UW for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
28 stycznia 2021On 31st January, the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity will hold its 29th Grand Finale. The University of Warsaw has decided to support the charity organisation raising money for medical equipment once again. UW is conducting five auctions during which one can bid on: a photo session in the university premises, a ticket to the Botanical Garden, a Russian language course, the book “Ars et educatio. The artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” (“Ars et educatio. Kultura artystyczna Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego”) with the signatures of rector’s team, and hosting a programme on Radio Kampus.
Photo session at the University of Warsaw
In the auction, one can bid on a professional photo session in the representative interiors or at attractive locations of the UW. The photos will be taken by a photographer who is a frequent collaborator with the UW.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
Open season ticket to the UW Botanical Garden
The winner will receive a ticket entitling to visit the UW Botanical Garden in the 2021 season (from 1st April to the end of October). The ticket entitles to an unlimited number of entries to the park and greenhouse.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
“Ars et educatio. The artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” with the signatures of the members of UW rector’s team
During the auction, one can win the book entitled “Ars et educatio. Artistic culture at the University of Warsaw” (“Ars et educatio. Kultura artystyczna Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego”) – the result of work of over twenty researchers: historians, art historians, archaeologists, edited by Prof. Jerzy Miziołek. The book is the study of the history of University collections and their impact on the culture of Warsaw. It also presents the history of UW buildings.
The book will be provided with individual dedications from UW authorities: Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak (rector) and vice-rectors: Prof. Sambor Grucza, Prof. Ewa Krogulec, Prof. Zygmunt Lalak, and Prof. Sławomir Żółtek.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
A four-hour Russian language course – basics and interesting facts
The course participant will have an opportunity to learn the Russian alphabet and basic vocabulary at A1 Level, as well as do calligraphy exercises. The training will be enriched with materials specially developed for the course auctioned for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 4th February.
Broadcast on Radio Kampus
In the auction, one can bid on the host of the music programme “Alternator” on Radio Kampus 97.1fm.
Go to the auction >>
The auction ends on 6th February.
UW students for The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity
UW students are also involved in activities supporting The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity. Some faculty councils organise their campaigns and collections:
- Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration
The collection centre “Students of Warsaw” was founded in 2004. From the very beginning, its activity has been managed by the Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration. The tasks of the centre are coordinated mainly by the Culture Committee. It brings together volunteers both from the student community and from outside the university. Last year, they managed to collect over PLN 70 thousand.
During the Grand Finale of The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity in 2020, the Committee for the Promotion and Organisation of the Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Law and Administration organised the 6th Indoor Ball Charity Tournament. Ten student teams from various faculties of the University of Warsaw took part in the tournament. The participants paid the entry fee to the box of the GOCC collection centre “Students of Warsaw”. The amount collected in the “tournament” box was PLN 1,290.71.
This year students set up their eCollection Box >>
- Students’ Council of the UW Faculty of Management
Students of the UW Faculty of Management have organised an auction this year. “Under the hammer” there is, among others, a book with a dedication from Prof. Jerzy Bralczyk or a mug with a dedication of Prof. Alojzy Z. Nowak, the UW Rector.
Students also set up an eCollection Box >>
- European Studies Students’ Council
This year, European Studies students are involved in The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity for the second time. Willing volunteers are divided into groups. On 31st January, they will go out with boxes to the streets of Warsaw.
Last year, two teams were involved. A total of PLN 5,463.61 was collected in six boxes.
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl
Online courses offer for 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates
The University of Warsaw will open 120 courses to 4EU+ students and doctoral candidates in the summer semester. The registration period for 4EU+ students starts on 1st February and will last until 14th March.
Students and doctoral candidates of the five other 4EU+ member universities: Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen and University of Milan can enrol for courses offered by UW. The offer is broad. There are courses related to 4EU+ flagships, e.g. Urban Lab: investigating the contemporary city, Machine Learning or Biogeochemistry and biogeography, and transversal skills courses such as Polish language course – elementary level A1, or Mathematical Statistics.
Those who will decide to sign up for course/courses are requested to refer to our enrolment guide. Course admission is determined based on a “first-come, first-served” principle and/or consent of the course convenor (academic staff member responsible for coordinating and teaching the course). Confirmation of the student status at a 4EU+ member university (in a form of a scan of the student ID or certificate of student status) is required.
The registration period for 4EU+ students starts on 1st February and will last until 14th March. Most of the UW online courses begin on 22nd February.
The number of places is limited.
Online course offer for 4EU+ students
Source: www.en.uw.edu.pl