Seminar CeNT 7.05.2021
30 kwietnia 2021The Centre of New Technologies invites to a webinar by
Prof. Wojciech Grochala,
Centre of New Technologies, University of Warsaw
Title: Electric current without paying a penny for your energy transmission bill.
Date: 7th May 2021 (Friday)
Time: 12:00 pm (Central European Summer Time)
Host: prof. Joanna Trylska
Virtual seminar:
Meeting ID: 817 3631 9167
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Metals exhibit resistance to transfer of electric current and heat is produced in process. On the other hand, superconductors have null resistance to direct current which leads to a number of important applications in science and technology. Moreover, superconductors exhibit so called perfect diamagnetism, an exotic phenomenon which may also be utilized in a daily life. Here, our own involvement in research on novel superconductors will be illustrated, particularly fluorides and hydrides. The talk will be concluded with the description of a new nanotechnological setup which enables doping and thus metallization of a huge range of elements and chemical compounds, some of which may become superconducting at room temperature.
New English-language study programmes at UW
The University of Warsaw offers over 100 study programmes in humanities, social, exact and natural sciences, as well as interdisciplinary ones. There are also degree programmes entirely conducted in English. This year, prospective students may choose from two new study programmes in English: Machine Learning, and Religions of Asia and Africa: Buddhism, Islam and Others.
Admissions for the first-cycle study programmes (undergraduate) and second-cycle study programmes (graduate) at the University of Warsaw will begin on 7th June. In 2021, candidates for studies can apply for new English-language study programmes: Machine Learning, and Religions of Asia and Africa: Buddhism, Islam and Others.
- Machine Learning – an English-language graduate study programme at the Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Mechanics. Students will learn the basics of machine learning, the latest discoveries in maths and computer science, with particular emphasis on digital image processing and natural language processing. The programme includes a compulsory internship and a research project. Graduates of this field of study will be prepared to work as specialists in Data Science.
- Religions of Asia and Africa: Buddhism, Islam and Others – an English-language graduate study programme at the Faculty of Oriental Studies. Students can learn about the most important Asian religions of the East. The emphasis is put on Buddhism and Islam – the history of their dissemination, the most important figures, fractions, religious literature, art and symbolism, terminology, contemporary problems and the spread of these religions in the West. To understand better Asian religions, students will learn one of the languages – Tibetan or Arabic. The programme also includes workshops conducted in cooperation with followers of Buddhism and Islam, aimed at the practical implementation of knowledge.
Undergraduate programmes in English:
- American Studies >>
- Archaeology >>
- English Studies >>
- European Politics and Economics >>
- Finance, International Investment and Accounting >>
- International Relations >>
- International Studies in Philosophy >>
- Political Science >>
Graduate programmes in English:
- American Studies >>
- Archaeology >>
- Chemistry >>
- Cognitive Science >>
- Data Science and Business Analytics >>
- English Studies >>
- Graduate Programme in Teaching English to Young Learners >>
- Humanitarian Action >>
- International Business Program >>
- International Economics >>
- International Relations >>
- Machine Learning >>
- Master in Food Systems >>
- Oriental Studies – Mongolian and Tibetan Studies >>
- Physics >>
- Political Science >>
- Quantitative Finance >>
- Religions of Asia and Africa: Buddhism, Islam and Others >>
- Sustainable Development >>
Long cycle – uniform Master’s studies
More information on the admissions process is available on the website of the UW Admissions Office.
Admissions Office
+48 22 55 24 043, +48 22 55 24 075, +48 22 55 24 048
Terms of studying
Admissions step by step
Welcome Point
central information service for international students
(+48) 22 55 24 080, tel. (+48) 22 55 24 103
Office for Student Affairs
+48 22 55 24 022, +48 22 55 24 077, +48 22 55 24 083, +48 22 55 20 424
Online Recruitment
Testing for COVID-19 until 30th September
Employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw can book free of charge COVID-19 RT-PCR tests until the end of September. UW employees and doctoral candidates can book a test, also those who got tested last year in the autumn.
Employees and doctoral candidates have an opportunity to undergo COVID-19 RT-PCR tests that detect active SARS-COV-2 infection.
Testing takes place on-site (on the campus in Ochota) following the registration.
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR detects viral RNA. Diagnostic tests use a mucus sample from the nose or throat. Medical personnel take a swab which will get analysed by Warsaw Genomics.
Before getting tested:
At least half an hour before taking a swab for SARS-CoV-2 virus, one should not:
- drink,
- eat,
- smoke cigarettes,
- take medications,
- brush their teeth,
- rinse mouth and nose,
- chew gum.
Testing period: COVID-19 swab collection will continue until 30th September 2021.
How to book a test?
Step 1: Download a discount code
A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from
Step 2: Register
After receiving the code, register at and arrange an appointment via the form at, choosing a specific date and time.
Step 3: Undergo a test
Taking a swab will take place on the campus in Ochota, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance. Tests are organised and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. Swabs will be collected by medical professionals.
Warsaw Genomics team will offer tests from Monday to Friday: 8 am – 6 pm.
Please note: A person should come to the swab collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.
Step 4: Get your results
The test results will be available to patients at It can take up to three business days until the results will be given. One should enter their order number (from the e-mail confirming acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 test) and their PESEL number (or their ID number if there is no PESEL number). It will be possible to download the signed and authorized test result.
Discount on RT-PCR test for family members of UW employees and doctoral candidates
UW employee and doctoral candidates who will get tested will receive a discount (PLN 89) from Warsaw Genomics on RT-PCR tests to be used by their family member. The cost of the test for a family member amounts PLN 350. Up to four people from the family can you the discount. Link to book a test:
How to get a discount code for family members?
The discount code will be sent by Warsaw Genomics by e-mail, confirming registration for the free RT-PCR test for active SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection.
More information (in Polish) >>