Coronavirus testing
26 października 2020UW employees and doctoral candidates can undergo free of charge COVID-19 RT-PCR tests. Taking swabs will begin on 26th October and last until 20th November.
Employees and doctoral candidates have an opportunity to sign up for COVID-19 RT-PCR tests that detect active SARS-COV-2 infection.
I would like to express my gratitude to everyone whose efforts contributed to the possibility of testing employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw for active infection with SARS CoV-2 virus. From my own experience, I can say that a quick and effective diagnosis is key in the fight against the pandemic that we are all struggling with,” said Professor Alojzy Z. Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw.
Testing takes place on-site (on the Ochota campus) following the registration – according to the guideline (below).
SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR detects viral RNA. Diagnostic tests use a mucus sample from the nose or throat. Medical personnel take a swab which will get analysed by Warsaw Genomics.
Before getting tested:
At least half an hour before taking a swab for SARS-CoV-2 virus, one should not:
- drink,
- eat,
- smoke cigarettes,
- take medications,
- brush their teeth,
- rinse mouth and nose,
- chew gum.
Testing period: COVID-19 swab collection will start on 26th October and will last until 20th November 2020.
How to register and get tested:
Step 1: Download a discount code
A discount code, which entitles employees and doctoral candidates of the University of Warsaw to get tested free of charge, can be downloaded from
Step 2: Register
After receiving the code, register at, and arrange an appointment via the form at, choosing a specific date and time.
Step 3: Undergo a test
Taking a swab will take place on the Ochota Campus, in the building of the Sports and Recreation Centre, in a separate room with a separate entrance. Tests are organised and coordinated by the University of Warsaw. Swabs are collected by medical professionals. Warsaw Genomics team will offer tests from Monday to Friday: 8 am – 7 pm as of 26th October until 20th November. On 26th October, the medical point will operate from 10 am to 7 pm.
Please note: A person should come to the swab collection facility wearing a protective mask on, with their ID and test order number, which will be generated during registration.
Step 4: Get your result
The test results will be available to patients at It can take up to three business days until the results will be given. One should enter their order number (from the e-mail confirming acceptance of the SARS-CoV-2 test) and their PESEL number (or their ID number if there is no PESEL number). It will be possible to download the signed and authorized test result.
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