„Energy carriers and approaches towards a closed carbon-cycle”
18 listopada 2020

On 8 December at 15:00 SUNERGY will organize its first Industrial Webinar: Energy carriers and approaches towards a closed carbon-cycle. SUNERGY Industry Board members Maximilian Fleischer (Siemens Energy), Anastasios Perimenis (CO2 Value Europe) and Jan Mertens (Engie) will talk about energy carriers, including carbon-based ones, and give an overview about the technologies needed, energy transport and carbon capture and utilisation (CCU) strategies.
Their talks will provide a general overview of the challenges European companies are facing towards climate-neutrality and how SUNERGY initiative could help contributing with different approaches.

You can find more information and register for this webinar here. If you would like to invite colleagues via e-mail or social media you could use one of the suggested messages in the promotional kit.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to SUNERGY via contact@sunergy-initiative.eu

Seminar CeNT 20.11.2020
13 listopada 2020

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by

Prof. Syma Khalid,

School of Chemistry, University of Southampton

Title: Computational Microbiology of the E. coli Cell Envelope

Date: 20th November 2020 (Friday)

Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)

Host: prof. Joanna Trylska

Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88907066384


Abstract: https://symakhalidresearchgroup.wordpress.com/syma-khalid-group-leader/

BUW is closed for readers
10 listopada 2020

The University of Warsaw Library (BUW) remains closed until 29th November due to the restriction on the operation of public and scientific libraries introduced by Poland’s Council of Ministers.

Those who borrowed books can return them later.The return dates for borrowed books, Kindle readers and keys to individual work booths have been postponed to 15th December. There will be no charges for books overdue from 7th to 29th November.

Books ordered earlier than 7th November and reservations ready for pick-up, can be collected by 4th December (it applies to the Circulation Desk and the Reading Room).

The possibility of ordering books from BUW as well as requesting keys to the individual work booths have been disabled, but they can still be booked.

Students, doctoral candidates and employees of UW can still order scans for free. Scanning service is available for users with active library accounts at the University of Warsaw Library, with no overdue library (BUW) materials, and with no fees charged by the University of Warsaw Library. More information >>

Also, it is still possible to use to the wide range of electronic resources of BUW: e-journals, e-books and databases. More information>>


Źródło: www.en.uw.edu.pl

Crimes motivated by prejudice

On 17th November, Welcome Point is organising an online meeting with the Association for Legal Intervention on crimes motivated by prejudice.

The programme of the event includes the following parts:

  • A 45- minute presentation about bias crimes, rights and obligations of a victim, and situations when the police are obliged to act,
  • A 20-minute practical exercise on descriptions of specific behaviours: Is this a crime?
  • Participants’ questions (25 minutes).

The meeting will be held on 17th November at 1.30 pm.

To participate, please fill in the registration form >>

Registration will be open until 12th November. To learn more, visit the Welcome Point website: www.welcome.uw.edu.pl.


Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

PostDoc position is available in Grela’s group

PostDoc position is available in Grela’s group from the FNP TEAM-TECH programme „Catalysis for the Twenty-First Century Chemical Industry”. Project leader: prof. dr hab. eng. Karol Grela. Deadline for applications: 10 December 2020. For more info see >> pdf

4EU+ Online Annual Meeting
04 listopada 2020

On 16th November, the Annual Meeting of the 4EU+ Alliance will be held as an online event. Organised by Charles University, the meeting will bring together academic leaders, students and staff of the six 4EU+ member universities who are actively involved in the development of the Alliance as well as representatives of the European Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and 4EU+ Associated Partners.

The Annual Meeting will consist of the following parts:

  • Micro think-tank sessions – various stakeholders from the 4EU+ community will explore selected topics of central relevance for the Alliance. The number of places for the micro think-tank sessions is limited. In parallel, the 4EU+ Governing Board will hold its regular meeting with the 4EU+ Management Committee and Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents of member universities.
  • General Assembly – Rector of Charles University, Prof. Tomáš Zima, will officially take over the position of Chair of the 4EU+ Governing Board from the President of Sorbonne University, Prof. Jean Chambaz. During the General Assembly, the 4EU+ Academic Council will be officially inaugurated.
  • Open session (16:00-18:00) – will be attended by the members of the 4EU+ community involved in 4EU+ activities as well as representatives of the European Commission, 4EU+ Associated Partners, ministries, other university alliances and organisations active in the Higher Education area. Anyone interested in getting to know the 4EU+ Alliance and its activities is welcome to join this session.

The registration form and conference programme are available at www.4euplus.eu.

Registration will be open until 12th November.

The language of the conference will be English. Translation and interpreting services will not be available.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local 4EU+ team at the University of Warsaw: 4euplus(at)uw.edu.pl.


Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

Online meeting on the legalisation of stay
02 listopada 2020

Welcome Point – an information service point for international students who start their education at UW – organises, together with the Association for Legal Intervention specialists, an online meeting on the legalisation of stay in Poland.

During the meeting, the following issues will be discussed:

  • Differences between a visa and a temporary residence permit,
  • The procedure for applying for a residence permit,
  • Special solutions for foreigners introduced during the pandemic.

The event will last 90 minutes, 45 minutes of which will be dedicated to a Q&A session. To take part, please register by 5th November.

Meeting in English: 9th November, 1:30 pm, registration form >>
Meeting in Polish: 10th November, 1:30 pm, registration form>>

More information about the event is available on the Welcome Point website.


Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

Seminar CeNT 6.11.2020
30 października 2020

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by

Prof. Valentina Tozzini,

NEST-Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche-Istituto Nanoscienze, Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa

Title: Graphene based systems beyond 2-dimensionality: perspectives and contemporary applications

Date: 6th November 2020 (Friday)

Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)

Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87185453081

Meeting ID: 871 8545 3081


Coronavirus testing
26 października 2020

UW employees and doctoral candidates can undergo free of charge COVID-19 RT-PCR tests. Taking swabs will begin on 26th October and last until 20th November.

Employees and doctoral candidates have an opportunity to sign up for COVID-19 RT-PCR tests that detect active SARS-COV-2 infection.

I would like to express my gratitude to everyone whose efforts contributed to the possibility of testing employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw for active infection with SARS CoV-2 virus. From my own experience, I can say that a quick and effective diagnosis is key in the fight against the pandemic that we are all struggling with,” said Professor Alojzy Z. Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw.

Testing takes place on-site (on the Ochota campus) following the registration – according to the guideline (below).

SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR detects viral RNA. Diagnostic tests use a mucus sample from the nose or throat. Medical personnel take a swab which will get analysed by Warsaw Genomics.

Before getting tested:

 At least half an hour before taking a swab for SARS-CoV-2 virus, one should not:

  •  drink,
  •  eat,
  •  smoke cigarettes,
  •  take medications,
  •  brush their teeth,
  •  rinse mouth and nose,
  •  chew gum.

Testing period: COVID-19 swab collection will start on 26th October and will last until 20th November 2020.

How to register and get tested:

Step 1: Download a discount code

A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from covid.uw.edu.pl.

Step 2: Register

After receiving the code, register at https://warsawgenomics.pl/zlecam-test-sars, and arrange an appointment via the form at warsaw-genomics.reservio.com, choosing a specific date and time.

Step 3: Undergo a test

Taking a swab will take place on the Ochota Campus, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance. Tests are organised and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. Swabs are collected by medical professionals. Warsaw Genomics team will offer tests from Monday to Friday: 8 am – 7 pm as of 26th October until 20th November. On 26th October, the medical point will operate from 10 am to 7 pm.

Please note: A person should come to the swab collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.

Step 4: Get your result

The test results will be available to patients at https://wyniki.warsawgenomics.pl/. It can take up to three business days until the results will be given. One should enter their order number (from the e-mail confirming acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 test) and their PESEL number (or their ID number if there is no PESEL number). It will be possible to download the signed and authorized test result.

More information (in Polish) >>


Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl

Organizational changes in the semester from October 26, 2020
23 października 2020

A constant increase in the incidence of the disease in Poland, the noticeable absence of academic teachers, and the insufficient possibility of substitution of teaching staff are the main reasons for the decision on organizational changes in the winter semester of the academic year 2020/2021.

The changes are valid from October 26, 2020 until further notice:
1) theoretical classes will be held in a remote mode;
2) students may research in subjects leading to the submission of their diploma thesis;
3) elements of laboratories that can be run remotely will be run remotely within the current schedule;
4) the parts of laboratories that cannot be taught remotely are suspended.

Vice-Dean for Student Affairs: prof. dr hab. Beata Krasnodębska-Ostręga