The initiative called The Study Visits Programme for Ukrainian Students and Doctoral Candidates at the University of Warsaw aims at facilitating the students and doctoral candidates from Ukrainian universities to conduct research at the University of Warsaw. The programme was launched 27th April.
The Programme is dedicated to citizens of Ukraine or Poland, who crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border after 24th February, and were either students, or doctoral candidates, at a Ukrainian university in 2021/2022. The study visits will last from three to six months. Applicants must submit their research plan to be approved by the hosting department at the UW. All areas of studies are available. The hosting department should appoint an academic supervisor. The Programme will be financed by the Excellence Initiative – Research University.
The Programme participants will have the status of guest students/ doctoral researchers. They will be exempted from the tuition fee. Additionally, they can apply for the UW accommodation in the students residence halls. They can also take part in classes, Polish language courses, and receive ECTS credits.
The students and doctoral candidates under the Programme will be authorised to obtain the UW student/ doctoral candidate identity card. The document will allow them to access the UW Library catalogues, as well as provide with tokens to register for classes and courses at the UW.
Pursuant to the UW Rector’s Ordinance No. 130 of 12th December 2018 on receiving guests at the University of Warsaw, and financing their visit, the Programme participants can apply for daily allowances for living expenses, incl. stay and accommodation cost.
The recruitment process will be carried out by the International Relations Office in a form of call for applications followed by the selection of those applications that meet the listed requirements. Applicants are required to propose their research plan, which further needs to be approved by the hosting department at the UW. Each accepted applicant has an academic supervisor appointed by the UW.
More details on the Study Visits Programme and the corresponding requirements are provided in the UW Rector’s Ordinance No. 44 of 4th April 2022 on the Study Visits Programme for Ukrainian Students and Doctoral Candidates at the University of Warsaw.
Any queries about the programme should be directed to the e-mail address:
More information in Polish, Ukrainian and English on: