TRAIN4EU+ project awarded H2020 funding
24 lipca 2020The 4EU+ Alliance has been awarded additional funding in the Horizon 2020 ‘Science with and for Society’ call to support the research and innovation dimension of European University Alliances.
4EU+ is one of university consortia which received funding in the ‘Science with and for Society’ call. One year ago, the European Commission selected 17 university alliances – pilot ‘European Universities’ co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme. 4EU+ brings together six well-established, comprehensive, public European research universities: University of Warsaw, Charles University, Heidelberg University, Sorbonne University, University of Copenhagen and University of Milan. More information >>
Thanks to the H2020 supplementary grant for the project TRAIN4EU+ (Transforming ReseArch & INnovation agendas and support in 4EU)+, it will be possible to develop long-term joint strategies on research and innovation, in line with the alliances’ overall visions and strategies. It will support coordinated institutional transformation efforts at the research and innovation (R&I) level, including:
- multiplying and mainstreaming open science practices,
- strengthening human capital,
- embedding a strong equal opportunities culture,
- reinforcing co-creation with the non-academic sectors or digitalisation of research support processes.
The grant will not cover the funding of joint research activities in the alliances.
TRAIN4EU+ is rooted in the 4EU+ Alliance’s ambition to strive for excellence as European university, responds to the objective reflected in the 4EU+ mission to support our researchers ‘as they continue to expand the limits of knowledge’ and to ensure that the knowledge and innovations produced by 4EU+ member universities help society address the challenges of our times.
Although the Erasmus+ ‘European Universities’ project focuses exclusively on the education dimension and supports collaboration in the development of innovative pedagogies and new curricula, research-based education is key in the 4EU+ education strategy.
More information is available on the 4EU+ Alliance website >>