On 16th November, the Annual Meeting of the 4EU+ Alliance will be held as an online event. Organised by Charles University, the meeting will bring together academic leaders, students and staff of the six 4EU+ member universities who are actively involved in the development of the Alliance as well as representatives of the European Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and 4EU+ Associated Partners.
The Annual Meeting will consist of the following parts:
- Micro think-tank sessions – various stakeholders from the 4EU+ community will explore selected topics of central relevance for the Alliance. The number of places for the micro think-tank sessions is limited. In parallel, the 4EU+ Governing Board will hold its regular meeting with the 4EU+ Management Committee and Vice-Rectors/Vice-Presidents of member universities.
- General Assembly – Rector of Charles University, Prof. Tomáš Zima, will officially take over the position of Chair of the 4EU+ Governing Board from the President of Sorbonne University, Prof. Jean Chambaz. During the General Assembly, the 4EU+ Academic Council will be officially inaugurated.
- Open session (16:00-18:00) – will be attended by the members of the 4EU+ community involved in 4EU+ activities as well as representatives of the European Commission, 4EU+ Associated Partners, ministries, other university alliances and organisations active in the Higher Education area. Anyone interested in getting to know the 4EU+ Alliance and its activities is welcome to join this session.
The registration form and conference programme are available at www.4euplus.eu.
Registration will be open until 12th November.
The language of the conference will be English. Translation and interpreting services will not be available.
In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the local 4EU+ team at the University of Warsaw: 4euplus(at)uw.edu.pl.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl