On 12th and 13th October, Welcome Point organises “Polish Culture and Intercultural Communication” online workshops for long term students. One can register by 5th October.
How cultural differences influence our daily communication? How to communicate in a multicultural group? How to get used to living and studying abroad? International students can learn about these questions on WP workshops. The WP team members will also provide participants with information on Poland and Warsaw.
The workshops will be held online and will last two days, from 10 am to 1:30 pm.
Who can attend?
- Long term students of 2nd and 3rd year of the first cycle (BA)
- Long term students of the second cycle (MA)
- Long term students of 4th and 5th year of uniform master level studies
To register, please fill in a form >>
Participation is free of charge. Application deadline: 5th October.
More information on the Welcome Point website.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl