Training on legalisation of stay
21 listopada 2022

Welcome Point together with the Office for Foreigners and the Department of Foreigners of the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office is organising training on the legalisation of stay of international students and employees of the University of Warsaw.

The training is dedicated to employees of the University of Warsaw, who deal with international students and international employees. Particular modules are conducted by experts from the Office for Foreigners and the Department of Foreigners of the Mazowieckie Voivodship Office. The meeting will cover topics such as legalisation of the stay of international students and employees in I and II instance, as well as student mobility.

Training agenda:

  • MODULE I, 9:30 – 13:00: Training on legalising the stay of foreign students at the UW;
  • MODULE II, 13:30 – 16:30: Training on legalising the stay of foreign employees of the UW.

During the meeting Polish is a language of communication.

Registration and organisation

  • The meeting starts 24th November (Thursday) in the university building at Dobra 55, room no. 1.128.
  • Prior registration is highly recommended via the form not later than Tuesday, 22nd November, 10:00.
  • More details are available on the Welcome Point website or at an e-mail: welcome.event(at)





Art of scientific writing
14 listopada 2022

Writing and publishing scientific papers, publishing ethics guidelines, case studies and best practices are discussed during an English language webinar for young researchers “Author Workshop. How to write and publish a scientific article?”. The workshop is held on 16th November.

The University of Warsaw together with Elsevier is organising a webinar “Author Workshop. How to write and publish a scientific article?”. The workshop will be held on November 16, 15:00-16:45, on the Zoom platform.

During this training session, participants will learn how to write a high-quality scientific article. Presented tips and best practices in scientific writing come from experience of many scientists, editors and readers. The training is mainly aimed at young researchers, although more experienced academics are also welcome.


  • best practices in creating a successful scientific article;
  • the publishing process and ethical matters – case studies for authors;
  • valuable tools that can support authors in writing a manuscript;
  • question-and-answer session.

The training will include examples of online work, and participants will be able to take an active part in the session.

Registration and organisational information

To participate in the training session, registration is required via the link >>
The webinar is held on 16th November, through 15:00 – 16:45.
English is the language of instruction. Participants will communicate via ZOOM.
All eligible registrants will receive a link to the webinar one day before the training. All participants will receive certificates of participation and access to the recording of the session after the event.

The workshop will be conducted by Paula Milewska, a trainer and consultant of Elsevier, with 14 years of experience in working with academic libraries in Poland as well as other countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

More details can be found on the Welcome Point web page >>



Online course offer of Sorbonne University
08 listopada 2022

In the spring/summer semester 2022/2023, online courses organised by Sorbonne University will be available for the 4EU+ students, including students of the University of Warsaw. Depending on the faculty offering the course, the application deadline is either 30th November or the first weeks of December.

Sorbonne University will launch online courses for the 4EU+ Alliance students in the 2022/2023 spring/summer semester. The classes will take place from January to June next year. The courses will cover topics including: green chemistry, literature in teaching, East-Central Europe since 1989 and experimental robotics.

The full list of available courses as well as detailed information on the enrollment procedure, can be found on the newly established 4EU+ Student Portal.

Depending on the faculty offering the course, the application deadline is either 30th November (Faculty of Humanities) or the first weeks of December (Faculty of Sciences and Engineering).

More information is available on the 4EU+ website >>


Important information for students planning to take online courses offered by 4EU+ universities >>

Before taking a course offered by an Alliance partner university, the student should sign 4EU+ Learning Agreement in his/her Faculty/Unit in order to determine and approve whether the course selected by the student from the 4EU+ offer can be recognised as part of the student’s degree programme (e.g. elective course, OGUN) or whether the course will be indicated as a form of an extracurricular activity.

For any questions concerning the 4EU+ shared online courses, please contact: 4euplus.mobility(at)



An announcement for Post-doc position
07 listopada 2022

A 6-month post-doc position in the SONATA project entitled „Structure-function studies of human PNPase” financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr Katarzyna Bandyra. Deadline for applications: 12 December 2022. For more info see >> pdf

An announcement for Postdoc position
02 listopada 2022

Position of POSTDOC (a research assistant in a group of science positions) in the SONATA NCN project entitled „Activation and fixation of CO2 molecule and carboxylate moiety by a single metal atom center. Experimental, theoretical, and statistical investigation of reaction mechanisms and molecular properties” financed by National Science Centre Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr Kacper Błaziak. Deadline for applications: 2 February 2023. For more info see >> pdf

Onboarding training for international academics
27 października 2022

“Onboarding at the UW” is a traditionally organised set of trainings to make a smooth start for international employees of the University of Warsaw. Workshops on the Polish culture, customs and interaction within the Polish academic environment are available in November.

The functionality of the USOSweb, an introduction to Polish culture, the structure and cultural aspects of working at the UW are topics of workshops prepared by the Welcome Point team for newly hired UW employees, especially academics. The courses are held in November at the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw in the UW Library. The registration via the Kampus Platfom is recommended not later than 2nd November. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary.

Introduction to the USOSweb system – online

The course covers the basic principles of how the USOSweb system functions. The training is especially recommended to academic teachers, yet any UW employee using the system is invited to participate.

The training will be conducted on 4th November, between 12:00 – 13:30, with English as a language of instruction and ZOOM as a video platform for communication. Link will be emailed to all registered participants.

The online registration form is available on the Kampus Platform. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary. The application deadline expires on 2nd November at 12.00. 

Onboarding for international staff

This is a practical training on the structure and culture of the University of Warsaw. The meeting is held on 17th November, between 16:00 – 19:30, at 56/66 Dobra Street (the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw).

The training participants will learn:

  • how to handle a culture shock and acculturation process;
  • Polish scholars’ culture: academic values and cultural differences, the organisational culture and structure of the University of Warsaw;
  • dimensions of culture in the context of work in a Polish higher education institution.

For the CAS account holdersthe registration is available through the Kampus platform ( not later than 13th November, at 23:55.

Poland and Poles – cultural orientation training

The cultural orientation training is dedicated to the international staff of the University of Warsaw. The meeting will take place on 21st November, from 16:00 to 19:30, at 56/66 Dobra Street (the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw).

The participants will be acquainted with:

  • a short overview of the Polish Culture: symbols, the most significant historical figures, behaviour, communication styles and values;
  • selected aspects of living in Warsaw;
  • the most significant Polish historical, geographical and cultural contexts;
  • important dates and traditions in Poland.

The registration via the Kampus Platform ( is open until 13th November, 23:55. The CAS account is needed to sign-up.

All courses are intended for foreign employees of the University of Warsaw based on a contract of employment, especially academics. Individuals who meet these conditions will be accepted in the order of registration on the platform.

The registration is tantamount to a commitment to participate in the training. Information on the results of the recruitment will be provided after the verification of applications and after the deadline.


More details are provided on the Welcome Point’s website >> or by e-mail: welcome.event(at)




Courses implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employees to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.



The new academic year with the HR Excellence in Research
21 października 2022

This year the University of Warsaw will be receiving a visit from the European Commission’s experts to evaluate the UW’s actions under the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers. This information campaign is intended to present the HR Excellence in Research initiatives within equality, mobility, training and international funds.

The  HR Excellence in Research is awarded to the research institutions that implement and adhere to the Human Resources Strategy for Researchers to develop high standards in the four below areas:

  • ethical and professional aspects;
  • recruitment;
  • working conditions and social support;
  • training.

The principles and requirements to be followed by researchers, research institutions and funding institutions are precisely described in the two European Union papers: the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.

The HR Excellence in Research award is granted for a definite period. This year the University of Warsaw is in the award renewal phase.

“This year we are expecting a visit from experts of the European Commission who will evaluate the hitherto actions and accompanying measures, their impact on the university as well as their cohesion with the UW strategy. The experts will also meet representatives of the university community. The renewal of the HR Excellence in Research award is associated with its recognition among the members of our community,” Prof. Sambor Grucza, the UW Vice-Rector for Cooperation and Human Resources, said.

Following the June information campaign about the HR Excellence at the UW, actions and accompanying measures to be undertaken in the 2022/2023 are described below:

European Commission’s experts visiting the UW

Mobility, scholarships and programmes for UW doctoral candidates

Visits to strategic partner institutions

Research career path advisor

Reinforcing internationalisation

IDUB Programme and UW development

Survey of parents’ needs and other equality measures


More about HR Excellence in Research >>



The new method of preparing RNA for sequencing

Dr Maria Górna from the Faculty of Chemistry and her team developed a new method of preparing RNA for sequencing, which will facilitate the study of gene expression for many species of fungi, plants and eukaryotic microorganisms.

The Structural Biology Group, led by Dr Górna, studies the properties of human antiviral IFIT proteins. The team has developed new methods of selecting and enriching RNA, covered by a patent application filed in Poland, the USA and the EU.

The publication in the prestigious “Nucleic Acids Research” journal describes the first application of this invention to improve the sequencing of coding RNA using the example of baker’s yeast – a model organism in the study of gene expression and RNA metabolism. Dr Górna’s method consists in capturing and enriching the coding RNA by binding (of the IFIT1 protein immobilized on the resin) to the cap group at the 5 ‘end of the RNA – the so-called cap 0, which is present only at the ends of the mRNA. Non-coding RNAs are washed away and removed from the sample, thereby improving the quality of the sequencing data.

The analysis of the RNA enriched in this way was carried out in collaboration with the Laboratory of Translatomics IBB PAS under the supervision of Prof. Agata Starosta and proved that the new method successfully replaces commercial kits used for the preparation of mRNA samples. In addition, Dr Agnieszka Tudek from the Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Prof. Rafał Tomecki from the Faculty of Biology, the University of Warsaw, showed that the previously known method based on another cap-binding protein is not suitable for yeast RNA samples.

This work in Dr Górna’s group was supported – among others – by the LIDER grant from the National Centre for Research and Development, Poland, and the EMBO Installation Grant.

Publication details

Martyna Nowacka, Przemysław Latoch, Matylda A. Izert, Natalia K. Karolak, Rafał Tomecki, Michał Koper, Agnieszka Tudek, Agata L. Starosta, Maria W. Górna, A cap 0-dependent mRNA capture method to analyze the yeast transcriptome, “Nucleic Acids Research”, 2022, DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkac903.


Graphics: The new method for mRNA enrichment based on the capture of Cap 0 groups on IFIT1 protein immobilized on a resin. Authors: Prof. Agata Starosta and Przemysław Latoch.



An announcement for PhD student positions
12 października 2022

Position of PhD student in the project entitled „Quantum Crystallographic Quest for New Polymorphic Forms of Ice and Hydrates” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 31 October 2022. For more info see >> pdf

Multicultural meetings at the UW

The yearly event for international students has now been launched again by the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw. The multicultural meetings are focused on diverse cultures, as well as the Polish language and traditions, that mingle within the UW. Registration is open until 14th October.

Polish and foreign students of various faculties of the University of Warsaw have prepared events that treat multicultural aspects of the Polish language, culture, customs and traditions:

  • From Witches to Witcher – Polish Culture Throughout the Centuries
    Monday, 17th October at 17:00

During this meeting participants will discover some Polish beliefs, myths and historical contexts from mediaeval times to contemporary days through literature, art and even video games.
The event is followed by the Multicultural Meetings After Hours, which is a kind of a social gathering.

  • Polish Language Beginners Kit
    Tuesday, 18th October at 17:00

The meeting aims at familiarising international students with essential language tools that could give them an easy start in a new language environment. It is meant to ease them into the nooks and crannies of the Polish alphabet as well as lots of ways of greeting native speakers and making small talk with them.

  • Polish Holidays and Traditions
    Thursday, 20th October at 17:00

An Applied Linguistics student and a Turkish Studies student will discuss unique customs and traditions that are observed in Poland.

  • Let’s get MUSICAL! Polish Musicals Overview
    Tuesday, 25th October at 17:00

Participants will learn about the most known Polish musicals and theatre performances. After the presentation everyone is invited to join a karaoke evening to test the gained knowledge of Polish songs in practice.

All the Multicultural Meetings are held in the Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, which is situated in the University Library building, 56/66 Dobra Street.

Each meeting lasts about 2 hours. English is a language of instruction.


To take part in the events, prior registration is required via an e-mail: wolontariat(at) The e-mail should indicate the meeting of interest.

​The application deadline is Friday, 14th October at 13:00. The number of participants is limited.

Those who have not participated in the events and volunteering at the UW Volunteer Centre before, are requested to fill in the Volunteer Form (ENPL – for Polish language speakers) before sending a sign-up e-mail.


Details and information about the application are available on the Volunteer Centre’s website >>
