Post-doc position available within NCN OPUS grant
09 marca 2019

Post-doc position available within NCN OPUS grant „Structure and photophysical properties of selected pyrene derivatives in high pressure conditions”. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019. For more info see >> pdf

Visiting Professor Programme (VPP) CNBCh 4-9.03.2019
05 marca 2019

On March 4-9, 2019 Professor Ben Luisi from the University of Cambridge will visit us as part of the Visiting Professors Program of the university of Warsaw Biological and Chemical Research Centre.

The professor will be a guest of the Structural Biology Group headed by Dr Maria Górna and the Laboratory for Structural and Biochemical Research headed by prof. dr. hab. Krzysztof Woźniak.

The professor research is focused on the regulation of RNA metabolism and membrane transporters in bacteria. He established a modern platform for cryomicroscopy and electron cryotomography (Cryo-EM) at the Biochemistry Department of the University of Cambridge.

During his stay, Professor Luisi will give lectures on:

March 5 (Tuesday) at 11.00, at CNBCh UW, in Aula B
Lecture title: „Machinery of bacterial riboregulation”

March 7 (Thursday) at 13:30, at the CNBCh UW, in Hall B
Lecture title: „RNA-protein interactions in vivo and in vitro ”
Phd student seminar

If you would be interested in the meeting with the professor, please contact Dr. Maria Górna, e-mail:

More information on the website:

An additional guest on March 5 (Tuesday) at 11.00, at CNBCh UW, in Aula B will be Professor Wojciech Rypniewski (Head of the Structure-Function Relationship in the Biological Molecules Group at the Center for Biocrystallographic Research at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences) who will give a lecture:

Lecture title: „Structural studies of pathogenesis-related RNA repeats”.

All are invited!

Seminar CeNT 1.03.2019
26 lutego 2019

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Dawid Walerych, PhD

How mutant p53 and the proteasome machinery reshape transcriptomes and proteomes of cancer cells

Date: March 1st, 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Marta B. Wiśniewska

For more details please see the attachment.


An announcement for Post-doctoral fellowship position
21 lutego 2019

Position of post-doc in the MAESTRO project entitled: ”New tools and applications of NMR spectroscopy beyond resolution limitation” financed by National Science Centre MAESTRO is open for application. Project leader: professor Wiktor Koźmiński. Deadline for applications: 20 March 2019. For more info see >> pdf

Seminar CeNT 22.02.2019
18 lutego 2019

The Centre of New Technologies invites to a seminar by

Dr. Sebastian Glatt

Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology (MCB), Jagiellonian University

Charging the Code – Insights into tRNA Modification Enzymes

Date: February, 22nd (Friday), 2019 at 12 p.m.

Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C,
Lecture Hall 0142 (Ground floor)

Host: Prof. Agnieszka Chacińska

For more details, please see the attachment.


An announcement for Post-doc position
14 lutego 2019

Position of Post-doc (adiunkt naukowy) in the Opus 15, project entitled: „Spectroscopic exploration of conformationally variable metal-bound peptide monolayers: towards novel versatile optical nanosensors” financed by National Science Centre is open for application. Project leader: dr Agata Królikowska. Deadline for applications: 12 March 2019. For more info see >> pdf

PhD position is available within OPUS 14 NCN
02 lutego 2019

PhD position is available within OPUS 14 NCN grant ‘Mechanistic investigations for local thermal oxidation of thin MoS2’. Principal Investigator: dr hab. Robert Szoszkiewicz, prof. UW. Deadline for applications: 15 March 2019. For more info see >> pdf

TEAM post-doc recruitment
29 stycznia 2019

Position of Post-doc (adiunkt naukowy) in the TEAM, project entitled: „Novel photonic materials concepts, crystal growth, and beyond-the-state-of-the-art optical characterization at the crossroad” financed by Foundation for Polish Science is open for application. Project leader: dr hab. Dorota Pawlak, prof. UW. Deadline for applications: 1 March 2019. For more info see >> pdf

Results of the competition for the PhD positions within OPUS
25 stycznia 2019

The recruitment commission announces that none of the candidates for the PhD positions within the NSC grant „Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks” meets all the necessary criteria and hence a new competition will be announced soon.

Seminar CeNT 25.01.2019
22 stycznia 2019

The Centre of New Technologies of the University of Warsaw
invites to a seminar by

 Prof. Gianluca Tell
University of Udine
„Non canonical roles of BER enzymes in RNA processing: novel perspectives in cancer biology through the study of APE1 protein – and RNA –interactomes. ”
January, 25th (Friday), 2019 at 12 p.m.
Venue: Centre of New Technologies, Banacha 2C
Lecture Hall 0.142 (Ground floor)
Host:  Dr. Carlo Vascotto

For more details, please see the attachment.
