CONFIRM Centre, a world leading SFI Research Centre in the area of Smart Manufacturing ( is now accepting expressions of interest for Call 2 of its limited remaining number of prestigious 24-month research training fellowships in the Republic of Ireland.
CONFIRM Centre and SMART 4.0 are dedicated to the creation of an empowered, diverse and inclusive workforce which strives for advancements in STEM innovation and equality of opportunity, agnostic of gender or circumstances. We are seeking applications from suitably qualified postgraduate/postdoctoral researchers with an interest in the following fields:
Data Analytics – AI – Predictive Modelling – Decision Analytics – Product & Process Control – Enterprise Modelling & Simulation – Software systems – HCI – Security & Integration – Networked Systems & IoT – Sensors – Robotics & Control – Materials Processing
Expressions of interest should be submitted as soon as possible. The deadline for full applications is September 30th 2020; successful applicants are expected to be announced in late November 2020. The attached flyer provides information on the fellowships and a brief overview of the 5-step application process.
Editor: Karolina Dudzińska, MSc
Language Editor: Karolina Piecyk, PhD
Cover design: Justyna Makowska, MSc
Photos of Research Groups: Rafał Chojnacki, BSc
Print & Design: Publishing House MALAMUT
History of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw: Zbigniew Wielogórski, PhD (translation: Katarzyna Jakubowska, MSc)
Description of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw: Karolina Dudzińska, MSc (translation: Karolina Piecyk, PhD)
We heard that you are looking forward to new workshops. You don’t have to wait anymore!
We are happy to invite you to the workshops ‚Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world’ with Dorota Kobylińska, PhD from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.
During the workshops you will learn about emotion regulation strategies and find out how to experience positive emotions more often. It will also be a great opportunity to spend your free time in a pleasant, supportive atmosphere!
WHEN? July 6-7 (Mon, Tue), 10:00 am. – 1:30 pm.
Please note that attendance during two days of workshops is required.
WHERE? If you qualify for the workshop, we will send you a link to the meeting on one of the online platforms.
Who can participate?
– 2nd and 3rd year students of 1st cycle (Bachelor’s degree)
– 4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies
– students of Master’s degree studies (Master’s degree)
Hurry up! The places are limited.
To register to the course please fill in the form:
‘Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world’ workshop is organised within the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw and funded by European Social Fund. The objective, pursuing at the University of Warsaw between 2018-2022, is to develop competence of students and employees as well as implement the instruments which upgrade the management process of the University of Warsaw.
The recruitment commission announces that the competition for PhD positions in organic/materials chemistry within the OPUS 14 grant „Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks”, financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, was won by Marcin Wiszniewski.
In order to receive the fellowship the selected candidate must have a doctoral student status no later than 1st October 2020.
UW employees and doctoral candidates will have a chance to undergo free of charge tests for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (IgM, and IgG). It will be possible to get tested as of 29th June to 28th August.
On 16th June, the UW rector, Prof. Marcin Pałys had announced that soon at the University of Warsaw there will be a possibility to sign up for free of charge tests for COVID-19 antibodies. On 24th June, UW has signed an agreement with Warsaw Genomics, which will carry out antibody tests to identify people who have had SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection. UW employees and doctoral candidates are the groups at UW which will have the possibility to get tested.
IgM and IgG antibodies
Serology testing for SARS-CoV-2 is at increased demand to better quantify the number of cases of COVID-19, including those that may be asymptomatic or have recovered. Serologic tests are ELISA-based tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in serum or plasma components of blood.
These tests detect antibodies produced in response to SARS-CoV-2 and minimize cross-reactivity to antibodies generated to other common coronaviruses that cause less severe illnesses, e.g. colds.
Antibody Test for IgG
These antibodies indicate that a person may have had COVID-19 in the recent past and has developed antibodies that may protect them from future infection.
Antibody Test for IgM
Antibody Test for IgM indicates that a person may have been infected not less than the 2-3 weeks before taking blood and that their immune system has started responding to the virus. When IgM is detected, a person may still be infected, or they may have recently recovered from the COVID-19 infection.
How to get tested – the procedure
A blood sample (2 ml) is needed to undergo the test. The blood collection facility will be located on the Ochota Campus, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance.
Antibody tests are not used to diagnose someone with an active infection. For the safety of UW employees, it is very important that people with symptoms of infection or after contact with an infected person do not report to a blood collection facility,” says Małgorzata Kiljańska from Warsaw Genomics.
A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from
Tests will be carried out on business days from 29th June to 28th August (inclusive) between 8:00 and 18:00. A person should come to the blood collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.
Once a year, a report featuring essential information on the university activity is compiled. The University of Warsaw Annual Report 2019 includes significant data on UW. The UW Executive Summary and annexes are available in the English language. On 24th June, the UW Senate adopted the document.
Following the UW rector’s introduction, summing up the university activity and achievements during the two terms od Prof. Pałys in office (years 2012-2020), the UW Annual Report 2019comprises information on significant events in 2019, and facts and figures regarding:
study offer,
admissions process,
scientific achievements,
collaboration with the social and economic environment,
international partners,
finance and investments.
The University of Warsaw remains the largest university in Poland and the best research centre in the country.
In 2019, the university community included 40 493 students and 2 451 doctoral candidates, including 4 802 international students. The University of Warsaw employs 7 498 people, including 3 834 academic teachers (529 professors).
The UW researchers participated in 53 projects financed under Horizon 2020 (including six grants from the European Research Council and 20 from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology) and 1 408 projects financed from national research grants.
The university worked together with over 680 international entities from over 100 countries under direct bilateral cooperation agreements (in 2019, 50 agreements were concluded and/or renewed).
On 24th June, the Senate of the University of Warsaw adopted the University of Warsaw Annual Report 2019 during its online meeting. The Executive Summary and annexes in English are part of it.
On 17th June, the UW Electoral College elected Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak who will become the University of Warsaw rector in 2020-2024. He received 208 votes. There were three candidates: Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. Paweł Strzelecki, and Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki.
The role of the rector is to manage the university’s activity, represent UW externally and to be the superior of employees, students and doctoral candidates.
Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak is the 45th rector of the University of Warsaw
Prof. Alojzy Nowak is associated with UW since 1984. He has held a variety of leadership roles including head of the Academic Subunit for International Economics and the Academic Unit for Economics at the Faculty of Management, director of European Center. In years 1999-2006, Prof. Nowak was vice-dean of the Faculty of Management, and in 2006-2012 dean of this unit. Next four years, he spent at UW working as vice-rector in charge of research and cooperation. In 2016, he was elected as dean of the Faculty of Management. During his academic career, he was delivering lectures at universities in France, UK, USA, Russia, China and Korea.
Electoral procedure
Rector is elected by the Electoral College. According to UKW, the University Electoral Committee, resolution, the Electoral College comprises 389 members. The body that consists of representatives of the University community groups, academic teachers and non-academic employees (311), doctoral candidates (5), students (73) elected at faculties and in constituencies. The Electoral College of the University elects both the UW rector and members of the Senate.
Candidates for the position of a rector are indicated by the University Council and electors in a secret ballot. The Electoral College indicated three professors: Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. Paweł Strzelecki, and Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki. The University Council recommended Prof. Andrzej Strzelecki and Prof. Filip Żarnecki.
Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, Prof. Paweł Strzelecki and Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki expressed their consent. The University of Warsaw Senate gave its opinions on them.
We invite applications for a technician/engineer position for a MSc student (undergraduate) in dr Jan Stanek’s group under a grant „Novel methods for dynamics and structural studies of biomolecules by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in the solid-state with ultrafast magic-angle spinning” in the framework of „Polish Return” programme financed by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA). Deadline for applications: 30 June 2020. For more info see >> pdf
A brief introduction to the Genomics Core facility at CeNT and the services it provides, as well as, a brief overview of some ways genomics are impacting around science here at CeNT and around the world. More closely, a brief look at how to leverage genomic, epigenomic and transcriptomic strategies in various research.
In 2019, following the competition of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education entitled “Initiative of Excellence – Research University”, the University of Warsaw was granted research university status for 2020-2026. Thanks to the funding, UW will execute 70 measures specified in the application, including programmes supporting the development of employees, doctoral candidates and students. We present the “Initiative of Excellence” calls for proposals in 2020.
Owing to undertakings planned in “Initiative of Excellence”, the University will become better recognised internationally, carry out ambitious scientific projects, and offer an education based on the latest research results. The balance between the development of scientific research and the development of student and doctoral candidates education programmes is a priority for UW.
UW has launched its microgrant programme as part of “Initiative of Excellence – Research University”. Employees and doctoral candidates can apply for co-financing of preliminary research for a project financed from external sources, funding for the publications, coverage of the costs of proofreading a scientific text by a native speaker for publication in a journal or chapter in a monograph, attendance at the conference, organisation of the conferences by the University of Warsaw, queries, and study visits. Detailed application rules and a form are available on the website. More information >>
On 3rd June, in response to the current situation in the country and worldwide, UW launched a call COVID-19 – preliminary research being part of microgrant programme.
Calls for proposals in 2020
On 15th June, UW will open its first call for proposals related to the 4EU+Alliance. Until 2020, the following calls within IDUB activities will be launched:
Minigrant programme for inter-institutional research teams in the framework of strategic partnerships (two calls in year are planned; first will be launched on 15th June)
Promotion of scientific research in the public domain (two calls in a year are planned)
A complex programme of support for UW doctoral candidates (four calls in a year are planned)
Strengthening and development of cooperation between the University of Warsaw and the Medical University of Warsaw in the federalisation process (two calls in a year are planned)
Implementation of the programme which will finance proposals submitted in MSCA Individual Fellowships under “Seal of Excellence” (up to 3 projects in a year will be funded)
Study programmes in Priority Research Areas – POBs (2nd degree) (two calls are planned, second will be launched in 2022)
Programme for young female researchers and teachers (two calls are planned, second will be launched in 2021)
Mentoring Programme
“From the Diamond Grant to the ERC grant” – creating individual plans for the research career development (two calls in a year are planned)
Mobility of students and doctoral candidates (two calls in a year are planned)
Establishing and strengthening cooperation with strategic partners (two calls in a year are planned)
Organizing world-wide high-level congresses (one call in a year is planned)
Supporting researchers from abroad applying for joint prestigious research grants with the University of Warsaw (two calls in a year are planned)
Strengthening of the research potential of the scientific staff, in particular young scientific staff, with the purpose of achieving scientific excellence (one call in a year is planned)
Inclusion of talented young scientists in research teams (one call in a year is planned)
Call for proposal packages which will involve new research teams (two calls are planned, second will be launched in 2021)
Detailed information on calls for proposals will be published on Monday.
In a short video, Prof. Maciej Duszczyk, the UW Vice-Rector for Research and International Relations speaks about “Initiative of Excellence – Research University” and mentions calls which will enable the realisation of the initiative.
We would like all employees: academic, didactic, administrative, doctoral candidates and students to prepare concepts of their ideas which could be financed within the initiative. My goal is that in a couple of years when we finish the programme, it would be difficult to find a person at the university who did not participate in the programme.
Online meetings on activities within five priority research areas (POB) and a possibility to join them:
POB 1 “Science for the Planet” – 30th June, 10:00-15:00
POB 2 “Beyond Micro and Macro Worlds” – 1st July, 10:00-14:00
POB 3 “The Challenge of Petabytes” – 2 July, 14:30
POB 4 “The Humanities: Crossing Borders, Extending Capabilities” – 23rd June, 17:00-19:00
POB 5 “Responding to Global Challenges” – 10th July, 10:00-13:00