27 sierpnia 2021
Position of PhD student in the project entitled „Responsive hiErarchic nanOcomPositEs for chiral plasmoNics” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Wiktor Lewandowski. Deadline for applications: 30 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
17 sierpnia 2021
Position of postdoc (a research position) in the EURAMET (EMPIR) Project 18SIB02 „Realising the redefined kelvin (Real-K)”, EUROPEAN METROLOGY PROGRAMME FOR INNOVATION AND RESEARCH (EMPIR), is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr. Robert Moszyński. Deadline for applications: 17 September 2021. For more info see >> pdf
06 sierpnia 2021

The University of Warsaw offers anunpaid 40-hour intensive Polish language course. It will be conducted online on 13th-24th September. Now, the second enrolment round is open.
During the intensive Polish language course (IPLC), international students can receive information about living, learning, and working in Poland. They will explore (at the elementary level) secrets of the Polish language and acquire knowledge of Polish culture essential to reside in Poland. It is a unique possibility to meet peers from all over the world before the academic year and feel comfortable with Polish before coming to the university.
Who can apply for IPLC?
- 2nd and 3rd-year students of the first cycle (Bachelor’s degree),
- 4th and 5th-year students of uniform Master studies,
- students of the second cycle (Master’s degree).
To register, please visit IRK page >>
- second round: 3rd – 17th of August 2021
- third round: 20th – 31st of August 2021
Please note that our course is for degree-seeking students only.
Regulations of the course and other information can be found on the UW Welcome Point website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
30 lipca 2021
Post-doc position within the project OPUS 17 (National Science Center): „Visible-light driven Z-scheme photocatalysts”. Project leader: prof. dr hab. Magdalena Skompska. Deadline for applications: 28 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
29 lipca 2021
Position of post-doc in the OPUS project 2020/39/B/NZ2/01301 entitled „Development of tools for the rational design of peptide therapeutics” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Sebastian Kmiecik. Available positions: 2. Deadline for applications: 22 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
25 lipca 2021
2020 was not an easy year, but we are back on a high note at the Campus Letni UW 2021! ☀☀ It is the largest training and integration trip at the University of Warsaw organized by the Board of the Students’ Council. ????
☀️ During the day you will learn the secrets of studying at the University of Warsaw, take part in trainings and meetings prepared especially for you! In addition, you will be able to take part in sports activities ?♀️ or just relax by the picturesque lake. ⛵️
? In the evenings you will have the opportunity to get to know the Board of the Students’ Council, students (from your faculty of course, but not only) and your future peers in the first year of studies! ? Numerous integrations, bonfires, theme parties and much more await you!
This week will not be boring, you cannot miss it! ?
You can find all the details on our facebook event!!
>> https://fb.me/e/1VXckirW9
21 lipca 2021
Project Manager – Dorota Latek, DSc PhD (Head of Modeling of Cellular Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a research project: „Self-learning systems in the design of compounds modulating GPCR receptors activation”, OPUS 20 – National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 31 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
16 lipca 2021
Project Manager – Dorota Latek, DSc PhD (Head of Modeling of Cellular Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a research project: „Self-learning systems in the design of compounds modulating GPCR receptors activation”, OPUS 20 – National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 31 August 2021. For more info see >> pdf
29 czerwca 2021

On 13th-14th July, Welcome Point organizes new workshops “The art of public speaking”. UW students who are interested in the topic can register by 4th July.
During a two-day event, UW students will learn how to use argumentation techniques, formulate the purpose of the speech, make a speech plan, or engage the audience, etc.
The workshops will be held on 13th-14th July, from 10:00 am. to 1:30 pm.
Attendance during two days of workshops is required. Qualified students will receive a link to the meeting.
Who can participate?
- BA students of 2nd and 3rd year,
- long term students of 4th and 5th year of uniform Master studies,
- MA students.
To register for the workshops, please fill in the form >>
One can apply by 4th July, 12 pm.
More information can be found on the University of Warsaw Welcome Point website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
21 czerwca 2021

On 18th June, Prof. Alojzy Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw, has issued an ordinance on the operation of UW in the state of the COVID-19 epidemic. As of 1st July 2021, UW returns to on-site functioning.
As Poland’s epidemic situation has improved, COVID-19 vaccines widely available, and the restrictions have been eased, the UW Rector has issued the ordinance on the functioning of the University of Warsaw in the state of the COVID-19 epidemic.
The document includes information on the return to the university’s on-site operation, doctoral examinations, and the organisation of summer schools, team-building meetings and meetings of university bodies.
As of 1st July, the following regulations will apply:
- UW operates under general rules – on-site. In justified cases, remote work, and online meetings of certain bodies at the University of Warsaw, are possible.
- UW academic community members and visitors must obey all the hygienic and sanitary regulations. They result from the applicable provisions of law and the recommendations and guidelines of the Chief Sanitary Inspector.
- Individuals with possible symptoms of COVID-19 and individuals who live in the same household with someone with COVID-19 are not permitted to stay at the UW premises.
- Public events, meetings, gatherings, open lectures, conferences, courses and training may be held on-site with the permission of heads of unites or Chancellor.
- Summer schools, camps, and meetings may take place on-site in compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements.
- The University of Warsaw Library and other libraries make their collections accessible to users, complying with sanitary and hygienic requirements. If there are technical possibilities, libraries may operate in self-service mode.
More information on the ordinance >>
The organisation of classes being part of the 1st, 2nd and long-cycle study programmes, doctoral studies, programmes in doctoral schools, postgraduate studies, courses and training is regulated by separate regulations.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl