Online course offer of Sorbonne University
08 listopada 2022

In the spring/summer semester 2022/2023, online courses organised by Sorbonne University will be available for the 4EU+ students, including students of the University of Warsaw. Depending on the faculty offering the course, the application deadline is either 30th November or the first weeks of December.

Sorbonne University will launch online courses for the 4EU+ Alliance students in the 2022/2023 spring/summer semester. The classes will take place from January to June next year. The courses will cover topics including: green chemistry, literature in teaching, East-Central Europe since 1989 and experimental robotics.

The full list of available courses as well as detailed information on the enrollment procedure, can be found on the newly established 4EU+ Student Portal.

Depending on the faculty offering the course, the application deadline is either 30th November (Faculty of Humanities) or the first weeks of December (Faculty of Sciences and Engineering).

More information is available on the 4EU+ website >>


Important information for students planning to take online courses offered by 4EU+ universities >>

Before taking a course offered by an Alliance partner university, the student should sign 4EU+ Learning Agreement in his/her Faculty/Unit in order to determine and approve whether the course selected by the student from the 4EU+ offer can be recognised as part of the student’s degree programme (e.g. elective course, OGUN) or whether the course will be indicated as a form of an extracurricular activity.

For any questions concerning the 4EU+ shared online courses, please contact: 4euplus.mobility(at)

