“Onboarding at the UW” is a traditionally organised set of trainings to make a smooth start for international employees of the University of Warsaw. Workshops on the Polish culture, customs and interaction within the Polish academic environment are available in November.
The functionality of the USOSweb, an introduction to Polish culture, the structure and cultural aspects of working at the UW are topics of workshops prepared by the Welcome Point team for newly hired UW employees, especially academics. The courses are held in November at the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw in the UW Library. The registration via the Kampus Platfom is recommended not later than 2nd November. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary.
Introduction to the USOSweb system – online
The course covers the basic principles of how the USOSweb system functions. The training is especially recommended to academic teachers, yet any UW employee using the system is invited to participate.
The training will be conducted on 4th November, between 12:00 – 13:30, with English as a language of instruction and ZOOM as a video platform for communication. Link will be emailed to all registered participants.
The online registration form is available on the Kampus Platform. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary. The application deadline expires on 2nd November at 12.00.
Onboarding for international staff
This is a practical training on the structure and culture of the University of Warsaw. The meeting is held on 17th November, between 16:00 – 19:30, at 56/66 Dobra Street (the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw).
The training participants will learn:
- how to handle a culture shock and acculturation process;
- Polish scholars’ culture: academic values and cultural differences, the organisational culture and structure of the University of Warsaw;
- dimensions of culture in the context of work in a Polish higher education institution.
For the CAS account holders, the registration is available through the Kampus platform (https://kampus-pracownik.ckc.uw.edu.pl/course/view.php?id=1180) not later than 13th November, at 23:55.
Poland and Poles – cultural orientation training
The cultural orientation training is dedicated to the international staff of the University of Warsaw. The meeting will take place on 21st November, from 16:00 to 19:30, at 56/66 Dobra Street (the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw).
The participants will be acquainted with:
- a short overview of the Polish Culture: symbols, the most significant historical figures, behaviour, communication styles and values;
- selected aspects of living in Warsaw;
- the most significant Polish historical, geographical and cultural contexts;
- important dates and traditions in Poland.
The registration via the Kampus Platform (https://kampus-pracownik.ckc.uw.edu.pl/course/view.php?id=1179) is open until 13th November, 23:55. The CAS account is needed to sign-up.
All courses are intended for foreign employees of the University of Warsaw based on a contract of employment, especially academics. Individuals who meet these conditions will be accepted in the order of registration on the platform.
The registration is tantamount to a commitment to participate in the training. Information on the results of the recruitment will be provided after the verification of applications and after the deadline.
More details are provided on the Welcome Point’s website >> or by e-mail: welcome.event(at)uw.edu.pl
Courses implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employees to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl