06 lutego 2023

From 16th January to 3rd April, registrations are open for the 6th edition of the UW Entrepreneur of the Year competition. Entrepreneurs associated with the University, who have achieved a business success, are welcome to participate. The results will be announced in late May.
The University of Warsaw Entrepreneur of the Year competition is a recurrent project aimed at promoting entrepreneurial activities. It also presents good practices and positive examples of people involved in creating and developing various organisations.
The competition is open for students, doctoral candidates, employees and graduates from the University of Warsaw.
“Our intention is to select people who represent the actual top of the business world. However, winning itself does not define the competition. We want to set an example by promoting entrepreneurship and proper practices of Polish business,” Adam Niewiński, the chairman of the competition committee, emphasises.
The awards are given in five categories:
- Master of Business – for a successful company, which has been in the market for more than four years,
- Community Entrepreneur – for an organisation supporting social activities,
- Innovation/Innovator of the Year – for entrepreneurs who offer innovative products and services,
- The UW Start-up of the Year – for start-ups, which operate for less than five years and have been proposed for the competition no later than twelve months before the announcement of the results,
- Corporate Entrepreneur – for an employee who launched a documented implementation of an innovative product, service or solution.
“I think that this competition, filled with good business practices, shows young entrepreneurs that their academic education may lead to professional success. There are many UW graduates whose products we use in our everyday lives,” Radosław Krzywicki, the Managing Director at Assay Group and a member of the competition committee, says.
The award ceremony will take place in May.
The 6th edition of the UW Entrepreneur of the Year competition is held under the auspices of the UW Rector and the Marshall of the Masovian Voivodeship.
The winners of the previous edition
Community Entrepreneur:
- Warsaw Genomics – finalist
- Kamreno – distinction
- Whellstair – finalist
- Chemical Safety – finalist
The UW Start-up of the Year:
- inStreamly – distinction
- GeoLearning – finalist
- Yellow Wear – finalist
- Ramp Network – finalist
Innovation/Innovator of the Year:
- Creotech Instruments – grand prize
- OncoBoost sp. z o.o. – distinction
- MIM Solutions – distinction
Master of Business:
- Respect Energy – distinction
- CD Projekt – grand prize
The competition committee also awarded special distinctions to the following projects:
- Dinosaur from the Central Station or “Make Roar! Not war!” – Tomasz Grzywiński, an activist dressed as a dinosaur, was giving away sweets to Ukrainian children, who were coming to the Warsaw Central Station after the war outbreak. The action was supported by the internet users from Poland and rest of the world. The collected money was used to organise a ‘dinosaur team’ of activists, who visit children in refugee centres.
- KursyPOL– a school of Polish language, which prepares people fleeing from the war in Ukraine for their life in Poland. The motto of the school: “Polish is a key to every door”.
“The acknowledgment of my work in the UW Entrepreneur of the Year competition means a great deal to me. It is the sign that I am going in a right direction. I feel very happy and proud that I received this award. I even came up with a few new ideas after the ceremony,” Przemysław Krawczyk, the founder of GeoLearning and the finalist of the fifth edition of the competition said.
Source: www.uw.edu.pl
03 lutego 2023
Post-doc position (formally an adiunkt in a group of science positions) in the SONATA BIS project entitled „M:M-PROP: metallophilic interactions – allies or enemies?” financed by National Science Centre in Poland is open for application. Project leader: Katarzyna N. Jarzembska. Deadline for applications: 5 March 2023. For more info see >> pdf
26 stycznia 2023

Starting 1st April 2023, the employer is obliged to contribute to the Employee Capital Plan (PPK). If an employee has previously submitted a declaration to the employer to opt out of PPK contributions, this declaration will expire on 28th February 2023. The earliest that an employee can declare they are no longer making contributions to the PPK is 1st March 2023.
The employer is obliged to resume making contributions to the Employee Capital Plan (PPK: Pracowniczy Plan Kapitałowy) every 4 years from 1st April (the first time in 2023), for each person employed who has made a declaration to opt out from making contributions to the PPK, unless that person again resigns by submitting a new declaration to the employer to opt out of making contributions to the PPK.
The first, repeated autosave to this programme will take place in 2023, and then in the following years: 2027, 2031, etc.
If an employee has previously submitted a declaration to the employer to opt out of the PPK contributions, this declaration will expire on 28th February 2023 (even if submitted in February 2023).
The earliest that an employee can declare that he or she is no longer making contributions to the PPK is 1st March 2023.
By the end of February 2023, employees, who have made a declaration to opt out of making PPK contributions, will be provided with a document to sign the “Information on resumption of PPK contributions” – it is the responsibility of the employing entity to provide this information to the PPK participant.
The repeated autosave in the PPK shall not refer to a person who:
- turned 55 before 1st April 2023 and has not applied to her/his employer to enter into a PPK agreement on her/his behalf;
- turned 70 before 1st April 2023 (even if she/he submits an application to her/his employer to enter into a PPK agreement on her/his behalf);
- since 1st March 2023, has submitted again a declaration to the employer to opt out of PPK contributions.
More information on the autosave is available on the Human Resources Office’s website >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
24 stycznia 2023

Olga Tokarczuk’s book dedication, a unique chess set from the Rector, a spring tour in the UW Botanic Garden, dancing classes by the “Warszawianka” Folk Song and Dance Ensemble – these are just several example auctions of the University of Warsaw for the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Bidding has already started and will last as long as 30th January.
The 31st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity (WOŚP) will be launched on 29th January. The University of Warsaw is also participating in fundraising to purchase medical equipment that is used in treating sepsis patients.
In this year edition “UW gra dla WOŚP” the University of Warsaw is auctioning 37 items. The initiative is supported by 11 faculties and organisational units of the University. The items put to the bid include: novel books with dedications from Olga Tokarczuk, a unique chess set from Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the Rector of the University of Warsaw, concerts of the University of Warsaw Choir, professional climbing classes, a signed Olympic T-shirt, as well as spring strolling in the Botanic Garden with Director Prof. Marcin Zych as a tour guide, or attending the Polish National Ballet performance with Prof. Gabriela Grotkowska, the Dean of the Faculty of Economic Sciences. The Faculty of History has also started an online donation platform https://eskarbonka.wosp.org.pl.
Bidding has already begun with the closing date 30th January. The one and only auction “Prowadzenie programu Alternator w Radiu Kampus” (“Hosting the ‘Alternator’ programme on the Kampus Radio”) is ending on 2nd February.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
27 grudnia 2022
Position of adiunkt (a group of science positions) in the H2020 ERC-STG project entitled „Chirality-sensitive Nuclear Magnetoelectric Resonance” financed by the European Research Council is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Piotr Garbacz, prof. ucz. Deadline for applications: 26 January 2023. For more info see >> pdf
Position of adiunkt (a group of science positions) in the H2020 ERC-STG project entitled „Chirality-sensitive Nuclear Magnetoelectric Resonance” financed by the European Research Council is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Piotr Garbacz, prof. ucz. Deadline for applications: 26 January 2023. For more info see >> pdf
Position of adiunkt (a group of science positions) in the H2020 ERC-STG project entitled „Chirality-sensitive Nuclear Magnetoelectric Resonance” financed by the European Research Council is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Piotr Garbacz, prof. ucz. Deadline for applications: 26 January 2023. For more info see >> pdf
14 grudnia 2022

The University of Warsaw is offering an unpaid 30-hour online Polish language course for its international employees. The registration deadline is 27th December.
International employees will have a possibility to attend online Polish language classes twice a week between 9th January and 24th March, 2023. The courses can be attended by both academic and non-academic employees, provided that they are employed at the University on the basis of a contract of employment or an appointment.
The courses’ programme is focused on developing basic communication skills that might be useful everyday while studying and living in Poland.
The courses will be conducted by the employees of the Centre of Polish Language and Culture for Foreigners >>
Registration and organisation
Depending on a person’s level of proficiency in Polish, the courses will be organised from 9th January till 24th March in the following manner:
- A0 group – for beginners, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 18:00 – 19:30;
- A1 group – continuation of the course (3rd trimester) aimed for those who have already learnt Polish for at least half a year, classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8:30 – 10:00;
- A2 group – dedicated to people who have already learnt Polish for at least one year, meetings are on Mondays and Wednesdays at 17:30 – 19:00.
To attend the mentioned courses, prior registration is necessary on the course page on the Kampus Platform (CAS account is required to log in) before 27th December, 10:00.
Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employees to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.

More information about the meetings is available on the Welcome Point website or via an e-mail: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
07 grudnia 2022
Job offer for a technician (engineer) position in NAWA (Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange) Polish Return project No. PPN/PPO/2018/1/00098/U/00001: „Novel methods for dynamics and structural studies of biomolecules by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the solid-state with ultrafast magic-angle spinning”. Principal Investigator: Jan Stanek, PhD (Novel Methods of Spectroscopy group). Deadline for applications: 19 December 2022. For more info see >> pdf
01 grudnia 2022

Welcome Point, an information point for international students of the University of Warsaw, is organising two informational meetings on legal issues concerning residence in Poland. The events are dedicated to UW students and doctoral candidates from non-EU countries.
The meetings are conducted by Dr Łukasz Wieczorek, the Dean’s Representative for Legalisation of Stay, the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, the University of Warsaw.
Topics on the agenda cover:
- legalisation of residence in Poland (visa, permanent residence permit);
- a procedure of application for a residence permit;
- Polish descent and Card of the Pole holders’ rights;
- special solutions for foreigners caused by the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic.
Registration and organisation
The onsite meetings are held on 8th December (Polish) and 15th December (English) between 13:15-14.45, on the Main Campus of the UW at Krakowskie Przedmieście.
To register for a meeting in Polish on 8th December, complete a form >>
The registration is open until 2nd December, 10:00.
To register for a meeting in English on 15th December, complete a form >>
The registration is open through 9th December, 10:00.
More information about the meetings is available on the Welcome Point website >> or via an e-mail: welcome.event@uw.edu.pl.

Źródło: www.en.uw.edu.pl