Second round of vaccinations at University Vaccination Point
07 czerwca 2021The second round of registration for vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point (Uniwersytecki Punkt Szczepień, UPSz) in the University of Warsaw Library building is open until 8th June (midnight).
Following the government’s guidelines, the University of Warsaw has joined the country-wide programme to set up vaccination centres at workplaces and has launched the University Vaccination Point in the University of Warsaw Library building (sports area at the -1 level), at the beginning of May.
The programme is open to those who have not been vaccinated yet. It aims to build a safe place for working and studying regardless of age (one general condition needs to be fulfilled – people aged 18 and over).
UW has open the University Vaccination Point in collaboration with CenterMed that offers occupational medicine services. The overall medical service, including the registration, arranging appointments, informing patients about their vaccination dates, and carrying out vaccinations, is provided by CenterMed.
Those, who have registered for vaccinations as part of a country-wide vaccination programme, who have a scheduled date or are awaiting their appointments, will be able to get vaccinated at the University Vaccination Center if their scheduled date of vaccination is later than the one resulting from the schedule at the University Vaccinated Point.
Registration for vaccination at the University Vaccination Point means to consent to the personal data transfer to CenterMed. It is aimed at determining the number of people and then arranging the vaccination date. CenterMed will order the number of vaccines and then register for exact dates, verifying the applicants with the list obtained earlier from the university.
Who can register for vaccination at the University Vaccination Point?
- Employees who are not academic teachers,
- Academic teachers, doctoral candidates,
- Students of degree Programmes: 1st, 2nd and long cycle studies (Bachelor and Master), aged 18 and over,
- People employed under a civil law contract or self-employed.
How to register for vaccination?
Those who want to register for vaccination are requested to fill in the form “Vaccination application organised by the University of Warsaw in cooperation with CenterMed”. The next registration round is scheduled for 7th and 8th June.
Important information:
- Vaccinations will be administered by the CenterMed Warsaw company (“CenterMed Warszawa”), 00-630 Warsaw, 10a Waryńskiego Street.
- Vaccination place: the University of Warsaw Library building (sports area, at -1 level), 00-312 Warsaw, 56/66 Dobra Street.
- Detailed information regarding the organisation of vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point is available at
Seminar CeNT 11.06.2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Prof. Dominika Nowis,
Laboratory of Experimental Medicine, Medical University of Warsaw
Title: Arginases and anti-tumor immune response
Date: 11th June 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar:
Meeting ID: 818 1708 7386
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
Depletion of essential (L-tryptophan) or semi-essential (L-arginine) amino acids has been shown to suppress antitumor immune responses. Arginase-1 (ARG1) is a cytosolic enzyme catalyzing degradation of L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea, depleting tumor microenvironment of this compound. T cells need arginine to support their proliferation in the lymph nodes and to promote their ability to kill tumor cells. Arginine deprivation is associated with decreased proliferation potential of activated T cells as well as with down-regulation of CD3 zeta, a major signal transducer from the T cell receptor (TCR). Thus, arginine deprivation due to increased ARG1 activity is a very smart strategy of the tumor to avoid T cell-mediated effector mechanisms and, at the same time, one of the potential targets of anti-tumor therapy. ARG1 is overexpressed not only by cancer-associated fibroblasts (CAFs), myeloid-derived suppressory cells (MDSCs) but also numerous cancer cells such as ovarian cancer, renal cell carcinoma, breast carcinoma, prostate cancer, and colorectal cancer. During my talk I will present our recent data on the role of cancer cell- derived, MDSCs and macrophages-derived as well as CD71+ erythroid cells-derived ARG in the development of anti-tumor immune response. I will also discuss the clinical potential of targeting ARG in cancer therapy.