MSC International Euromaster Summer School 2018
02 sierpnia 2018On Saturday, 21st July 2018, the MSC International Euromaster Summer School on Analytical Science, Metrology and Accreditation 2018 was finished. It was the 11th edition organized by the Consortium Measurement Science in Chemistry, under the auspice of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. This year’s edition took place in the MEKTORY Centre – Modern Estonian Knowledge Transfer Organization For You, Tallinn University of Technology.
The University of Warsaw as one of the organizers had numerous representation, including Professor Ewa Bulska, director of Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw and three PhD students working in the CNBC Centre: Cuc Thi Nguyen-Marcińczyk, Agata Jagielska and Andrzej Gawor.
Laboratories and workshops included subjects related to quality assurance of analytical measurements, metrology in chemistry, interlaboratory comparisons and audits.
Professor Bulska in workshop with the participants focused on the differences and changes in the revised ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard „General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”. The revised norm ISO 17025:2017 was published in November last year by the International Organization for Standardization and will be implemented in our Centre.
The participants of this year’s school came from 16 different countries from 4 continents of the world. It was a meeting of laboratory employees, PhD students and Master students who wanted to broaden their knowledge in the field of metrology in chemistry and accreditation.
The feedback from the participants is presented below in the video.
MSC International Euromaster Summer School on Analytical Science, Metrology and Accreditation 2018
On Saturday, 21st July 2018, the MSC Euromaster Summer School on Analytical Science, Metrology and Accreditation 2018 was finished. It was the 11th edition organized by the Consortium Measurement Science in Chemistry, under the auspice of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. This year's edition took place in the MEKTORY Centre – Modern Estonian Knowledge Transfer Organization For You, Tallinn University of Technology. The University of Warsaw as one of the organizers had numerous representation, including Professor Ewa Bulska, director of Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw and three PhD students working in the CNBC Centre: Cuc Thi Nguyen-Marcińczyk, Agata Jagielska and Andrzej Gawor.Laboratories and workshops included subjects related to quality assurance of analytical measurements, metrology in chemistry, interlaboratory comparisons and audits. Professor Bulska in workshop with the participants focused on the differences and changes in the revised ISO/IEC 17025:2017 standard "General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories". The revised norm ISO 17025:2017 was published in November last year by the International Organization for Standardization and will be implemented in our Centre.The participants of this year's school came from 16 different countries from 4 continents of the world. It was a meeting of laboratory employees, PhD students and Master students who wanted to broaden their knowledge in the field of metrology in chemistry and accreditation.The feedback from the participants is presented below in the video.
Opublikowany przez Centrum Nauk Biologiczno-Chemicznych Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego Środa, 1 sierpnia 2018
2 Post-Doc positions are available within NCN OPUS grant
23 lipca 20182 Post-Doc positions are available within NCN OPUS grant „More accurate models of the electrostatic potential of biological macromolecules and organic crystals necessary for proper interpretation of data from cryo-electron microscopy and from electron diffraction – feasibility study”. Project leader: dr hab. Paulina M. Dominiak, prof. UW. Deadline for applications: 27.08.2018. For more info see >> pdf
PhD position available within an OPUS grant from NSC
16 lipca 2018PhD position is available within ‚OPUS” grant ‚Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks’. Project leader: dr Michał Chmielewski. Deadline for applications: 26.08.2018. For more info see >> pdf
Technician positions available
10 lipca 2018We are looking for 1 technician in the chemistry. The project „Towards new methods of extracting thermodynamic properties from X-ray data of model polymorphic systems” is funded by the HOMING programme from the Foundation for Polish Science. Project leader: dr Anna Hoser. Applications should be submitted till 20th of July 2018. More information >> pdf
Lectures Dr Dritan Hasa and Prof. Władek Minor CNBCh 5.07.2018
03 lipca 2018Dear Colleagues and Friends,
On the nearest Thursday (5/07/) will have two excellent lectures at the Centre for Biological and Chemical Research (CNBCh – Aula B) delivered by:
- Dr Dritan Hasa (Leicester, UK)
Expanding the horizon of mechanochemical synthesis of functional (pharmaceutical) solids
and - Prof. Władek Minor (Charlotesville, USA and Department of Chemistry University of Warsaw)
Reproducibility in Biomedical Research
The lectures will start at 10.00 am and will be ca. 40 min. long (+discussion) each.
I take an immense pleasure in inviting you all to these lectures.
Prof. Krzysztof Woźniak
Seminar CeNT 5.07.2018
29 czerwca 2018We would like to invite you to the seminar by Prof. Yoshihisa Yamamoto (Japan Science and Technology Agency/Stanford University) on „Physics of quantum-to-classical crossover and coherent Isingmachines”.
The event is scheduled for 5th July at 12 p.m.
For more details, please see the attachment.
All are welcome.
Results of the competition for the PhD positions within OPUS
The recruitment commission announces that none of the candidates for the PhD positions within the NSC grant „Dynamic Combinatorial Chemistry in Metal-Organic Frameworks” meets all the necessary criteria and hence a new competition will be announced soon.
Seminar CeNT 14.06.2018
11 czerwca 2018We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Matthias Bochtler (International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw; The Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics) on „The vocabulary of protein-DNA interactions: Symmetry, degeneracy, modifications”.
The event is scheduled for 14th of June at 12 p.m.
For more details, please see the attachment.
All are welcome.
Conference on new advances in the chemistry of porphyrinoids
Institute of Organic Chemistry PAS invites to a conference on new advances in the chemistry of porphyrinoids, which will held on the 29th of June 2018 in Institutes assembly hall (Kasprzaka 44/52, Warsaw), start at 08:50.
The conference is free to attend and no registration is required.
Seminar CeNT 15.06.2018
06 czerwca 2018We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by prof. Jose’ Lorenzana (Italian National Research Council, Sapienza University of Rome) on „Optical properties of quantum antiferromagnets”.
The event is scheduled for 15th of June at 12.30 pm.
For more details, please see the attachment.
All are welcome.