Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world
26 czerwca 2020


Dear Students,

We heard that you are looking forward to new workshops. You don’t have to wait anymore!

We are happy to invite you to the workshops ‚Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world’ with Dorota Kobylińska, PhD from the Faculty of Psychology, University of Warsaw.

During the workshops you will learn about emotion regulation strategies and find out how to experience positive emotions more often. It will also be a great opportunity to spend your free time in a pleasant, supportive atmosphere!

WHEN? July 6-7 (Mon, Tue), 10:00 am. – 1:30 pm.

Please note that attendance during two days of workshops is required.

WHERE? If you qualify for the workshop, we will send you a link to the meeting on one of the online platforms.

Who can participate?

– 2nd and 3rd year students of 1st cycle (Bachelor’s degree)

– 4th and 5th year students of uniform Master studies

– students of Master’s degree studies (Master’s degree)

Hurry up! The places are limited.

To register to the course please fill in the form:


Application deadline: 30th June, 2020

More information:


‘Emotions management in epidemic and post-epidemic world’ workshop is organised within the Integrated Development Programme at the University of Warsaw and funded by European Social Fund. The objective, pursuing at the University of Warsaw between 2018-2022, is to develop competence of students and employees as well as implement the instruments which upgrade the management process of the University of Warsaw.

Kind regards,

Welcome Point UW


Results of the competition for PhD positions within OPUS grant

The recruitment commission announces that the competition for PhD positions in organic/materials chemistry within the OPUS 14 grant „Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks”, financed by the National Science Centre, Poland, was won by Marcin Wiszniewski.
In order to receive the fellowship the selected candidate must have a doctoral student status no later than 1st October 2020.
