Introduction to the USOSweb – online training
12 stycznia 2022Employees using the system are invited to an introductory training course on the basics of USOSweb. The training will be conducted on 24th January.
The course will cover the basic principles of functioning of the USOSweb system. Especially academic teachers, yet any UW employee using the system is invited to participate. The training will be carried out by Dr Mateusz Kopyt from the UW Faculty of Economic Studies.
Registration and training information
The online registration form is available on the Kampus Platform. In order to sign up, a CAS account is necessary. The application deadline expires on 19th January at 15.00. Due to IDUB funding requirements, if the number of participants is insufficient, a group will not be formed.
The one-day course is intended for foreign employees of the University of Warsaw based on a contract of employment, especially academics. Individuals who meet these conditions will be accepted in the order of registration on the platform. The registration is tantamount to a commitment to participate in the training. Information on the results of the recruitment will be provided after the verification of applications and after the deadline.
The training starts on 24th January from 17.00 to 18.30, with English as a language of instruction and ZOOM as a video platform for communication. Link will be emailed to all registered participants.
More details are provided on Welcome Point’s website, or at email: welcome.event(at)
Course implemented under Action II.2.3. “Support of the relocation process of employees from abroad by introducing solutions facilitating involvement of new foreign employee to work at UW and preparation to stay in Poland” of the Excellence Initiative – Research University (IDUB) at the University of Warsaw.
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology in the OPUS project „IFIT proteins in the regulation of inflammatory responses” of Dr Maria Górna. We are looking for a PhD student to work in the project #2021/41/B/NZ2/02708 on the role of IFIT2 complexes in the immune regulation in macrophages. The project aims to discover post-transcriptional mechanisms that regulate expression of cytokines at the first contact of immune cells with a pathogen. Our findings may have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases or acute inflammatory reactions such as the „cytokine storm” accompanying COVID-19 morbidity. Deadline for applications: 16 January 2022. For more info see >> pdf
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology
PhD student position offer in molecular and RNA biology in the OPUS project „IFIT proteins in the regulation of inflammatory responses” of Dr Maria Górna. We are looking for a PhD student to work in the project #2021/41/B/NZ2/02708 on the role of IFIT2 complexes in the immune regulation in macrophages. The project aims to discover post-transcriptional mechanisms that regulate expression of cytokines at the first contact of immune cells with a pathogen. Our findings may have an impact on the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune diseases or acute inflammatory reactions such as the „cytokine storm” accompanying COVID-19 morbidity. Deadline for applications: 14 February 2022. For more info see >> pdf