Videos of the UW rector and vice-rectors
30 marca 2020In the video, dedicated to all UW students, doctoral candidates and employees, Prof. Marcin Pałys, the University of Warsaw rector spoke about current and future challenges, and ways to cope with them. He expressed his gratitude to members of the UW community for their work and commitment. The UW Vice-rectors raised issues concerning education, research and financial policy. On 2nd April at noon, during an online meeting, Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika will be answering all education questions.
Prof. Marcin Pałys presented actions taken by the University of Warsaw to provide the optimum conditions for studying and working in times of the coronavirus pandemic. He also mentioned current and future challenges, as well as the engagement of many members of the UW community and their contribution to the university operation.
„We managed to start activities related to online classes. I am very happy, and I would like to thank all academic teachers who prepared classes in a very short time. Thanks to those, who enabled placing the materials online, and provided technical support, and all the others, administration offices that worked on shifts, so that everyone else could work remotely. Thank you, students and doctoral candidates for understanding that not everything is could be done perfectly at once”.
In the video, the UW rector stressed that UW changes the circulation of documents, including financial documents. Soon there will be new regulations.
Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika, the University of Warsaw vice-rector for Student Affairs and Quality of Teaching addressed issues related to education to members of the UW community. On 2nd April at noon, Prof. Jolanta Choińska-Mika will respond to all questions during an online meeting. All students, doctoral candidates and prospective students are welcome to participate in it.
„We are considering changing the dates of the summer exam session so that everyone could catch up. We are taking into consideration different possibilities. The dates of admissions for first-cycle studies, long-cycle studies, depend on Matura Exams dates. If they change, we also change our plans”.
Issues concerning research and financial policy were also raised in other videos, prepared by the UW vice-rectors Prof. Maciej Duszczyk and Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki (last video).
An announcement for post-doc position
Position of post-doc (adiunkt) (a group of science positions) in the OPUS project entitled „More accurate models of the electrostatic potential of biological macromolecules and organic crystals necessary for proper interpretation of data from cryo-electron microscopy and from electron diffraction – feasibility study” financed by National Science Centre, Poland, is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Paulina M. Dominiak, prof. ucz. Deadline for applications: 30 April 2020. For more info see >> pdf
Recommendations for students
28 marca 20202 085 students live in the UW dormitories in this academic year. Currently, 1 115 are there. The University of Warsaw made recommendations for students considering coming back to their residence halls.
According to the Order of the Rector of the University of Warsaw on prevention of the spread of coronavirus, lectures and classes are suspended, except these conducted online. As the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate published recommendations, encouraging students to leave their residence halls, many followed them. Now, some of the students are thinking of returning. The University of Warsaw made recommendations for students encouraging them to stay temporarily at their homes or alternate locations.
Students are advised to wait until the university authorities decide on the way of conducting classes as of 14th April.
In the case of necessity to come back, returning students must notify this fact, by e-mail, to the heads of residence halls and fill in a questionnaire on arrival regarding the time while being out of the residence halls. It will allow to take appropriate safety measures up. Contact details to the UW residence halls are available on the Office for Student Affairs website.
Those who have stayed at the residence halls are very responsible and self-disciplined. Therefore all who have left are requested to be responsible too and take the necessary precautions. The UW request comes from protecting the health and well-being of all inhabitants and employees of residence halls.
Multicultural Volunteering Online
25 marca 2020Eager to learn new languages, explore new cultures or meet peers? Our university units the Volunteer Centre and Welcome Point join hands and organise the Multicultural Volunteering Online.
The Volunteer Centre of UW encourages both the UW community and everyone who wants to engage, to act and develop social and civic attitudes consciously and responsibly. Multicultural Volunteering is an action organised regularly. This time, together with the Welcome Point team, it will be conducted online.
Currently, UW students do not attend their regular classes on UW campuses, but they take part in online learning. In these extraordinary times, it can be very supportive to meet online and learn about new cultures, improve Polish or other languages or simply talk to someone.
In order to take part, please fill in a Volunteer Form. In response, the Volunteer Centre team will send you a link to the table. Tick your availability or team up with someone you would like to talk to. Join the FB group, you will be provided with the link. Follow the updates posted by the Volunteer Centre of UW.
Suggestions, requests and questions regarding the group can be sent to the following address: wolontariat(at)
Accommodation fee reduced by 50%
23 marca 2020On 23rd March, the University of Warsaw rector issued an order which states that students, doctoral candidates, postgraduate students of the School of Education of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation and the University of Warsaw, and participants of the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange, who live in UW facilities, will pay a partial accommodation fee in April.
Regarding the suspension of traditional classes at the University of Warsaw, rector of the University of Warsaw decided to reduce an accommodation fee in UW facilities by 50%. It applies to all residence halls for UW students, university guest houses “Hera” and “Sokrates”, and “Dom Pracownika Naukowego”. It also refers to the upcoming month – April.
View the Order of the Rector of the University of Warsaw >> (version in Polish)
University Residence Halls
Short-term students are offered accommodation at the university dormitories:
and two university guest houses: “Hera” and “Sokrates”.
Rector’s order on the limitation on the obligation to work
18 marca 2020On 17th March, the UW rector issued an order on the temporary limitation on the obligation to work on the university campuses, in connection with preventing the spread of the coronavirus. The order contains information for heads of UW units and university administration.
The document introduces remote work as a rule throughout the university. The exceptions are positions key to ensure occupational health and safety at the University of Warsaw as well as the continuity of the university’s operation, and the protection of its possessions.
University units operate remotely, excepting offices enumerated in the annexe to the order.
Rector’s order results from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education document, which changes the ministerial order on the interim limitation on the functioning of some institutions of higher education.
Letter of the University Council of the University of Warsaw
The University Council of the University of Warsaw addressed a letter to members of the academic community in which it outlined the process of selecting candidates for rector indicated by the Council. We publish the letter.
“Dear students, doctoral candidates and staff of the University of Warsaw,
In the current very trying times for us all due to the coronavirus epidemic, the University Council of the University of Warsaw wants to express our warm concern for the wellbeing of you all. We realise that you are all struggling with immediate concerns for family, friends and coworkers, and may be experiencing personal hardship.
We appreciate the fact that the University needs to press on with the election of the Rector. The University Council advises the Rector and the Senate of the University of Warsaw and indicates candidates for the position of the Rector. We offer our opinion in accordance with the University Statute.
To fulfil these obligations to the University, and to find the best possible candidates for the Rector, while ensuring transparency and good governance practices, at the end of the last year the University Council announced an open call for candidates. We invited candidates who:
- meet the formal conditions specified in § 30 of the Statute of UW,
- have a proven track record of high-level scientific achievement,
- have a proven track record of leadership and management of academic or research institutions,
- have a very good understanding of current strategic and operation matters concerning UW,
- know the science and higher education system in Poland,
- have a strategic vision for UW,
- and have a fluent command of Polish and English.
According to the adopted confidentiality of the selection procedure, the University Council revealed only the names of successful candidates.
The University Council regrets that not all candidates who considered running for the position of the Rector put their name forward to us. Regarding the best interest of the University, we would have liked to discuss the future of the University with all candidates for the position of the Rector.
The University Council received eight applications, and following extensive deliberations and interviews with the candidates, in line with the Statute of the University of Warsaw, the Council found that the two best candidates for the Rector were in the following order:
Prof. dr hab. Andrzej Tarlecki
Prof. dr hab. Aleksander Filip Żarnecki.
We appreciate the commitment of the Senate and Electors to secure a transparent and well-informed election process. The University Council looks forward to working with you all to promote further the community and best interests of the University of Warsaw.”
The University Council of the University of Warsaw
Changes to the schedule of election activities
17 marca 2020The University Electoral Committee adopted a resolution changing the election activities conducted at the University of Warsaw. Due to the document, the UW rector will be elected on 17th June. New dates regarding election procedures result from the Order of the Rector of the University of Warsaw on prevention of the spread of the novel coronavirus.
In response to the spread of SARS-CoV-2, the UW rector decided to cancel lectures and classes for students and doctoral candidates, except those conducted online. Open events at the University of Warsaw will not take place until 30th April. Also, business travels abroad and participation in domestic conferences are suspended.
These circumstances impacted the University Electoral Committee to adopt the resolution that changes election activities at the university. In accordance with the document:
- The UW Senate meeting aimed togive its opinion on each candidate (both indicated by the Electoral College and by the University Council) will take place by 22nd May (initial date: 23rd March)
- A pre-election meeting with all candidates for the rector will be held on 25th May (initial date: 30th March)
- The University of Warsaw Rector election by the UW Electoral College will be held on 17th June (initial date: 22nd April)
- The University of Warsaw Senate members elections will take place on 17th June (initial date: 22nd April)
- Meetings to present candidates for Senate members at the faculties and the elections of Senate members at the faculties will take place by 30th June (initial date: 22nd April)
- Procedures for appointing candidates for the position of dean will be completed by 31st August (initial date: 29th May)
- Procedures for appointing candidates for the position of deputy dean for student affairs will be completed by 20th September (initial date: 10th June)
Candidates for the UW rector:
– Prof. Alojzy Nowak
– Prof. Andrzej Tarlecki
– Prof. Paweł Strzelecki
Rector’s statement regulating the functioning of UW
15 marca 2020In response to the state of epidemic emergency in Poland, declared on 13th March 2020, the Rector of the University of Warsaw made a statement regulating the functioning of UW. The regulations will come into force on 16th March 2020. Changes concern working arrangements of the university administration, circulations of documents, and operating of the university building.
“Dear All,
Due to the state of epidemic emergency in Poland, declared on 13th March 2020, I introduce regulations on the University of Warsaw functioning which come into force on 16th March at 8:00. They state as following:
- Offices of the university administration will not be available for face to face meetings. In exceptional cases, the head of the office may agree to allow individuals to come to the office, in line with regulations of the Chief Sanitary Inspectorate.
- People are asked to contact administrative officers by e-mail.
- UW administrative staff should work remotely. In case when their presence at work is needed, the head of the office may introduce a duty system and selects those who will come to work. Employees doing home office are obliged to do assignments given by their bosses and need to be accessible in their working time.
- Information on working arrangements ought to appear on the websites of individual offices.
- Bursar’s Office of the University of Warsaw has a duty system. Commitments such as remuneration and scholarships will be on schedule. Information on other financial matters will be published on the Bursar’s website.
- Non-financial documents that require signatures should be sent as scans (PDF) or photos (JPG). Necessary signatures and stamps should be visible. Paper versions of these documents one should send following current rules.
- Paper versions of documents should be sent only internally, through the university system.
- Access to university buildings is limited to the minimum necessary.
- All gastronomic facilities in university buildings are closed until further notice.
- Any problems related to the functioning of the University of Warsaw should be immediately reported to the coordination team at the email address
Deans and heads of UW units are obliged to organise the work of their entities, applying the above principles.
The authorities of the university remain in constant contact with the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Mazowieckie Voivode and the Chief Sanitary Inspector. On the UW website, we will inform you promptly about any changes.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your support and understanding. I am convinced that together we will tackle the challenges in this, difficult for all, time.”
Marcin Pałys,
Rector of UW
Psychological support for UW students
In light of current events related to the novel coronavirus, many people might be concerned. Dr. Szymon Chrząstowski, head of the UW Psychological Counselling Centre advises how to deal with your emotions. From next week, students can get online psychological counselling.
During an online meeting with the UW Press Office, Dr. Szymon Chrząstowski, head of the UW Psychological Counselling Centre, advises on how to manage strong emotions due to the coronavirus, and how to use the time at home.
“The most important is not to panic. Anxiety and fear resulted from the current situation are a natural reaction,” says Dr. Szymon Chrząstowski, stressing that we should not follow strong emotions in making decisions.”
One of the methods of controlling emotional tension is good time management when spending time at home. Dr Chrząstowski suggests that students could use this time for studying or catching up on reading. The period when there are no classes can also be an opportunity to strengthen relationships with loved ones by using the internet or phone.
“We should also think about other people who might need our help: our neighbours or the elderly. It can be a very good way of dealing with anxiety,” emphasises Dr Chrząstowski.
Psychological support
The UW Psychological Counselling Centre (CPP) is a unit which offers UW students and employees help and support. From next week, an individual counselling and walk-in-clinic interventions will be provided online. The day before a scheduled appointment, a person will receive an email from a therapist, including instructions regarding a way of contact: Skype or Google Meet.
From 17th March all UW students will also be able to take advantage of special virtual consultations with psychologist, without prior registration:
- UW students will be able to participate in the online consultations (except 16th March) from Monday to Friday (9.15-10.15);
- The consultations will be conducted via Skype. To download Skype, please visit;
- The address of the virtual clinic:;
- Before the online meeting, UW students will be asked to show their student ID cards, as well as to verbally express their consent to the processing of personal data by the CPP UW;
- The consultations last 20 minutes. In case of great interest, the meeting may be postponed to the next day;
- Registration for online consultation is not required.
More information is available at
Conversation with Dr. Chrząstowski is also available in version with the English subtitles (YT settings).