Online UW Open Day 2021
14 kwietnia 2021The Open Day at the University of Warsaw will take place online on 24th April. During the meeting, candidates can learn about the university’s educational offer and admission rules. To attend our virtual event, one needs to register in advance.
The Open Day is one of the most important cyclical events at the University of Warsaw. This year’s UW Open Day will be delivered entirely online. Everyone interested in studying at the University of Warsaw will have the opportunity to find out how UW operates and get to know its study programmes. The event will be opened by Prof. Sławomir Żółtek, the University of Warsaw Vice-Rector for Students and Quality of Teaching.
The University of Warsaw Open Day will be held on 24th April from 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m CEST on the website To participate in the event, candidates are requested to register in advance by completing the form >> Following the registration, one can fully access the platform.
Studying and more
Candidates for studies at the University of Warsaw can virtually visit stands prepared by employees of faculties and departments, student organisations, and administration. Registered people will have access to materials, the possibility to chat with representatives, students and take part in online meetings using Zoom or Google Meet platforms. UW administrative officers from the Admissions Office, Welcome Point and the Promotion Office, representatives of the UW Student Council Board, will provide information on the University of Warsaw and present the admission procedure. Also, some departments have prepared additional attractions. Candidates will be introduced to the offer of the University of Warsaw Choir, Volunteer Centre of the University of Warsaw, and the 4EU + Alliance of which the University is a member.
Offer for international candidates
Candidates from abroad will also have an opportunity to learn the most important information about the University of Warsaw, admission rules and the offer of English-language studies and more. Welcome Point UW — the university information point for international students, doctoral candidates and employees — has gathered all the necessary information that one may need during their stay in Poland and at UW.
Admissions Office
Terms of studying in Poland
Admissions step by step
Welcome Point
central information service for international students
Online Recruitment
The Ulam NAWA Programme
The Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA) is pleased to announce the third edition of the programme for post-doctoral incoming researchers: The Ulam NAWA Programme. The programme will allow both recognised and promising scientists who hold at least a doctoral degree, to visit Poland in order to strengthen the scientific potential of Polish entities and to participate in their scientific activities, primarily research projects and didactics. The programme will allow to invite scientists regardless of their age, from all around the world and representing all fields of science, including Polish scientists working permanently abroad. HEIs, scientific and research institutes will have the opportunity to invite specialists from their priority areas to Poland – they will make a significant contribution to the research conducted by a given institution, strengthen didactics or support the institution in applying for prestigious grants.
Activities to be carried out during the Scholarship may include:
- conducting research and/or development work
- post-doctoral training
- obtaining materials for scientific work or publication
- in addition to the above activities, the visit may also include conducting didactic classes at the Host institution.
The visits under the Project can last from 6 to 24 months. The Programme provides financing for a Scholarship that covers the Fellow’s living allowance of PLN 10,000 a month, along with a mobility allowance. The visits of foreign scientists have to commence between 1 January 2022 and 1 October 2022.
Call for proposals: until 15 June 2021
Learn more about the conditions for application, timing, etc.
Contact person: Magdalena Kowalczyk, PhD, e-mail:; + 48 22 390-35-72