growth of the collagen containing mega transport carrier is not simply by accretion of a larger COPII-coated patch of ER membrane, but instead I propose that TANGO1 creates a tunnel for cargo transport between the ER and a post-ER compartment. This mechanism is conceptually different from the conventional model for carrier formation, which posits that membrane is derived entirely from a donor compartment. This proposal revises George Palade’s classical schema of carrier-mediated traffic in the secretory pathway. We have seen that TANGO1 rings the ER exit site and thus organizes a sub-compartment or „isolation chamber” within the ER. To assemble the ring, TANGO1 and its interactors mutually recruit, corral and organize each other. Most recently, we have identified the first TANGO1-associated syndromal disease in humans, which mainly manifests as a collagenopathy. Thus, in the short span of a decade, we have identified TANGO1, described a novel mechanism for its function in collagen secretion thereby proposing a radical revision of the classical views of the secretory pathway and now, we have identified a role of TANGO1 in a novel human collagenopathy.

An announcement for post-doc position
14 lutego 2020

Position of post-doc (adiunkt) (a group of science positions) in the project entitled “From ion-selective nanofibers optical and electrochemical sensors towards „lab on a mat”” financed by National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: prof. dr hab. Agata Michalska-Maksymiuk. Deadline for applications: 10 May 2020. For more info see >> pdf