UW employees and doctoral candidates can take part in the latest online training courses, as part of the following “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) in cooperation with the Springer Nature publishing house. Registrations for the course “Journal Editors” close on 5th November.
Springer Nature is one of the world’s largest publishers of scientific journals (over 3,000 titles, containing over seven million scientific papers). Among the journals published by SN, more than 1,100 journals may be found in the top quartile in the Scopus database; the company publishes many of the most influential journals in the world.
These workshops are part of the following “Excellence Initiative – Research University’ (IDUB) Actions: I.2.1 – “Improvement of publishing capacities”, V.3.1 – “Development of UW staff competences”, and V.3.5 – “Programme for the development and improvement of the researchers’ soft skills”.
The following training courses will take place by the end of 2021:
- “Journal Editors”: 16th-17th November; registrations close on 5th November;
- “Academic Presentations”: 29th-30th November; registrations close on 21st November;
- “Science Communication”: 1st-2nd December; registrations begin on 2nd November until 23rd November;
- “Getting Published”: 3rd, 13th and 17th December; registrations begin on 2nd November until 25th November.
The training courses are open to:
- “Journal Editors” – representatives of the editorial boards from the scientific journals which are affiliated with the University of Warsaw;
- other training courses – academic teachers (mainly those employed as research and teaching staff and research staff), and administrative staff who are employed under an employment contract or other appointment at the University of Warsaw, throughout the duration of the training period, and young researchers (doctoral candidates).
Training courses are conducted in English, in the form of workshops.
Registrations are carried out on the Kampus Pracownik platform, in the category of courses called “Inicjatywa Doskonałości – Uczelnia Badawcza (IDUB)” (“Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB)”) on the dates indicated: https://kampus-pracownik.ckc.uw.edu.pl. Detailed information and the programme can be found in the description of the courses on the platform.
The training courses are being organised as part of the development activities foreseen in the IDUB programme. A full list of developmental activities is available at: www.inicjatywadoskonalosci.uw.edu.pl/rozwoj/.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl