Do renowned researchers owe their success to the fact that they are simply more „talented” than others, or is there some other „secret” involved? What exactly is the nature of their special „talent”? Can that „talent” be learned? Are you, as a potential researcher, struggling with the question whether you are „talented” enough to build a successful and fulfilling career in research? What kinds of competencies are required in that regard from a researcher by the various research institutions or industrial research sites? Should you choose the industry or academia for your research career? Does the university provide you with the right kind and right amount of knowledge so that you can „make it” in the „real world”? If not, in what ways should you improve yourself? What is (or should be) the true merit of a PhD degree (besides its ego-boosting effect that you can put „Dr.” in front of your name) when you start your workeither in academia or in the industry? Douniversities fully realize what skills should be mostly developed during a PhD program? Do research facilities fully realize what they can or should expect from such PhD programs? What skills are needed to be demonstrated in a job interview? Although these questions, and many related ones, are of utmost importance at an individual as well as an institutional level, they are typically not addressed with sufficient conscientiousness, and are poorly understood by all involved parties, i.e. students, supervisors, research institutes and industrial R&D facilities, etc. Furthermore, the topic is surrounded by many misguided stereotypes and myths, especially about what it means to be „talented” as a researcher, which can have rather negative practical consequences. In this admittedly somewhat off-the-wall, and perhaps even provocative, presentation I will attempt to discuss these issues on the basis of having gained quite a lot of experience as a researcher as well as a manager of a research unit in both a heavy-duty pharmaceutical industrial research environment, and also in a university setting. Based on this experience, I will argue that while technical expertise and a sufficient degree of „smartness” are of course important qualities, the „talent” that really matters in the long run is dominated by skills that will be referred to as „attitude competencies”. I will mention a number of such skills, including the attitude-driven ability to avoid the „mental traps” that can easily affect even the smartest and most experienced scientific minds. 1 In all, the messages to be conveyed will probably be surprising, but hopefully also inspiring with a positive outlook on the „secret” of being a „good researcher”.
Welcome Point has made a video with a checklist before arrival. The video contains essential information for international students coming to the University of Warsaw.
To-Do List (before arrival):
Check the formal conditions;
Secure housing;
Obtain a PESEL number;
Health insurance;
Legalise your stay;
Pack your bags properly.
In case of any questions regarding studying at the university or living in Poland, please contact Welcome Point staff: welcome(at) and visit the website:
Employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw can book free of charge COVID-19 RT-PCR tests until 31st December. UW employees and doctoral candidates can book a test.
Employees and doctoral candidates have an opportunity to undergo COVID-19 RT-PCR tests that detect active SARS-COV-2 infection.
Testing takes place on-site (on the campus in Ochota) following the registration.
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR detects viral RNA. Diagnostic tests use a mucus sample from the nose or throat. Medical personnel take a swab which will get analysed by Warsaw Genomics.
Before getting tested:
At least half an hour before taking a swab for SARS-CoV-2 virus, one should not:
smoke cigarettes,
take medications,
brush their teeth,
rinse mouth and nose,
chew gum.
Testing period: COVID-19 swab collection will continue until 31st December 2021.
How to book a test?
Step 1: Download a discount code
A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from
Taking a swab will take place on the campus in Ochota, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance. Tests are organised and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. Swabs will be collected by medical professionals.
Warsaw Genomics team will offer tests from Monday to Friday: 8 am – 6 pm.
Please note: A person should come to the swab collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.
Step 4: Get your results
The test results will be available to patients at It can take up to three business days until the results will be given. One should enter their order number (from the e-mail confirming acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 test) and their PESEL number (or their ID number if there is no PESEL number). It will be possible to download the signed and authorized test result.
Discount on RT-PCR test for family members of UW employees and doctoral candidates
UW employees and doctoral students who will get tested can receive a discount from WARSAW GENOMICS for 4 RT-PCR tests to be used by their family members. The reduction amounts to PLN 89, and the cost of the test for a family member is PLN 350. Family members (max. 4) can use the discount by booking a test at:
How to get a discount code for family members?
The discount code will be sent by Warsaw Genomics by e-mail, confirming registration for the free RT-PCR test for active SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
The Dean of the Faculty of Chemistry announces a competition for the position of Assistant Professor (Adiunkt) in a group of teaching staff. Deadline for applications: 27.10.2021, 14.00. For more info see >> pdf