4EU+ Alliance online courses
28 stycznia 2022

In the summer semester 2021/2022, online courses organised by 4EU+ member universities will be available for students and doctoral candidates. The courses are conducted by Charles University in Prague, the University of Milan, and Sorbonne University. The registration is open now.  

In the summer semester 2021/22, five 4EU+ Alliance member universities (the University of Warsaw, Charles University, Sorbonne University, Heidelberg University and the University of Milan) will make their online courses available to all 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates.

Courses by 4EU+ partner universities

Advanced Bioinformatics in Biotechnology by the University of Milan, History of Linguistics by Charles University, or COVID-19 Crisis as a Model for Data Literacy – any student or doctoral candidate can take part in a course conducted by academics from five European universities:

In March or April, the course catalogue of Heidelberg University will be published.

Course catalogues, information on enrolment procedures and schedules of courses offered by 4EU+ universities are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>  

UW courses for foreign students and doctoral candidates

The University of Warsaw offers summer courses in 2021/2022 for 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates.

The courses cover three 4EU+ flagships:
Flagship 2 “Europe in a changing world: Understanding and engaging societies, economies, cultures and languages”;
Flagship 3 “Transforming science and society: Advancing information, computation and communication”;
Flagship 4 “Biodiversity and sustainable development”.
The course offer also includes: Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage, Archaeology of War in Ancient World, History of Language and Lexicography, Use of i-Tree Tools in Urban Greenery Management.

The list of courses, registration procedure and schedules of courses offered by UW under the 4EU+ Alliance in the summer semester 2021/2022 are available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>  

Registrations started on 24th January and last till 20th February. The number of participants is limited.

The UW enrolment guide is available on >>

UW students and doctoral candidates can register by their USOS account. It is recommended to check if the registration is open within a particular group of recipients.


Before taking a course offered by an Alliance partner university, the student should sign a 4EU+ Learning Agreement in his/her Faculty/Unit. LA form >>

For any questions concerning the 4EU+ shared online courses, please contact: 4euplus.mobility(at)uw.edu.pl.


Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl