An announcement for Post-doc position
15 stycznia 2019

Position of Post-doc (adiunkt naukowy) in the Opus 15, project entitled: „Spectroscopic exploration of conformationally variable metal-bound peptide monolayers: towards novel versatile optical nanosensors” financed by National Science Centre is open for application. Project leader: dr Agata Królikowska. Deadline for applications: 1 February 2019. For more info see >> pdf

Seminar CeNT 14.01.2019
12 stycznia 2019

The Centre of New Technologies 

invites to a seminar by

 Dr. Łukasz Szatkowski,
University of Cincinnati

„Mechanical stability of microtubule lattices – molecular dynamic indentation studies”

Date: January 14th, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor

Host: dr hab. Joanna Sułkowska

For more details, please see the attachment.


Seminar CeNT 11.01.2019
07 stycznia 2019

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Prof. Anna Ciemerych-Litwinienko,

University of Warsaw (Biology Department)

From Pluripotency to Myogenesis”

Date: January 11th, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Marta B. Wiśniewska

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

PhD position available within an OPUS grant from NSC
03 stycznia 2019

PhD positions are available within ‚OPUS” grant ‚Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks’. Project leader: dr Michał Chmielewski. Deadline for applications: 21.01.2019. For more info see >> pdf