The Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw together with the UW student community has prepared a real treat not only for cooking enthusiasts, but also for those who want to spend as little time in the kitchen as possible. Polish-English culinary publication “Student Cookbook” is a collection of several dozen favourite recipes of the University of Warsaw students. In the ebook you will find ideas for a snack, something sweet, really quick dishes and many more, in vegan, vegetarian and meat versions. Choose your favourite recipe – it’s gonna be yummy!
Link to the publication:
The Student Cookbook is available free of charge.
VC UW encourages you to share the publication, test recipes and post photos of prepared dishes on social media using the following tags and hashtags:
- Instagram: @ucw_uw
- Facebook: @UCWUW
- #przepisnikstudenckiuw #studentcookbookuw #uniwersyteckiecentrumwolontariatu #vcuw
Sharing the publication with the University of Warsaw community is not the end of the project. The Volunteer Centre of UW is planning further attractions related with cooking so it’s worth following the VC UW social media to keep up to date with current activities.
PS A bonus awaits you at the end of the publication!
About the project:
The idea for the project „Student Cookbook” appeared in the spring of 2020, during the pandemic. In these unusual circumstances, cooking was one of the ways to break away from reality. From November students of the University of Warsaw could send their favourite recipes, adding anecdotes and interesting stories related to their preparation. Participants were also invited to an online culinary workshop, during which they learned how to prepare simple and healthy meals and had a good time together. The culinary publication „Student Cookbook” is the result of the project.
More information about the „Student Cookbook” project: