Dean’s Representative for People with Disabilities

Dean’s Representative for People with Disabilities
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw

Ph.D., D.Sc. Krzysztof Stolarczyk
room no. 162
Pasteura 1 Str.
02-093 Warsaw
Tel. 22 55 26 351

The tasks of the Dean’s Representative for People with Disabilities – Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw includes supporting people with various types of disabilities and providing them equal access to the learning platforms of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw. Our aim is provide equal opportunities and no restrictions in their participation in the academic community life.

During the program evaluation in November 2019, the Polish Accreditation Committee highly valued the activity of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw to make the classes available for the students with disabilities. The description of these activities was included in the Self-Assessment Report of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Warsaw (February 28, 2019).