Competition for the leader of scientific team
05 grudnia 2020As part of the implementation of the Excellence Initiative (IDUB) programme and Action I.3.4 – “Creation of three research teams that will initiate development of scientific networks conducting studies in the area of civilization diseases, emerging pollutants and circular economy”, the University of Warsaw hereby announces a competition to employ a researcher, whose task will be to create a new, interdisciplinary research team. This team leader will act as Project Leader, in accordance with Ordinance No. 115 of the Rector of the University of Warsaw, from 1 June 2020, on the implementation of the “Excellence Initiative – Research University” (IDUB) programme at the University of Warsaw (cf. Monitor UW, item 246).
The team, under the direction of the winner of this competition, will be obliged to carry out a project – proposed by the winner of the competition and accepted by the University of Warsaw – with breakthrough research in the area of „The circular economy – energy storage”.
Detailed research objectives:
- designing and prototyping electrochemical energy storage solutions;
- studying biological aspects of producing and storing energy;
- studying physical bases of processes occurring in modern electrode materials.
Deadline for applications: January 25th 2021
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