24 marca 2021
The Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry announce a competition for the position of Assistant Professor (Adiunkt) in a group of research and teaching staff. Available positions: 4. Deadline for applications: 12 May 2021, 14:00. For more info see >> pdf
22 marca 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
prof. Krzysztof Woźniak, Tomasz Góral, PhD,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility at CeNT UW
Date: 26th March 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88617105727
Meeting ID: 886 1710 5727
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
CryoEM (cryo-electron microscopy) is a Nobel Prize-winning technique that revolutionised structural biology, accelerating progress in medicine, pharmacy, biology and biochemistry. This versatile method involves vitrification of samples in their native state by plunge freezing followed by imaging with a high-end transmission electron microscope (TEM) under cryogenic conditions. Since the „resolution revolution” (~2013), major breakthroughs in hardware and software such as more sensitive cameras and sophisticated data processing algorithms have transformed EM images into high-resolution molecular structures. Modern CryoEM microscopes equipped with the newest energy filters can yield atomic-level structures even close to 1 Å resolution (Nakane et al., 2020), often published in top journals such as Nature or Science.
In 2019 the University of Warsaw purchased and installed one of the first fully dedicated Cryo-TEM instruments in the country: 200kV Glacios (Thermo Fisher Scientific), located at CeNT UW in the Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility. The instrument is equipped with an autoloader holding up to 12 grids, a CCD Ceta16M camera, a direct electron detector camera Falcon3EC and a phase plate for contrast improvement. Such configuration allows currently for two major cryoEM modalities i.e. single particle analysis (SPA) and cryo-tomography (CryoET).
In this webinar we introduce the Cryomicroscopy and Electron Diffraction Core Facility at CeNT UW and discuss its current research possibilities. We also show our plans for further development including upgrade to micro electron diffraction (microED) together with a dedicated infrastructure for cryoEM data storage and processing.
15 marca 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Danijela Popovic, PhD,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: Ancient genomes reveal long range influence of the site and culture of Tiwanaku
Date: 19th March 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81927654827
Meeting ID: 819 2765 4827
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
Tiwanaku was a civilization that flourished in the Lake Titicaca Basin (present-day Bolivia) between 500 and 1000 CE. At its apogee, Tiwanaku controlled the lake’s southern shores and influenced certain areas of the Southern Andes. There is a considerable amount of archaeological and anthropological data concerning the Tiwanaku culture; however, our understanding of the population of the site of Tiwanaku is limited. To understand the population dynamics at different stages of the Tiwanaku cultural development, we analyzed 17 low-coverage genomes from individuals dated between 300 and 1500 CE. We found that the population from the Lake Titicaca Basin remained genetically unchanged throughout more than 1200 years, indicating that significant cultural and political changes were not associated with large scale population movements. In contrast, individuals excavated from Tiwanaku’s ritual core were highly heterogeneous, some with genetic ancestry from as far away as the Amazon, supporting the proposition of foreign presence at the site. However, mixed-ancestry individuals’ presence suggests they were local descendants of incomers from afar rather than captives or visiting pilgrims. A number of human offerings from the Akapana Platform dating to ca. 950 CE mark the end of active construction and maintenance of the monumental core and the wane of Tiwanaku culture.
Project Manager – dr Anna Kajetanowicz (Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for a candidate to work in a scientific project: „Synthesis of ruthenium complexes bearing CAAC ligands and their use in metathesis reactions” programme Opus supported by National Science Centre position: Student (1). Deadline for applications: 28 March 2021. For more info see >> pdf
12 marca 2021

UW units can now propose researchers from abroad as candidates for visiting lecturers and submit their applications by 5th May. By 12th June, the ranking list of selected candidates will be announced.
Applications of candidates should be submitted by UW host departments (following the consent of a candidate).
The UW units are requested to send applications in a pdf file on visiting(at)uw.edu.pl by 5th May 2021.
The application needs to consist of:
- Visiting Lecturer Application Form (in English or Polish), signed by the candidate,
- Motivation Statement (prepared in Polish by the host department, signed by its head and its liaison officer),
- The candidate’s professional Curriculum Vitae, along with the list of publications.
The commission appointed by the UW Rector will evaluate applications based on candidates’ scientific achievements, teaching experience and justification prepared by the host department.
So far, 20 academic teachers have come to the University of Warsaw. The number of places depends on the length of stay declared by scientists. The commission decides on the allocation of places. Visiting lecturers will work from Warsaw, in the same mode as other faculty employees ─ online and hybrid. They will be employed under the Integrated Development Programme of the University of Warsaw. Their employment contract can last from two to five months.
The ranking list of candidates and the reserve list will be published at www.zip.uw.edu.pl by 12th June 2021.
The employment procedure will be coordinated by the University of Warsaw Welcome Point.
More information >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
11 marca 2021

UW students can now enrol for the EIT Food RIS Fellowships. Forty internship opportunities in the agri-food sector are waiting. The deadline for applying is 12th April.
Each year students take up their chance to get a unique internship among agri-food European top players. In this 4th edition of the EIT Food RIS Fellowships Action Line, 40 internship opportunities in different departments and operation areas are prepared for them.
It is possible to find a place among big companies like Maspex, Puratos, Grupo AN, or small start-ups like Napiferyn Biotech, Agricolus, Foodpairing or many others.
An international internship is paid and lasts 3-6 months. The organisers are flexible when it comes to internship modes. They find best-fitted solutions to COVID travelling situations. It is possible to choose one of the ways: online, on-site or a hybrid.
- If you are MSc, apply academic knowledge in practical work contexts and develop a creative problem-solving competence. Apply here >>
- If you are a PhD, do not miss the chance to develop critical thinking competence by participating in innovation projects, R&D projects led by EIT Food partner organisations or Horizon Europe projects. Apply here >>
More information is available at www.eitfoodrisfellowships.eu.

Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
10 marca 2021

The Volunteer Centre of UW invites the entire community of the University of Warsaw to its Easter project. Those who want to get involved can send their online wishes, virtual and traditional cards to seniors staying in the Nursing Home of the Society of St. Francis de Sales in Warsaw.
The virtual wishes will be handed over to seniors and displayed on the screens in the Nursing Home. The action aims to create a warm atmosphere and make seniors feel surrounded by kindness.
Please send your wishes and virtual cards to VC UW until 24th March on wolontariat[at]uw.edu.pl.
Traditional cards should be sent directly to the Nursing Home via post:
Dom Pomocy Społecznej Towarzystwa Przytułku św. Franciszka Salezego w Warszawie
ul. Solec 36a
00-394 Warszawa
Also, the VC team prepares Easter get-together online workshops, taking place:
- on 18th March, at 4:30-6:30 pm CET (workshop in English),
- on 19th March, at 4:30-6:30 pm CET (workshop in Polish).
Applications can be sent until 15th March, at noon (CET) to the following address: wolontariat[at]uw.edu.pl. Please note that the number of places is limited.
For details, please visit the Voluntary Centre website >>

Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
09 marca 2021

This year’s edition of the Supercomputing Frontiers Europe conference will take place in July. Due to the ongoing pandemic, the event will be held online. The SCFE 2021 paper submission is open now. It will be possible to send articles until 16th May.
The conference is free of charge and enables the participation of HPC enthusiasts from around the world. It brings together scientists, supercomputer centre managers, and representatives of leading IT vendors and start-ups. It is organised by the Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling of the University of Warsaw.
The last year’s event – SCFE 2020 – was a great success, with more than 1100 registrations from over 60 countries. To maintain momentum and provide a platform for HPC and the computing science community, ICM organises the Virtual ICM Seminars in Computer and Computational Science that have already attracted 1330 viewers.
“We are convinced that Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2021 will maintain the highest standards established in all previous events. Our new initiative called Virtual ICM Seminars enabled us to host seminars by such outstanding luminaries as Hiroaki Kitano (Systems Biology Institute, Tokyo), Stephen Wolfram (Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research) or Alan Edelman (creator of Julia language, MIT). We will continue to seek ideas that have the potential to change the course of supercomputing, and we will focus on the newest global trends and substantial innovations,” says Dr. Marek Michalewicz from ICM, Committee Chair and the creator of Supercomputing Frontiers conferences.
The themes for SCFE21:
- special architectures,
- storage class memory,
- hybrid cloud / HPC,
- smart systems,
- hybrid quantum computing and HPC,
- Omics and Systems Biology,
- the convergence of HPC,
- AI and Big Data,
- Semantic and Graph methods.
The programme will also cover streams featuring selected achievements in India and Africa.
The SCFE 2021 will take place on 19th-23rd July. The call for papers is open now, until 16th May.
More information is available on the ICM website>>
Detailed information on the conference >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
08 marca 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Marcin Kałek, PhD,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: Synthetic and mechanistic studies on reactions involving hypervalent iodine compounds
Date: 12th March 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89991524964
Meeting ID: 899 9152 4964
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
Over the recent years, the application of hypervalent iodine compounds in organic synthesis has been the subject of intensive research, and nowadays, hypervalent iodine reagents and catalysts occupy a well-established place in the organic chemist toolbox. In particular, they allow for performing advanced oxidation reactions, which involve the formation of new chemical bonds and lead to a large increase in the molecular complexity. The strong motivation for the development of new hypervalent iodine species and novel synthetic methods employing them stems also from the low toxicity and cost of iodine and its compounds, fitting perfectly into the philosophy of green and sustainable chemical synthesis.
Since its establishment in 2016, our laboratory at CeNT UW has been active in the research on the chemistry of hypervalent iodine in the context of organic synthesis and has made some important contributions in this area. During the seminar, the development of new synthetic methods employing hypervalent iodine reagents will be presented. These include a number of metal-free C–H functionalizations with iodonium salts as group transfer reagents, as well as transformations, wherein hypervalent iodine species are used as oxidants. The results of our experimental and computational investigations on the mechanisms of selected synthetically useful processes involving hypervalent iodine will also be discussed.
05 marca 2021

On 25th-26th March, the UW Welcome Point and the UW Human Resources Office organise cultural orientation training for the international staff of the university. The registration closes on 23rd March.
The training aims to get participants acquainted with elements and mechanisms of Polish culture. It will be conducted in an interactive and practical mode. Participants will be able to share their experience and concerns connected with relocation and interaction with the culture of Poland.
To take part, please register by clicking the link >>
The event will take place on 25th-26th March, 4:00 pm-7:30 pm.
Training Agenda
- Dealing with Culture Shock and Acculturation Process
- Polish Culture – a short overview:
- Symbols
- Important Figures
- Behaviour and Communication Styles
- Values
- Important Dates
- The Most Significant Polish Historical and Cultural Contexts
- My culture and Polish Culture – Similarities and Differences based on the theories of the Dimensions of Culture
- Polish Academic Culture:
- Academic Values and Cultural Differences
- Communication with Students and Academics
- Organisational Culture of the University of Warsaw
More information is available at www.welcome.uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl