14 maja 2021
Position of adjunct (a group of science positions) in the project entitled „New materials for next generation Li-ion batteries” financed by IDUB project within the action I.3.4. „Creation of three research teams that will initiate development of scientific networks conducting studies in the area of civilization diseases, emerging pollutants and circular economy” – „The circular economy – energy storage” is open for application. Project leader: Dr. Dominika Buchberger. Deadline for applications: 13 June 2021. For more info see >> pdf
Position of adjunct (a group of science positions) in the project entitled „New materials for next generation Li-ion batteries” financed by IDUB project within the action I.3.4. „Creation of three research teams that will initiate development of scientific networks conducting studies in the area of civilization diseases, emerging pollutants and circular economy” – „The circular economy – energy storage” is open for application. Project leader: Dr. Dominika Buchberger. Deadline for applications: 13 June 2021. For more info see >> pdf
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project: „Making the Impossible Possible: Macrocyclisation of Unbiased Dienes at High Concentration by Ring-Closing Metathesis”, programme Opus supported by National Science Centre positions: Post-Doc (1) – Assistant in a group of research workers, operating in the field of exact and natural sciences. Deadline for applications: 13 June 2021. For more info see >> pdf
13 maja 2021

The University of Warsaw adopted its Gender Equality Plan. The document responds to the needs of the university community. GEP was created as a result of expert consultations reflecting god practice from European institutions. UW was the first university in Poland to adopt the GEP.
“Gender Equality Plan” is an action strategy for UW in the years 2020-2023. It is based on five main goals. Its primary objective is to ensure that the University of Warsaw is a safe place for all, functioning in a way respecting equality and diversity, free from discrimination, as well as ensuring freedom of academic development for everybody.
As shown by surveys and consultations, some people suffer from prejudice and encounter institutional barriers, as a result of which not everybody can benefit equally from academic development opportunities. These barriers often take the form of gender discrimination, sexual harassment and difficulties in combining professional work with family life. Obstacles of this type result in slowing down scientific careers, especially of women, and some of them may lose interest in further academic development. Barriers hindering combining professional work with family life also discourage fathers endeavouring to be involved in both spheres of life – professional and family.
“The activities presented in the Gender Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw are aimed at counteracting the stereotypical assignment of gender to scientific fields in order to strengthen the scientific position of our university and remove obstacles to the individual development of people working and studying at the University of Warsaw,” said Prof. Julia Kubisa, Equal Opportunity Chief Specialist at UW.
In 2016 the European Commission recognised the University of Warsaw with the “HR Excellence in Research” logo. UW is committed to continuously develop HR and recruitment policies, including the development of equality policies in the form of the General Equality Plan for the University of Warsaw.
Goals of the Gender Equality Plan for the UW:
- Raising awareness of the importance of equality issues and strengthening positive attitudes towards diversity.
- Supporting the development of women’s scientific careers.
- Ensuring gender equality in the recruitment of female and male employees and doctoral schools.
- Making the combination of work and family life easier.
- Increasing balanced sex representation with respect to chairpersons of faculty and university committees, management, expert and reviewer teams, and chairpersons of scientific and popularisation events.
Planned actions
It is planned to launch a research and development programme for young female researchers and lecturers to counteract their loss of participation in pursuing their research career. Networking groups for female doctoral candidates will be established to engage them in networks with employees and academics. The Code of Ethics of the University of Warsaw will also be created.
The GEP also comprises activities aimed at providing people working and studying at the University of Warsaw with help in combining work and studies with family life. It is planned to:
- increase the number of vacancies in the university nursery at Karowa street,
- develop a plan to create a new nursery and kindergarten on the Ochota Campus, and a childcare point on one of the campuses.
- create the system of flexible working hours for employees, as well as other flexible forms of work.
The strategy envisages the implementation of the Anti-Discrimination Procedure, which will enable formal complaint proceedings both by the person who has experienced discrimination and by heads of the units to ensure safe reporting and prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination.
Lectures on equality for all members of the academic community will be organised at the University of Warsaw. UW will monitor the participation of women and men in grant calls, project and financial support. Furthermore, to define the remuneration regulations for individual positions, the policy of remuneration and other employee benefits will be established.
The full text of the Gender Equality Plan for the UW is now available (pdf) >>
The Gender Equality Plan
Plan Równości Płci w j. angielskim
There are institutions whose task is to help build an environment free from all forms of discrimination at the University of Warsaw. These institutions are represented by the Academic Ombudsman, who supports members of the academic community, e.g. in resolving university disputes, and Equal Opportunity Chief Specialist, who comply with an anti-discrimination policy, equal treatment and diversity. There is also a Rector’s Committee for Preventing Discrimination at the University of Warsaw.
Dobra 68/70, room 5
ph.: (+48) 22 55 27 214
00-312 Warszawa, Poland
e-mail: ombudsman(at)uw.edu.pl
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
10 maja 2021
The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Jeff Palatini PhD,
head of Genomics Core Facility, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Krzysztof Goryca PhD,
Genomics Core Facility, Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: „To Seq or Not to Seq: An Overview of RNA-based sequencing Informatics”
Date: 14th May 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86986269834
Meeting ID: 869 8626 9834
To subscribe to receive announcements about CeNT UW seminars or to unsubscribe please click here
Abstract: Next-generation RNA-sequencing has vastly replaced microarrays and other methods as the gold standard for genome-wide quantitative and qualitative analysis of RNA in studies. As a result, the coffers of publicly available RNA-seq data are larger than ever, yet they remain an under-utilized cache of experimental data that could significantly impact your next RNA-seq project. Here we will explore some tools for the analysis of RNA from sequencing data, including data mined entirely from public repositories, and offer some insight on designing RNA-based sequencing experiments based on results of public database queries. You may discover that your next RNA-seq project is already waiting for you, hiding in plain sight in a public database!
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project: „Unorthodox concepts in olefin metathesis”, programme Maestro supported by National Science Centre positions: PhD student (2). Deadline for applications: 11 June 2021. For more info see >> pdf
06 maja 2021

We publish an announcement of the University of Warsaw Rector as of 6th May 2021 on setting up the University Vaccination Point.
Dear Sir or Madam,
The University of Warsaw is going to organise the University Vaccination Point in the University of Warsaw Library building (sports area at the -1 level), following the government’s guidelines for the programme to set up vaccination centres at workplaces, that will begin at the turn of May and June 2021.
The programme is dedicated to those who have not been vaccinated yet. It aims to build a safe place for working and studying regardless of age (one general condition needs to be fulfilled – people aged 18 and over).
UW is planning to run the University Vaccination Point in collaboration with CenterMed that offers occupational medicine services.
The overall medical service, including the registration, arranging appointments, informing patients about their vaccination dates, and carrying out vaccinations, will be provided by CenterMed. In the programme, there is no possibility to choose a type of vaccine that will be provided by the Government Agency for Strategic Reserves to CenterMed.
Those, who have registered for vaccinations as part of a country-wide vaccination programme, who have a scheduled date or are awaiting their appointments, will be able to get vaccinated at the University Vaccination Center if their scheduled date of vaccination is later than the one resulting from the schedule at the University Vaccinated Point.
Registration for vaccination at the University Vaccination Point means to consent to the personal data transfer to CenterMed and is aimed at determining the number of people and then arranging the vaccination date. CenterMed will order the number of vaccines and then register for exact dates, verifying the applicants with the list obtained earlier from the university.
Those, who have booked a vaccination as part of a country-wide vaccination programme, have a scheduled date or await their appointment, will be able to get vaccinated at the University Vaccination Center if their scheduled date of vaccination, is later than the one resulting from the schedule at the University Vaccinated Point.
Acting in line with the government’s guidance, the University of Warsaw joins the action enabling getting vaccinated at workplaces and launches the University Vaccination Point (Uniwersytecki Punkt Szczepień, UPSz).
Who can register for vaccination at the University Vaccination Point?
- Employees who are not academic teachers,
- Academic teachers, doctoral candidates,
- Students of degree Programmes: 1st, 2nd and long cycle studies (Bachelor and Master), aged 18 and over,
- People employed under a civil law contract or self-employed.
How to register for vaccination?
Those who want to register for vaccination are requested to fill in the form “Vaccination application organised by the University of Warsaw in cooperation with CenterMed”.
The form will be available until 12th May 2021 (Wednesday), midnight.
Vaccinations will be administered by the CenterMed Warsaw company (“CenterMed Warszawa”), 00-630 Warsaw, 10a Waryńskiego Street.
Vaccination place: the University of Warsaw Library building (sports area, at -1 level), 00-312 Warsaw, 56/66 Dobra Street.
Vaccination dates:
It is planned to begin vaccinations at the turn of May and June 2021.
It will be possible to get vaccinated 7 days a week. CenterMed will inform you of the exact time and day. The date will depend on the number of people who book a coronavirus vaccination at the University Vaccination Point.
Type of vaccine for COVID-19:
The University of Warsaw has no possibility to select a vaccine. The University Vaccination Point will administer vaccines provided by the Government Agency for Strategic Reserves (RARS) to CenterMed.
Registration for vaccination:
To register for vaccination, please contact CenterMed which will verify your data with the list submitted by UW (CenterMed will not collect your personal data again as it was included in the registration form).
CenterMed will make your vaccination appointment (time and date) and inform you about it. Registration details will be available as of 19th May 2021 at https://centermed.pl/uw.
Important information regarding the organisation of vaccinations at the University Vaccination Point is available at https://centermed.pl/uw. On this website you will find contact to CenterMed.
Upon notification of a vaccination request, please check the information provided on a health centre website, as all applicable information will be published there as soon as it is confirmed. In case of any questions, please use the dedicated telephone numbers that direct you to the team responsible for the University Vaccination Point. It is not recommended to dial the general numbers of health centres directing to the reception of the family doctor.
The announcement refers to the UW community members who have not received COVID-19 vaccination yet:
- Employees who are not academic teachers,
- Academic teachers, doctoral candidates,
- Students aged 18 and over,
- People employed under a civil law contract or self-employed.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
The University of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre, Head of the project – Prof. Johannes Ehenfried Zschech is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project „Synthesis and characterization of novel 2D hybrid materials for supercapacitors”, Acronym: HYSUCAP, programme M-ERA.NET 2 Call 2019 supported by National Science Centre. Deadline for applications: 16 May 2021. For more info see >> pdf