Seminar CeNT 9.11.2018
31 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Dr. Peter Virnau, on „Knots in DNA, Chromosomes and Polymer Melts”.
The event is scheduled for November 9th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

An anti-discrimination and anti-violence workshop of the UW
25 października 2018

The University of Warsaw is constantly working to create a space where everyone will feel good and safe. One of the tasks carried out at the University of Warsaw is to show that it is possible – and necessary – to react to discrimination and violence. That is why all UW students are invited to participate in an anti-discrimination and anti-violence workshop carried out within the participatory budget of the University of Warsaw.

During the workshop, you will find out:
– What discrimination is,
– How the Polish law protects us against discrimination,
– What you can do if you have experienced violence or discrimination due to origin, nationality or skin colour,
– What you can do if you are a witness of violence or discrimination due to origin, nationality or skin colour,
– Where you can ask for support at the University of Warsaw and outside of it.

Workshops in Polish will take place on three dates to choose from: 20/11, 22/11, 27/11., 4:30PM-8:45PM.
Workshops in English will take place on three dates to choose from: 6/11, 15/11, 28/11, 4:30PM-8:45PM.
Workshops in Russian will take place on three dates to choose from: 07/11, 08/11, 14/11, 4:30PM-8:45PM.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge.
Location: University Volunteer Centre, Dobra Street 56/66 (the building of the University of Warsaw Library).

More information at


Results of the competition for the PhD positions within OPUS
23 października 2018

The PhD scholarship position within OPUS 14 NCN grant ‘Mechanistic investigations for local thermal oxidation of thin MoS2’ has been awarded to Mr. Amir Hassan Khodadadi.

A contest for a second PhD Scholarship position within this grant will be initiated soon.

Seminar CeNT 24.10.2018
19 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Ian Collinson, „Mechanism of protein translocation through the bacterial Sec machinery”.
The event is scheduled for October 24th, 2018 (Wednesday) at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 18.10.2018
16 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Marek Tchórzewski, on „The ribosomal GTPase-associated center as regulatory element modulating ribosomal modus operandi”.
The event is scheduled for October 18th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 12.10.2018
09 października 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Jose Luis Ferran, on „Brain induced changes in motor responses and fat tissue content during a forced exercise program in rodents”.
The event is scheduled for October 12th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

BSc Student positions available
08 października 2018

We are looking for 1 BSc Students in the chemistry (“CHEM”) CFCB pipeline. The project “Core facility for crystallographic and biophysical research to support the development of medicinal products” is funded by the TEAM-TECH Core Facility programme from the Foundation for Polish Science. The project will establish a Core Facility for Crystallography and Biophysics (CFCB) at the Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw under the supervision of Prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Woźniak. Deadline for applications: 9.10.2018. More info >> pdf

Polish representation from the Faculty of Chemistry to the USA
03 października 2018
Seminar CeNT 5.10.2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Jacek A. Majewski, on „New opportunities in the flat world”.
The event is scheduled for October 5th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.

Seminar CeNT 28.09.2018
26 września 2018

We would like to invite you to an upcoming seminar by Prof. Tomasz J. Nowakowski, (University of California, San Francisco) on „Area-Specific Excitatory Neuron Development in the Human Cerebral Cortex”.
The event is scheduled for September 28th, 2018 at 12 p.m.

For more details, please see the attachment.


All are welcome.