04 lutego 2022
Bioinformatics Postdoc as a Bioinformatics Postdoc under the OPUS project 2020/39/B/NZ2/01301 entitled „Development of tools for the rational design of peptide therapeutics” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Sebastian Kmiecik, prof. ucz. Available positions: 2. Deadline for applications: 10 March 2022. For more info see >> pdf
28 stycznia 2022

In the summer semester 2021/2022, online courses organised by 4EU+ member universities will be available for students and doctoral candidates. The courses are conducted by Charles University in Prague, the University of Milan, and Sorbonne University. The registration is open now.
In the summer semester 2021/22, five 4EU+ Alliance member universities (the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Sorbonne University, Heidelberg University and the University of Milan) will make their online courses available to all 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates.
Courses by 4EU+ partner universities
Advanced Bioinformatics in Biotechnology by the University of Milan, History of Linguistics by Charles University, or COVID-19 Crisis as a Model for Data Literacy – any student or doctoral candidate can take part in a course conducted by academics from five European universities:
In March or April, the course catalogue of Heidelberg University will be published.
Course catalogues, information on enrolment procedures and schedules of courses offered by 4EU+ universities are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>
UW courses for foreign students and doctoral candidates
The University of Warsaw offers summer courses in 2021/2022 for 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates.
The courses cover three 4EU+ flagships:
Flagship 2 “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”;
Flagship 3 “Transforming science and society: Advancing information, computation and communication”;
Flagship 4 “Biodiversity and sustainable development”.
The course offer also includes: Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Archaeology of War in Ancient World, History of Language and Lexicography, Use of i-Tree Tools in Urban Greenery Management.
The list of courses, registration procedure and schedules of courses offered by UW under the 4EU+ Alliance in the summer semester 2021/2022 are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>
Registrations started on 24th January and last till 20th February. The number of participants is limited.
The UW enrolment guide is available on >>
UW students and doctoral candidates can register by their USOS account. It is recommended to check if the registration is open within a particular group of recipients.
Before taking a course offered by an Alliance partner university, the student should sign a 4EU+ Learning Agreement in his/her Faculty/Unit. LA form >>
For any questions concerning the 4EU+ shared online courses, please contact: 4euplus.mobility(at)uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
20 stycznia 2022

Employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw can book free of charge COVID-19 RT-PCR tests until 31st March.
Employees and doctoral candidates have an opportunity to undergo COVID-19 RT-PCR tests that detect active SARS-COV-2 infection.
Testing takes place on-site (on the campus in Ochota) following the registration.
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR detects viral RNA. Diagnostic tests use a mucus sample from the nose or throat. Medical personnel take a swab which will get analysed by Warsaw Genomics.
Before getting tested:
At least half an hour before taking a swab for SARS-CoV-2 virus, one should not:
- drink,
- eat,
- smoke cigarettes,
- take medications,
- brush their teeth,
- rinse mouth and nose,
- chew gum.
Testing period: COVID-19 swab collection will continue until 31st March 2022.
How to book a test?
Step 1: Download a discount code
A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from covid.uw.edu.pl.
Step 2: Register
After receiving the code, register at https://warsawgenomics.pl/badaniadlauw and arrange an appointment via the form at warsaw-genomics.reservio.com, choosing a specific date and time.
Step 3: Undergo a test
Taking a swab will take place on the campus in Ochota, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance. Tests are organised and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. Swabs will be collected by medical professionals.
Warsaw Genomics team will offer tests from Monday to Friday: 8 am – 6 pm.
Please note: A person should come to the swab collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.
Step 4: Get your results
The test results will be available to patients at https://wyniki.warsawgenomics.pl/. It can take up to three business days until the results will be given. One should enter their order number (from the e-mail confirming acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 test) and their PESEL number (or their ID number if there is no PESEL number). It will be possible to download the signed and authorized test result.
Discount on RT-PCR test for family members of UW employees and doctoral candidates
UW employees and doctoral students who will get tested can receive a discount from WARSAW GENOMICS for 4 RT-PCR tests to be used by their family members. The reduction amounts to PLN 89, and the cost of the test for a family member is PLN 350. Family members (max. 4) can use the discount by booking a test at: https://warsawgenomics.pl/zlecam-test-sars.
How to get a discount code for family members?
The discount code will be sent by Warsaw Genomics by e-mail, confirming registration for the free RT-PCR test for active SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
More information (in Polish) >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
12 stycznia 2022

Employees using the system are invited to an introductory training course on the basics of USOSweb. The training will be conducted on 24th January.
The course will cover the basic principles of functioning of the USOSweb system. Especially academic teachers, yet any UW employee using the system is invited to participate. The training will be carried out by Dr Mateusz Kopyt from the UW Faculty of Economic Studies.
Registration and training information
The online registration form is available on the Kampus Platform. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary. The application deadline expires on 19th January at 15.00. Due to IDUB funding requirements, if the number of participants is insufficient, a group will not be formed.
The one-day course is intended for foreign employees of the University of Warsaw based on a contract of employment, especially academics. Individuals who meet these conditions will be accepted in the order of registration on the platform. The registration is tantamount to a commitment to participate in the training. Information on the results of the recruitment will be provided after the verification of applications and after the deadline.
The training starts on 24th January from 17.00 to 18.30, with English as a language of instruction and ZOOM as a video platform for communication. Link will be emailed to all registered participants.
More details are provided on Welcome Point’s website, or at email: welcome.event(at)uw.edu.pl
Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employee to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.

Źródło: www.en.uw.edu.pl
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology in the OPUS project „IFIT proteins in the regulation of inflammatory responses” of Dr Maria Górna. We are looking for a PhD student to work in the project #2021/41/B/NZ2/02708 on the role of IFIT2 complexes in the immune regulation in macrophages. The project aims to discover post-transcriptional mechanisms that regulate expression of cytokines at the first contact of immune cells with a pathogen. Our findings may have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases or acute inflammatory reactions such as the „cytokine storm” accompanying COVID-19 morbidity. Deadline for applications: 16 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology in the OPUS project „IFIT proteins in the regulation of inflammatory responses” of Dr Maria Górna. We are looking for a PhD student to work in the project #2021/41/B/NZ2/02708 on the role of IFIT2 complexes in the immune regulation in macrophages. The project aims to discover post-transcriptional mechanisms that regulate expression of cytokines at the first contact of immune cells with a pathogen. Our findings may have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases or acute inflammatory reactions such as the „cytokine storm” accompanying COVID-19 morbidity. Deadline for applications: 14 February 2022. For more info see >> pdf
31 grudnia 2021

Another year of education and research, climate change and sustainable development actions, positioning in rankings, as well as achievements of our scientists and students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Below there are selected most meaningful events that the UW community faced in the passing year.
UW during the COVID-19 pandemic
At the beginning of May, 2021, in the UW Library building, the University of Warsaw opened the Vaccination Point for its students and employees. Additionally, the “Arm in Arm” campaign was launched to promote vaccination against coronavirus among academic community. The UW employees and doctoral candidates were also offered no-cost tests for SARS-CoV-2.
In December, UW Rector’s ordinance allowed for an additional remuneration for special working conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. This corona bonus is a one-time premium.
UW for climate and environment
As the first among other Polish universities, UW joined the global Race To Zero campaign. The project aims at rallying leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions, investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon recovery that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
The UW Rector’s Team for Ecology and Climate Crisis issued a document that describes strategic ”milestones” to be achieved by the University of Warsaw in the forthcoming years. The Agenda refers to the Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations.
”Green University of Warsaw” is a competition for interdisciplinary projects that relate to modern research in the field of pro-environmental issues, related to activities for the protection of biodiversity, conserving natural resources, and shaping pro-ecological attitudes. Closing date for the call is 13th January, 2022.
The investments of the multi-annual development plan
The implementation of the program has been extended from 2025 to 2027. In March, the competition to design the building at Furmańska street was won by the “Piotr Bujnowski – Architekt” architecture studio. The construction of the building of the UW Faculty of Psychology started in May. In December, the authorities of the University of Warsaw signed a contract with Mota-Engil Central Europe for construction and assembly works of the students residence hall at the Slużewiec Campus.
UW in rankings
The Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2021 include more than 1,500 universities across 93 countries and regions. In January, the University of Warsaw hit the 123rd position among 172 other universities which were assessed for their performance in four areas: teaching, research, knowledge transfer and international outlook. The ranking included only two Central European universities: University of Warsaw (123 rank position) and Charles University in Prague (79 rank position).
In March, QS Quacquarelli Symonds, global higher education analysts, released the new edition of the QS World University Rankings – the world’s most-consulted source of comparative information about university performance. The assessment covered 19 study programmes at the University of Warsaw, with Archaeology, Modern Languages and Philosophy programmes on top positions of the ranking.
According to QS University Rankings, the University of Warsaw ranked first among the best Polish universities. UW was classified on 308 rank position worldwide, 130 rank position in Europe and the first place in the ranking in Poland. Academic reputation and employer reputation were features found as the most remarkable ones in the UW performance.
In the Perspektywy Ranking, the University of Warsaw was found a leader in terms of the largest number of the best fields of study – there are 23 of them. Ahead of the Warsaw University of Technology, which has 17.
In the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2021 (ARWU), the University of Warsaw and the Jagiellonian University were ranked in 401-500 among over 1,800 universities from all over the world. ARWU uses six objective indicators to rank world universities, including the number of alumni and staff winning Nobel Prizes and Fields Medals, number of highly cited researchers selected by Clarivate Analytics, number of articles published in journals of Nature and Science, number of articles indexed in Science Citation Index – Expanded and Social Sciences Citation Index, and per capita performance of a university.
Scientific achievements of UW researchers
Prof. Jacek Jemielity from the Centre of New Technologies and Prof. Cezary Cieśliński from the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Warsaw received the 2021 Foundation for Polish Science Prize in chemistry and materials sciences for developing chemical modifications of mRNA as tools for therapeutic applications and studies on cellular processes.
Dr Paweł Polkowski from the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology at the University of Warsaw won the 2021 National Science Centre Award (NCN Award) for his work in arts, humanities and social sciences. Dr Polkowski studies the rock art of Egypt and Sudan.
Dr Maria Górna, from the Faculty of Chemistry and the Biological and Chemical Research Centre at the University of Warsaw, appeared on the list of 100 Women of 2021 by Forbes Women Polska among many celebrities and activists in business, politics, culture and media.
Prof. Patrycja Grzebyk, Prof. Andrzej Wysmołek, Dr Wojciech Figiel and Dr Takao Ishikawa received the UW Rector’s Didactic Award. The award criteria recognise and distinguish academics who have remarkable achievements in teaching and introducing innovative methods.
The Copernicus Medal 2021 was awarded to the interdisciplinary advisory team for COVID-19 at the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Dr Aneta Afelt from the UW Interdisciplinary Centre for Mathematical and Computational Modelling is a member of the honoured team.
In December, Prof. Jacek Klinowski, an outstanding Polish chemist from the University of Cambridge, received the title of Doctor Honoris Causa of the University of Warsaw.
On 15th December in the Senate Hall of Kazimierzowski Palace, a ceremonial renewal of a doctorate was held for Prof. Ewa Wipszycka-Bravo.
Scientists from the Faculty of Physics at the University of Warsaw led by dr hab. Michał Tomza, together with the experimental group of prof. Tobias Schaetz from the University of Freiburg, were the first to observe Feshbach resonances between single ion and ultracold atoms. The results of their work were published in “Nature”. The article was also highlighted on the journal’s cover.
UW students’ achievements
In ASC Student Supercomputer Challenge 20-21, the world’s largest supercomputing hackathon, UW students won gold in Machine Learning “Language Exam (LE) Challenge” and bronze in PRESTO application.
Students of the UW Faculty of Economic Sciences are silver medallists in the European finals of the Rotman European Trading Competition.
UW Management students promote entrepreneurship in older age. Their project ”Seniors in Business” was distinguished in the TV programme ”Zwolnieni z teorii” for its social impact via media.
The UW chess team of students and doctoral candidates participated in the Collegiate Chess League for the first time. Twice a year, collegiate chess teams from all over the world and any skill level compete in a one-of-a-kind competition to fight for the CEA Collegiate Chess Champion title. The UW team was undefeated, yet lost the first place to the University of Chicago in the final match.
Other interesting events of 2021
On 10th June, for almost two hours, the effects of a partial solar eclipse could be seen from all over Poland. Such a phenomenon was observed in 2015. Now, anyone interested could observe the effects of the solar eclipse under the watchful eye of astronomers from the University of Warsaw.
On 13th June, the Amorphophallus titanum – a tropical plant whose magnificent inflorescence can be admired every few years – bloomed in the UW Botanical Garden.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
28 grudnia 2021
Opening for the PhD student position in the OPUS 21 NSC „Key odorants selection based on their kinetic and degradation with the atmospheric components within the prediction of odorous range of wastewater treatment plants”. Project leader: dr eng. Radosław Barczak. Deadline for applications: 28 February 2022. For more info see >> pdf
23 grudnia 2021
The recruitment commission announces that the competition for the PhD student positions in the NSC SONATA BIS 10 project: „A quest for soft matter single crystals: complex self-assembling materials cooked to perfection with lasers” was won by: Filip Powala, MSc.
22 grudnia 2021
Position of Research Assistant (a group of science positions) in the OPUS project entitled „Physico-chemical principles of antioxidant action: from solvent effect and mechanistic studies to interfacial phenomena in biologically relevant systems” financed by NCN is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Grzegorz Litwinienko. Deadline for applications: 31 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf