An announcement for student position
21 października 2021

Project Manager – Dorota Latek, DSc PhD (Head of Modeling of Cellular Processes Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a research project: „Self-learning systems in the design of compounds modulating GPCR receptors activation”, OPUS 20 – National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 15 December 2021. For more info see >> pdf

An announcement for post-doc position

Position of postdoc (a research position) in the Symfonia (NCN) Project UMO-2016/20/W/ST4/00314 „Attoscience for biology, chemistry and physics: new experimental advances and theoretical development”, is open for application. Project leader: Prof. dr. Robert Moszyński. Deadline for applications: 21 November 2021. For more info see >> pdf

Call for candidates-position of Adjunct – IDUB UW programme

The Rector of the University of Warsaw has opened a call for applicants for the position of Adjunct, as part of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” programme. Closing date for applications: 21.11.2021. More information >> pdf