Employee Capital Plans at UW
02 lutego 2021As of 1st January 2021, the University of Warsaw, as a public university, has been made subject to the Act of 4th October 2018 on Employee Capital Plans (ECP; Pracownicze Plany Kapitałowe, PPK, in the Polish language).
ECP is a voluntary long-term saving programme, developed and co-financed by employees (employees and contractors subject to obligatory social insurance), employers and the state. Payments financed by the employees, the employer, a welcome payment and an annual surcharge from the state, will be transferred to individual private ECP accounts.
ECP is the programme that gathers ECP participants’ savings regularly. After exceeding the age of 60, one can withdraw funds. There are also other objectives of ECP stated in the above mention act.
Pursuant to the Act on Employee Capital Plans, employed persons are persons obligatorily subject to retirement pension and disability pension in the Republic of Poland:
- Persons employed under an employment agreement, nomination, selection, appointment or cooperative employment agreement;
- Natural persons over the age of 18 who perform work under an agency agreement, contract of commission or other agreement for the provision of services to which, according to article 750 of the Act of 23rd April 1964 – Civil Code the provisions on a contract of mandate apply.
A declaration on resignation from making payments into Employee Capital Plans one can submit as of 1st January 2021:
- Persons employed under an employment agreement can submit the declaration to the UW Human Resources Office or by sending an email to ppk.etat@adm.uw.edu.pl;
- Persons employed under a contract of mandate can submit the declaration to the UW Financial Department or send it via email to ppk.zlecenie@adm.uw.edu.pl.
ECP participants who submitted the declaration of resignation can provide their employer with the written application on making payments to the ECP programme at any time.
More information on ECP is available at www.mojeppk.pl.
Seminar CeNT 5.02.2021
01 lutego 2021The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Paweł Niewiadomski, PhD,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: Hitchhiker’s guide to the primary cilium – how vesicles help soluble proteins reach their target organelle
Date: 5th February 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87517725559
Meeting ID: 875 1772 5559
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UW among the most international universities 2021
29 stycznia 2021The University of Warsaw has been ranked 123rd in a raking featuring 172 the most international universities in the world in 2021. The ranking was compiled using data from the Times Higher World University Rankings.
The international student score, international staff score, international co-authorship score and international reputation metrics, collected for the THE World University Rankings 2021, have been taken into account in the ranking. As the authors of the ranking stress, all institutions have a high proportion of international students and staff, conduct research projects with scholars from across the globe, and have a strong reputation to match. More about the methodology >>
Over 4 800 students and doctoral candidates from abroad get education at the University of Warsaw. The university works together with more than 1000 partners from the country and abroad, and 680 institutions from over 100 countries. UW is an active member of international associations engaged in the integration and development of higher education. It also belongs to 100 global research networks, as well as many consortiums set up to carry out research projects.
Besides UW from also Charles University) has been included in the ranking from the region of Central Europe (79th place). Both institutions belong to the 4EU+ Alliance. The 4EU+ mission is to develop a barrier-free and continuously deepening cooperation in education, research, mobility and innovation within the Alliance. Find out more >>
Top five most international universities in the world:
- University of Hong Kong;
- ETH Zurich;
- Chinese University of Hong Kong;
- University of Oxford;
- Imperial College London.
More information on the ranking >>
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Job offer for a PhD student in the REINFORCE project
Job offer for a PhD student in the REINFORCE project (REconfIgurable Nanostructures For OptoelectRoniC tEchnologies). Project is carried out within the First Team programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. Project leader: Dr. Wiktor Lewandowski. Deadline for applications: 24 February 2021. For more info see >> pdf
Job offer for an undergraduate student in the REINFORCE project
Job offer for an undergraduate student in the REINFORCE project (REconfIgurable Nanostructures For OptoelectRoniC tEchnologies). Project is carried out within the First Team programme of the Foundation for Polish Science. Project leader: Dr. Wiktor Lewandowski. Deadline for applications: 24 February 2021. For more info see >> pdf
UW for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
28 stycznia 2021On 31st January, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will hold its 29th Grand Finale. The University of Warsaw has decided to support the charity organisation raising money for medical equipment once again. UW is conducting five auctions during which one can bid on: a photo session in the university premises, a ticket to the Botanical Garden, a Russian language course, the book “Ars et educatio. The artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” (“Ars et educatio. Kultura artystyczna Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego”) with the signatures of rector’s team, and hosting a programme on Radio Kampus.
Photo session at the University of Warsaw
In the auction, one can bid on a professional photo session in the representative interiors or at attractive locations of the UW. The photos will be taken by a photographer who is a frequent collaborator with the UW.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
Open season ticket to the UW Botanical Garden
The winner will receive a ticket entitling to visit the UW Botanical Garden in the 2021 season (from 1st April to the end of October). The ticket entitles to an unlimited number of entries to the park and greenhouse.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
“Ars et educatio. The artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” with the signatures of the members of UW rector’s team
During the auction, one can win the book entitled “Ars et educatio. Artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” (“Ars et educatio. Kultura artystyczna Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego”) – the result of work of over twenty researchers: historians, art historians, archaeologists, edited by Prof. Jerzy Miziołek. The book is the study of the history of University collections and their impact on the culture of Warsaw. It also presents the history of UW buildings.
The book will be provided with individual dedications from UW authorities: Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak (rector) and vice-rectors: Prof. Sambor Grucza, Prof. Ewa Krogulec, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak, and Prof. Sławomir Żółtek.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
A four-hour Russian language course – basics and interesting facts
The course participant will have an opportunity to learn the Russian alphabet and basic vocabulary at A1 Level, as well as do calligraphy exercises. The training will be enriched with materials specially developed for the course auctioned for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
Broadcast on Radio Kampus
In the auction, one can bid on the host of the music programme “Alternator” on Radio Kampus 97.1fm.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 6th February.
UW students for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
UW students are also involved in activities supporting The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Some faculty councils organise their campaigns and collections:
- Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration
The collection centre “Students of Warsaw” was founded in 2004. From the very beginning, its activity has been managed by the Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration. The tasks of the centre are coordinated mainly by the Culture Committee. It brings together volunteers both from the student community and from outside the university. Last year, they managed to collect over PLN 70 thousand.
During the Grand Finale of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in 2020, the Committee for the Promotion and Organisation of the Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration organised the 6th Indoor Ball Charity Tournament. Ten student teams from various faculties of the University of Warsaw took part in the tournament. The participants paid the entry fee to the box of the GOCC collection centre “Students of Warsaw”. The amount collected in the “tournament” box was PLN 1,290.71.
This year students set up their eCollection Box >>
- Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Management
Students of the UW Faculty of Management have organised an auction this year. “Under the hammer” there is, among others, a book with a dedication from Prof. Jerzy Bralczyk or a mug with a dedication of Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector.
Students also set up an eCollection Box >>
- European Studies Students’ Council
This year, European Studies students are involved in The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for the second time. Willing volunteers are divided into groups. On 31st January, they will go out with boxes to the streets of Warsaw.
Last year, two teams were involved. A total of PLN 5,463.61 was collected in six boxes.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Online courses offer for 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates
The University of Warsaw will open 120 courses to 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates in the summer semester. The registration period for 4EU+ students starts on 1st February and will last until 14th March.
Students and doctoral candidates of the five other 4EU+ member universities: Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen and University of Milan can enrol for courses offered by UW. The offer is broad. There are courses related to 4EU+ flagships, e.g. Urban Lab: investigating the contemporary city, Machine Learning or Biogeochemistry and biogeography, and transversal skills courses such as Polish language course – elementary level A1, or Mathematical Statistics.
Those who will decide to sign up for course/courses are requested to refer to our enrolment guide. Course admission is determined based on a “first-come, first-served” principle and/or consent of the course convenor (academic staff member responsible for coordinating and teaching the course). Confirmation of the student status at a 4EU+ member university (in a form of a scan of the student ID or certificate of student status) is required.
The registration period for 4EU+ students starts on 1st February and will last until 14th March. Most of the UW online courses begin on 22nd February.
The number of places is limited.
Online course offer for 4EU+ students
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
University Council in 2021-2024
26 stycznia 2021The University of Warsaw Senate appointed six members to the University Council of the University of Warsaw: Prof. Mirosław Ząbek (chairman), Prof. Marek Bujnicki, Prof. Pearl Dykstra, Prof. Poul Holm, Prof. Marek Karliner and Katarzyna Zajdel-Kurowska. Kamil Bonas, the UW Student Council President, is part of the University Council ex officio.
As a result of the Law on Higher Education and Science, public universities set up new bodies – university councils responsible for giving their opinions on the draft university strategy, draft statute, and the report on the implementation of the university strategy. Also, university councils monitor university financial management and university management and appoint candidates for the rector.
The term of office of the University Council is four years. However, the first University Council operated between 15th May 2019 and 31st December 2020.
On 20th January 2020, the University of Warsaw Senate appointed the University Council of the University of Warsaw members, who will serve in 2021-2024. View the resolution (in Polish) >>
Current University Council of the University of Warsaw comprises:
- Prof. Mirosław Ząbek from the Centre of Postgraduate Medical Education, neurosurgery and neuroanatomy expert, the country’s neurosurgery consultant – Chairperson of the University Council of UW,
- Prof. Janusz Marek Bujnicki from the International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw (IMCB), Correspondent Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, one of the highly cited researchers,
- Prof. Pearl Dykstra from Erasmus University Rotterdam, Member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Deputy Chair of the European Commission’s Group of Chief Scientific Advisors that provides the Commission with high quality, timely and independent scientific advice on specific policy issues where such advice is critical to the development of Union policies or legislation,
- Prof. Poul Holm from Trinity College Dublin, former Rector of the University of Roskilde (Denmark), Member of Royal Irish Academy and Academia Europaea,
- Prof. Marek Karliner from Tel Aviv University, Head of the Mortimer and Raymond Sackler Institute of Advanced Studies, Foreign Member of the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences, Chairman of the Israeli Committee for High Energy Physics, Member of CERN Council (ex officio)
- Katarzyna Zajdel-Kurowska, Alternate Executive Director at the World Bank, former Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Finance and former Member of Management Board at the National Bank of Poland, UW Faculty of Economic Sciences graduate,
- Kamil Bonas, President of the UW Student Council.
The University Council acts according to the provisions of the Law on Higher Education and Science, the University of Warsaw Statute and the Regulations of the University Council.
The Council might be composed of six or eight members. At least 50% of the members of the University Council should come from outside the institution.
First University Council
The first University Council was composed of Prof. Janusz Marek Bujnicki (chairperson), Prof. Pearl Dykstra, Prof. Poul Holm, Prof. Krzysztof Redlich, Marynika Woroszylska-Sapieha, Katarzyna Zajdel-Kurowska and Kamil Bonas.
In 2020, the Council was focused mainly on the tasks defined in Article 18 of the Law on Higher Education and Science.
Detailed information on activities undertaken by the body is available in the Annual Report. The document was adopted on 14th December 2020.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Seminar CeNT 29.01.2021
25 stycznia 2021The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
dr hab. Magdalena Dziembowska,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: „The physiology of synapse and its dysregulation in neurodevelopmental disorders.”
Date: 29th January 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85864351857
Meeting ID: 858 6435 1857
Work offer for a postdoctoral researcher
Position of a postdoctoral researcher in the project „Theoretical design and prediction of phosphorescent emissive materials based on halogen bonding interactions and experimental verification of their properties” financed by National Science Centre (NCN) is open for applications. The successful candidate will be supervised by Dr. Mihails Arhangelskis, becoming a member of a newly established team for computational materials design within the Crystallochemistry laboratory (group leader Prof. Dr. hab. Krzysztof Woźniak). Project leader: Dr. Mihails Arhangelskis. Deadline for applications: 1 April 2021. For more info see >> pdf