PhD Student position is available in Grela’s group
03 kwietnia 2020PhD Student position is available in Grela’s group in the International Training Network (ITN) and more specifically a European Joint Doctorate (EJD), funded by the European Commission through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action (MSCA), entitled „Coordination Chemistry Inspires Molecular Catalysis” (CCIMC). Project title: „Immobilization of NHC’s ligands in Janus Dendrimers. Catalysis in green solvents”. Supervisors: Prof. Karol Grela and Dr. Rosa María Sebastián. Deadline for applications: 19 April 2020. For more info see >> pdf
An announcement for post-doc position
Project Manager – prof. Karol Grela (Head of Organometallic Synthesis Laboratory, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw) is looking for candidates to work in a scientific project: „Making the Impossible Possible: Macrocyclisation of Unbiased Dienes at High Concentration by Ring-Closing Metathesis”, programme Opus supported by National Science Centre positions: Post-Doc (2) – Assistant in a group of research workers, operating in the field of exact and natural sciences. Deadline for applications: 3 May 2020. For more info see >> pdf